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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. I’m not yet convinced ted is the zodiac killer. Need more evidence. 
    He did kill five hookers at a Tim Horton’s though. Everyone knows that. 
    I haven't seen any non-evidence yet. Just saying.
    • Like 1
  2. Few thoughts.

    Over 40 million people viewed that video. if 2-3%of viewers gave $25 to Beto, it may have raised him $25 million. That's a huge fundraising. boom.

    Beto is going to have to figure how to ride all this national attention to increase his profile and raise money without starting to look like an outsider. Funded by outsiders. I don't want Cruz to be given an opportunity to paint him like Jon Ossof.

    With all this attention and the race tightening, we can expect a number of legit polls from legit outfits. Will be interesting to see the cumulative effect of these last few weeks.

    Viewed 44 million times wow.

    On that Vanity Fair article, I also think he's in this weird situation where if he loses a close race he can immediately head to Iowa to run for President but can't if he wins due to optics.
  4. Ted Cruz is going to find out pretty soon he's running against a movement, not a candidate. Candidates can be defeated with polling, neg ads and memes. Movements, not so much. Very exciting. Wish I lived in Texas right now.

    • Like 2
  5. SIAP  
    Thanks. Reading it out. This and the fact he got 800 people to a rally in Abilene tells me he has a damn good shot at this:

    I’m a Christian, and I don’t believe in gay marriage, and I don’t believe in abortion as a form of birth control,” she told me. “But I think what Christians really want is freedom to impose their beliefs on everyone else, and that’s wrong.” She likes George W. Bush, despises Trump, and voted for Cruz when he ran for Senate in 2012. This time, though, she’s for O’Rourke. “I think he can persuade anyone who’s willing to listen with an open mind,” she said.
    • Like 3
  6. It's consistently the same as it always is. Fucking long as shit and filled with tourists. With this heat wave, get there early like 7 am. Or do yourself a favor and save the hassle and just go over to La BBQ. 
    Thanks. I'm gonna do Snow's instead. Figure I can drive out there and back in half the time I'd be waiting at Franklin. Plan to get there at 730 am. Will that do it?
  7. The responses to that tweet are glorious. 
    Really. I wish the average Texan voter would get those points but doubtful. Who would vote for such a spineless coward? Cruz is on the level of Roy Moore as a terrible candidate. Beto aside, he needs to be gone but we're lucky enough to have a Beto too.
  8. And everyone should remember how the GOP abandoned our country to hold on to power a little it longer. Traitors, the lot.

    Honestly, I do. His arguments have won me over. The Senate will protect him. The Trumpkin are just too loud for the GOP to change right now.
    • Like 4
  9. Visiting my parents in Abilene. Just drove around to get breakfast tacos. Saw 6 Beto signs. Not a single Cruz sign. Make of it what you will but good to see the 254 county strategy in action.

  10. I guess Gwynne Shotwell is pretty much running SpaceX? There are some rumors they're trying to bring in someone like her for Tesla. That'd be great. Let Elon big the big picture motivator guy and have someone else to keep things moving and appease investors.

    As to the original thread title, put me in the visionary category. SpaceX has produced one of the greatest private technological achievements in history. And Tesla revolutionized an industry full of dinosaurs whether it makes it or not. You're a moron or he fucked your wife to call him a fraud. Hope he sorts through whatever he is going through. The world needs people like him to drag us through this current shit and into the future.

    • Like 1
  11. Xr4. I do not think anyone in here would argue there is no abuse of social assistance programs. There are certainly people that misuse the system and no one here would argue that someone who clearly doesn't meet the criteria for assistance-- like your disabled abled body truck driver -- should receive it. The thing is, the vast majority of those receiving assistance do need it, and it would be impossible to make the assistance available to those who deserve it without a limited number of abuse cases.

    The problem with your worldview is you see the exceptions and assume it's the norm. There's a way to avoid this error called research and statistics, but you admitted above that you've chosen not to do that. I'm glad your life has worked out where you have the opportunity to work hard to own a HUD building. But things don't go that way for everyone, and we've made a decision as a wealthy society to attempt create a floor on standard of living. And yes that floor in the 21st century includes a/c and a phone. Oh, the horror.

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