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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Which one of y'all's boat is this? https://riviera-maya-news.com/fast-response-not-fast-enough-to-save-burning-isla-mujeres-boat/2024.html
  2. Re: the Renault/Alpine/GM/Andretti rumor above, now AMuS has an article about it. https://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/formel-1/f1-alpine-motor-mercedes-gm-kooperation/
  3. FWIW ... New potential breakthrough for Andretti emerges as General Motors rumour swirls https://www.planetf1.com/news/new-potential-breakthrough-for-andretti-emerges-as-general-motors-rumour-swirls
  4. The higher they're ranked, the better.
  5. The teams should have zero say in rule-making and rule changes. Biggest problem in F1.
  6. Sure, but in the long term, they need the cooperation and fair play of their drivers to ensure maximizing points throughout the rest of the season, and Lando only has an outside WDC shot at best imho. There would have been nothing remotely right or fair about letting Lando stay in the lead, taking away Piastri's well-deserved first win. And doing so probably would have put a swift end to any thoughts of Piastri helping Lando out going forward. The result for Lando over the rest of the season then would probably be a net loss vs playing fair. It would have been a hollow victory anyway, having been taken away from Lando's more deserving teammate and gifted to him. I'm a big Lando fan, but Piastri drove the better weekend of the two and earned the win. I love Lando but if he wants to be a contender he needs the results when the car is capable of delivering. He messed up the start and did not look particularly quicker before the last stop. And the only reason he looked quicker in the last stint was because Piastri was being told unambiguously to manage his tyres and not to worry because Lando would give the place back. Piastri wasn't pushing at all. Oscar fully deserved his first win. You're basically saying the team should put the WDC ahead of the WCC, and that's just not going to happen. That's not F1. It's a Constructor sport.
  7. Sure, in the short term, but in the long term the team needs the drivers to play fair when one helps the other out - so they'll keep doing it and maximize WCC points. And if Lando wants to challenge for the WDC, he needs to not piss off Piastri. He'll need his help.
  8. What do you mean? They got P1 & P2, and that was made more certain by letting Lando undercut Piastri. The only thing that put it in doubt was Lando's reticence to play fair. They were still gonna get the same points haul even if Lando didn't let Piastri by, but in the end he did the right thing and they maximized points, beating Lewis by 12s. The undercut ensured the 1-2.
  9. I'd say so. They're only down 51 from RBR and only up 16 over Ferrari. That's why they did everything they could to ensure Lewis didn't pass Lando for P2.
  10. It was huge, just like the car was for Vettel, Alonso, Schumi, Senna, and so on. Alonso has pointed out that if he weren't in a Renault or Ferrari in 2005-6, he wasn't winning the championship, and nobody's winning a WDC in a slower car unless the quickest team fucks up badly. If Michael doesn't retire when he does, then Lewis is still a 1xWDC and those 7 Merc WDCs get shared between Schumi and Nico, or whomever else might have been in one of those two seats. The WDC only matters to drivers and us fans. The teams like for their guy to win it, but it's just icing on the cake. They won't risk losing even one position in the WCC to get their driver a WDC.
  11. Yep. I'll wait and see who replaces him before I get depressed (Otmar, Guenther).
  12. AMuS says Krack is headed there too.
  13. Clark even moreso imho, due to how long ago it was and how short his career was. By all accounts I've heard from the guys who raced against him or saw him drive, he was an absolute alien.
  14. Yeah Karch is the goat imho, and it's not close. THat's one sport where there's a clear goat imho. And I've been lucky enough to chat with him. I described that convo in one of the vball threads. I'll never forget it. But I was never lucky enough to play with him. I played with & against Phil Dalhausser a little at Aussie's, the week before he & Nick Lucena won their first AVP tourney right here at Auditorium Shores, That's who I was referring to as being considered by some to be the goat. That tournament was where Karch started up a conversation with me, much to my surprise.
  15. Good stuff, and yeah, I see the obsession with ranking everything all the time (not here) and I just smh. IMHO among the truly elite drivers of all time, we're just splitting hairs. They all have different styles, strengths and weaknesses, drove different cars for teams of varying quality, against different competition, etc, and in the end, there is little to nothing between 'em. Same with other sports imho. I have a 'goat tier', and leave it at that.
  16. Yeah I used to be an 'A' level beach volleyball player 'back in the day' at Aussie's, and I got to play with and against some 'Open' level guys who played at times on the AVP tour, and two who later became regulars on the tour (one of whom is considered by some to be the greatest all-around beach volleyball player ever). Just like every story I've ever heard about the competitiveness of pro athletes, they hated losing far more than they liked winning. Nice guys off the court. Animals on the court. Completely different people. One time I played an Open tourney with the best guy in Texas at the time. He had played extensively on 2 or 3 different pro tours, including the AVP. He was and probably still is incredible, but at just 6' 1", he had a hard time hanging on for long on the AVP and always had to go through the Qualifiers. But in Texas, he and his regular partner rarely lost. I've never been in such a pressure cooker. He expected me to be able to do everything he could do, which nobody in Texas outside of Indoor VB Olympic Gold Medalist Riley Salmon could do. Off the court later, he apologized. For these guys, the game is everything. Played with some baseball players who went pro later. Raced against and even beat some pros on karts out at Driveway Austin, too. Same thing. /csbthatmightbesomewhatrelatedtothetopic
  17. Yep. Schumi + Brawn + Rory Byrne + Todt.
  18. Yep. Exactly the opposite of what he wants, and what most of the elite drivers want, imho. The guys who can handle it like a 'pointy' , 'on the nose' car.
  19. Yeah I like Crofty ok, more than most do, but his continual harping about that yesterday was just dumb.
  20. Lewis certainly didn't move under braking. I can't see anything he did wrong. As a respected mod put it on Autosport, 'I’d put that in the category of attacker’s fault but no penalty required. Just a misjudgement. Overcooked it a bit. No harm done but to himself', which is what we often see from the stewards. They say they don't look at the result of the action, but they clearly do, and given human nature it may be impossible not to. Had Lewis's car been broken or his race negatively impacted, there almost certainly would have been a penalty.
  21. Yeah that car really did not want to turn in at all. I wonder where RBR lost the plot on their development. I saw something the other day that said Newey left RBR because of a decision that had been taken re: the direction of the car. I wonder if that's true, and if so, what that decision was.
  22. Yeah I was a little surprised Lewis said he thought it was a racing incident, although I can sorta see the racing incident angle since Max did lock up massively. Had he not done that, there's a decent chance he pulls off the move on the inside, and a good chance there's no contact even if he couldn't make it stick. I've seen much worse moves not get penalized, and much less offensive moves get hammered. It's all over the place.
  23. As an EMT of about 30 years, with ER experience as well, I've never seen anything that looked remotely like that 'bandage' lol.
  24. The only reason Lando was ahead was because he made the deal for the undercut. You make the deal, you benefit from the deal, and then you honor the deal. Otherwise you're a cunt like Vettel. But in the end, he did the right thing. IMHO that's never been in doubt. Indeed. Yep. Hell, it even happened to Alonso today in this race. Not as blatantly tho imho. Probably due to the horribad AM race strategy as much as anything. AM fucked their strategy before the race weekend even started. The mistake was the entire weekend plan. The AMR24 is one of the highest tire deg cars on the grid. Aston arrived to the race (forecast with high track temps on Sunday) with 1xH, 1xM and 4xS, and they were the only team on the grid that was forced to use the soft during the race. Everyone else had either 2 mediums or 2 hards for the race. If your tire deg is bad, why paint yourself into the corner of having to use the softest tire in a race? They scored an own goal. Stroll's strategy was shit and Alonso's was just horrible. What's really bizarre is that AM seems to be aware that they don't have the tire whispering car of last year but still go with strategies needing exactly that. Fucking crazy. There are so many areas where Aston needs to improve. Race strategy, pitstops, race operations etc. It’s incomprehensible how they could ruin their race even before the start with their tire choices, when tire deg is always an issue with their car, ignoring the dry, hot weather forecast for Sunday. Not to mention several instances of poor timing during qualy where they put the drivers in traffic and fucked them. Yeah the problem was that they made the swap deal so late. I think Lance was still on Yuki's gearbox all the way to the line.
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