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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Sen. Duckworth is an actual got damn hero. She would be a far better candidate than Hegseth, though I'm not suggesting she should be. She absolutely laid the wood to Hegseth, and summed it all up very well. Hegseth simply will not answer and/or cannot answer many of the questions being posed to him. That alone should be disqualifying.
  2. Yeah that really blew me away. Even if Guam is the only right answer, a truly qualified candidate would have certainly said more than that about it. Wowwwwww.
  3. Yeah, the post box alarm shower = best thing evarrr.
  4. Yeah I was gonna mention that earlier and forgot. Drops can be very hazardous to people on the ground, so there has to be a lot of coordination, making sure the drop areas are clear. Don't fuck around anywhere near the drop zone. Also, just saw this update re: the PP fire.
  5. Yeah I'm guessing there are second thoughts being had over that format decision. At least there should be.
  6. Yep, we definitely get winds that can be very problematic.
  7. This is a fantastic video. Really highlights the actual physical difficulties of fighting fires in those wind conditions and how the winds dramatically increase the fire spread. Watch those hose streams and how the wind just breaks them up. Basically the only thing that's changed is the look of the cars and how people dress ... and the increased number of homes and communities in the same area. Highly recommend.
  8. Right. What I read somewhere is that they were allowed to comply under the old rule, which isn't great imho.
  9. I, for one, fully welcome Rep. Crockett's use of the vernacular. It was perfectly appropriate and spot on. But y'all are missing the most important action in that exchange ... This is a declaration of war. Git it, girl.
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