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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by wood

  1. 17 minutes ago, Grimas said:

    Changed my booking tonight....  4 nights at Isla and then headed to Akumel for 5 nights... any easy car rentals near the ferry dock? On the the other thread on the other unnamed site, there was a suggestion of a good rental place that is all inclusive of coverage... Yes, my card covers insurance but I want an easy transition from ferry to car with the least hassle with wife and kids with bags in tow and price be dammed!  Suggestions?

    That's America car rental. They have 3 locations in Cancun, by the airport, downtown, and the hotel zone. The downtown location is probably close to the bus station, but one of the other guys might have a better idea if you should go there or the Hotel Zone. I just made a res yesterday with them for an SUV. /csb

  2. 32 minutes ago, Grimas said:

    Worried about my 12 year old twins getting bored with us staying 10 days there...  searched the old thread on the other site but didn't see anything about a day trip taking a car ferry back over to the Cancun hotel strip with bikes.  Worth doing? I'm assuming you can rent bikes on Isla and ferry them over.  Alternative is to take the ferry to the mainland, renting a car and doing a cenoyte trip down south. Do you have to go back to the airport (ferry then taxi) to rent a car for the day? I know you can also catch the bus and get off at Tulumn as I did that a few years ago from Puerto Advevturas...

    10 days on the island with kids, yeah, they'll probably run out of things to get excited about. That's one reason we've started splitting time between Playa and the Akumal/Tulum area., generally going down south for 3 or 4 days of cenotes & beaches with waves, and then 4 more days of chillin on Isla.

    Not sure about the car ferry. Never been on it. As for renting cars, there are rental locations all over Cancun, and some pretty near Gran Puerto. Re: the bus, yes, you can get a cab from Gran Puerto to the main downtown bus station and take a bus to PdC, Tulum, Akumal, or wherever. 

  3. 3 hours ago, 3adays said:

    That’s just the RT transfer, but you can add ferry tickets at time of checking out on USA’s sure.  I just booked with USA a few days ago but didn’t add ferry tickets. I just assumed I’d buy them from the ferry people. Hope I’m right. 

    You can always just buy them at Gran Puerto.

  4. Force India admits race for Formula 1 survival, may https://www.sportsmole.co.uk/formula-1/force-india/news/force-india-admits-race-for-f1-survival_321991.html

    Meanwhile Williams vetoes F1 advance payment to Force India. F those guys. That team becomes a bigger disappointment to me with every passing season. Paybacks are a bitch. So is karma. And from what I can tell, Williams' situation isn't all that much better than FI's.


    Force India admits race for Formula 1 survival

    Force India is in a race for mere survival, its deputy boss Bob Fernley has admitted.

    Amid owner and boss Vijay Mallya's ever-deepening legal troubles, his deputy Fernley has revealed that he is scrambling to put together the team's 2018 budget.

    "The next four weeks will decide if we will survive," Germany's Auto Bild quotes him as saying.

    "I will have to raise a lot of money in a short amount of time."

    Previously, Force India has been given a helping hand by getting an advance on its official F1 income.

    Fernley said: "For that we always need the approval of the other teams, and this time Williams has put in the veto.

    "I have a plan that could work in the next two to three weeks."

    Force India will be looking to get its first points of 2018 on the board at the Bahrain Grand Prix next weekend.


  5. 8 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    I like meat sauce on my spaghetti - emeril's spaghetti sauce + meat. I guess that is different though.

    Southern Ohio is okay, like below the line from Parkersburg to Cincinnati. Otherwise, I am not a fan. My dad is from Youngstown which is a boarded up steel town and I have lots of relatives in Columbus. They sucked on my visit to the Texas-Ohio State game in Columbus. Fuck that place.


    Yep. My dad is from Dayton. Still, Ohio is a shithole in general. Fuck that place indeed.

  6. 29 minutes ago, 77horn said:

    So, if he felt is wasn't from Vince, why has he kept it for 5 years?

    Lying sack of shit.

    Yep. And if he didn't think it was from VY for all those years, why is he saying now that it's from him? 

  7. They gave them the rights for free from everything I've heard. Haven't heard about the promise you speak of, but the thought had occurred to me. The more direct reason they gave it to them for free, though, is that they offered it to NBC, who then told them to fuck off when they found out they'd only be buying TV rights and would be competing with F1 TV. That left F1 and Bratches in a bind and they defaulted to this old ESPN buddies to bail them out. They were caught with their pants down.

  8. 16 hours ago, Player said:

    That was some bullshit. One of the quickest ejections I've ever seen. 

    OK, so wtf was up with that shit. I'm surprised there's not more talk about the quick toss and the unreal  bitching by the Okie Lite asshole about a fucking routine catch. Am I taking crazy pills? There was zero reason to put up with the OSU coach's interminable whining, and unless Pierce called the ump a cocksucker, I can't imaging what the justification could be for running him that quick while listening to the other coach for.fucking.ever.

  9. Yep ... like when people were telling us not to go to Mx because of Zika or whatever, while more people were sick or dead with it here and airport screening in Mx was much more thorough than it was here. Or  when they told us no to go because of the ferry bombing, when there was a crazy bomber asshole on the rampage here in  Austin ...

  10. 41 minutes ago, skipmcgee said:

    Honestly, the fact that Steve McNair managed to have a successful career while playing under Jeff Fisher is supremely impressive.

    In Fisher's 22 year career as a head coach, he had six winning seasons.  Four were with McNair and two were with Young.

    Exactly. And McNair & VY were precisely the kind of QBs he hated. He loathed their very existence & fucked over completely the two QBs who were responsible for his only successful seasons in 22 years.

  11. 1 hour ago, skipmcgee said:

    Vince may not have had near the career we expected, but he still had a seven year career, won OROY, was a 2x Pro-Bowler, and had a winning record as a starting QB.  Suggesting that he's the "Biggest Bust of the BCS Era" especially when JaMarcus Russell exists is asinine.


    1 hour ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    And this is why I'll always hate that fucker.  I don't watch the NFL at all, mainly because of that fucker's long time boss, may he rot in hell, but the fact that all these idiot sportswriters just blithely accept Fischer's spin on events keeps me at a level of pissed that isn't at all healthy.  Fuck Fischer and fuck Bud Adams.

    Yep. All of this ...

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