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Everything posted by Atxracer

  1. None of my business, but, why? I mean, you could make a tractor fast if you wanted. But, as long as you are spending a lot of money for very little in return, why wouldn’t you start with something a little more suitable?
  2. Pretty cool. Didn’t know that was going this weekend. The blue GT3 looks decked out nicely.
  3. No problem at all. Hope it works out and hit me up if you take delivery here. on a related note:
  4. I reached out to my guy here and they have an allocation at MSRP. DM me if you need it.
  5. Well shit, I did miss that scenario. But, I did lol.
  6. So, now I am confused. Is this thread for "new cars produced", "new cars new to people", "used cars new to people" or is it the "new" car fanatic thread that replaced the car fanatic thread on the old site? Or, all the above or combination of the above. My head hurts. Oh, and, cause Porsche.
  7. What does "real life conditions" mean? It would stand to reason if something is faster on a track, then it would be faster in "real life conditions" too. But, maybe you are saying smoothly taking off from a stop light quickly and then slowing at a normal pace to a stop? I can see that.
  8. We used Debby Gower with Gower Goldens (http://gowergoldens.net/Our Dogs.htm). At that time, she was in Austin but has since moved to Colorado. Even so, when it is time for another, I will either drive or fly to Colorado to get one from her if she is still breeding. Clearly I am biased, but, he really is the most perfect dog from a temperament, looks, intelligence standpoint and can't imagine not having him or a relative of his around. Now the shedding, that's a different story. Couple things if you check her out: She did just have a litter that are likely already sold so may be a little time for the next one. You do have to "interview" with her first. And, she picks the dog for you rather than you picking the dog.
  9. You know, I almost typed that exact same thing yesterday along the lines of I have never considered Tesla since they can't turn. Then, I looked and it destroyed the Taycan at the ring which surprised the shit out of me. I didn't research why/how in case there are other variables. Was just pretty surprised.
  10. Really, really pretty. I still don't understand how you call something a Turbo when there is no turbo though...But, based on their recent wacky naming trends, probably not a bad idea they went with the classic model designations. On another note, a buddy pointed out they snuck the 992 GT3 in that commercial too (the blue one in the back on the lift). That thing will be a badass.
  11. In fairness, those are solid differences. For here, my main bitches are the traffic, shitty allergies and traffic. Yes, I know I said traffic twice but you really can’t go north and south in this town.
  12. which part of Texas? As mentioned, I grew up in Houston which I thought defined hot as balls. Then moved to Austin and, as crazy as it sounds, seems worse. Dallas would be better but don’t see me going there (again, no offense, but if you grew up in Houston you have an inherent aversion to Dallas).
  13. It really meant fishing, the smell and the views (beach and ocean you pervs).
  14. I hear you. Also close to great hunting. In fairness, I have really only been there for business with the exception of a day trip to Sea World or overnight to the Riverwalk.
  15. I’ve never lived somewhere cold but starting to dislike the heat more than cold so think I would be ok with it. Could be a grass is greener thing. Definitely going to research it.
  16. I quit since little man and just DE and instruct now for fun. I will start back in a couple years and likely in GT4 Clubsport. Just googled Laguna’s dB level and it’s at 90. Holy cow! My DE car is louder than that. Total side track but how could they do that to such an iconic track.
  17. That’s an idea I never considered. Never spent much time up there but don’t see why it shouldn’t be on the list.
  18. Yeah, we talked about there. My wife loves it but I am not a huge fan.
  19. I’ve got the bug, came from owning that business a decade ago. I just need time. Open wheel racing is in my future. Feeling the car separate from the road, floating and flying trusting only the mechanics and engineering to do what it was intended to do. I can’t wait for the time to feel that rush. That’s the good stuff and totally understand what you are saying. But, for what it’s worth, it’s your hands, butt and feet that maintain that “control” much more than the car. At that 110% point, you surpassed its capabilities and it’s on you. I love certain parts of Cali too. Especially Laguna Seca. But, and no offense, after theIr invasion of Austin, I don’t see convincing my wife to move there. Add to that, not sure I could afford something acceptable but haven’t even looked. I’m kind of assuming the starting point is 5m which doesn’t work. I’ll add it to the list to and see where it fits though because, you’re right, it does check all the boxes.
  20. Solid suggestion as well. Love VIR.
  21. Seriously, you all have been really helpful and given me a lot to digest. And, I welcome more opinions. In the most non-surly way, thank you. I am most interested in Chicago (I want downtown but private pools now that we have dealt with schools are important for us...forgot to mention this.. also, the wife has a lot in common with Willie's favorite herb so that comes into play too). I could deal with a "close" suburb but have done that route before and a little skeptical. The Florida suggestions have been awesome along with the AZ and SC suggestions. I have a lot to research and seriously thank you for the suggestions. Keep'em coming if you have something different or agree with a previous one.
  22. That is certainly a factor. If I do Chicago, it won't be in the burbs. I have learned my lesson there. Honestly, really helpful. That's not a place that was on my radar but is now. Definitely. As much as it may surprise you, it's actually pretty far up on the list of priorities. But, for those that haven't been bitten by "the drug", I totally get not understanding this. Not only is it a priority for me, I full intend to have little man in a kart as soon as possible.
  23. Agreed, going to check out several on there as well.
  24. Despite the salt water piece, I really do love Chicago. It also fits really well with my industry and travel. I avoided it because of little man and winter but going to re-think that.
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