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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Seems pretty likely that the OAG’s garnishment of covid stimulus checks led to the record numbers rather than anything KP put together.
  2. She’s wearing a name tag in the photo.
  3. https://www.statesman.com/news/20201105/ag-officials-complain-of-retaliation-after-taking-paxton-allegations-to-fbi?template=ampart&__twitter_impression=true https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investigations/2020/11/05/deposition-reveals-new-links-between-texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-and-developer-nate-paul/ https://www.texastribune.org/2020/11/05/texas-ken-paxton-whistleblowers-retaliation/amp/?__twitter_impression=true The DMN one is behind a paywall but the others are fun. Quote below is from the DMN article: “Paul acknowledged in the deposition that he has talked to Paxton and his staff about his legal matters, including his lawsuit with the Mitte Foundation. But he denied coercing Paxton to hire an outside lawyer to investigate his complaints. Several hours into the deposition, Paul was asked whether he had ever talked with Paxton about Cammack, the outside attorney, before Paxton retained him. That’s when Wynne, Paul’s lawyer, asked to take a break. When the questioning resumed, Wynne said he had just spoken with First Assistant Attorney General Brent Webster. Wynne said Webster directed his client not to talk about his complaints about the FBI and the alleged scheme to seize his properties. “The attorney general’s office is asserting law enforcement privilege on all of these matters and all of these questions,” Wynne said. “They were not notified about this deposition, so on their behalf I’m conveying that message and instructing my witness not to answer. Regardless of who turns out is right, I would rather my client not disobey a direct order from the first assistant here.” Paul declined to answer several more questions from an attorney representing the court- appointed receiver in the legal dispute, including whether the developer had recordings of Paxton or had met with Cammack.”
  4. He was high at searight. Jeez...you even quoted it.
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.texastribune.org/2020/10/20/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-aide-fired/amp/ Top aide in Texas attorney general's office terminated after accusing Ken Paxton of bribery The departure "was not voluntary," said Lacey Mase, one of several senior aides who said Attorney General Ken Paxton used his office to serve the interests of a donor.
  6. I fucking hate cedar elms so much. Seems like they are always dropping something. Man, fuck those guys.
  7. Fucking baby arms over here. I didn’t realize offsides flag was a license to clear someone out. That’s just great.
  8. https://lawsintexas.com/nate-pauls-attorney-demands-answers-from-the-texas-attorney-general-in-a-sensational-letter/?amp&__twitter_impression=true
  9. https://apnews.com/article/houston-ken-paxton-archive-texas-crime-bf05e918b1e3b8805609c38d821fd222 Article links the special prosecutor to Paul’s attorney.
  10. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Ken-Paxton-s-defenses-questioned-in-AG-office-15629810.php
  11. I have a bunch of glow kastaplast discs that I’m pretty excited about breaking out later this month. They hold the light much better than any glow in the dark discs I’ve tried before.
  12. Not sure what you’re mad at me about. I mean I think the guy sucks too. These folks that signed the letter aren’t just state employees. They are appointed. What the fuck happened that they would shine the light in this manner.
  13. Well a big fuck you to you too cheese. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Neighborhood spot told me they are no longer making the Ace of Spades. I’m out.
  15. In on 1. Looking forward to Naby and Minamino contributing next year. Those two and the kiddos.
  16. Nice! Doing the EHT single barrel, as well. Fucking love me some EHT. Happy Father’s Day you bunch of dicks.
  17. Came home from the gym this morning to two DPS cruises parked almost in front of my house. The officers were inside the neighbor’s house for quite some time. Apparently a car crash took the sister of one of our neighbors. The car was registered to his address so cops showed up trying to determine who was in the vehicle (it was a bad wreck). Sorry for your loss shooter. Sending out warm thoughts for all those affected.
  18. Pretty much time to fake your own death. Not seeing any other way out of this one.
  19. He’s won the European cup for Liverpool! You’re goddam right he did.
  20. Your wife and I’ve been laughing about your balding for a couple of months now.
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