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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Gotcha. Just assumed city was charging. Lost creek charges $10 per adult and $5 per dog.
  2. I’ve spent countless hours hanging around the spot where I saw that cottonmouth as well as other wet spots around Travis and Williamson county where I assumed they could be found. I like snakes. I look for them when I’m out and about. This is the first cottonmouth I’ve encountered. I’m not yet a man, but I’ve been around for a bit. My kids were there to see him, too. Now they can tell all the folks in the internet how they’ve seen a cottonmouth irl. Truth be told they were more excited about the turtle. That thing kicked ass. Also, apparently Austin charges to access the greenbelt nowadays. What a bunch of bitchasses.
  3. The cottonmouth was at the bridge by the lost creek greenbelt access. Also saw this pretty good sized snapping turtle. Pics just don’t do him justice.
  4. Don’t really recall seeing one person in Austin before. Thanks for the quick id!
  5. That Guy

    2021 Drunk Thread

    Hello drunk thread. I really didn’t mean to be here, but here I am. Supposed to be up at 415. Not sure how that’s going to work
  6. She’s gonna fuck those mediocre dudes up. Just fantastic. Would love for Abbott to endorse her. Doubt it happens, but sure would be fun.
  7. As the article mentions it is possible she resigned to run for AG. If she did, i assume she has Abbott’s blessing and access the support of his donor base.
  8. I think shit might get wild in this primary before too long. If it does I don’t think either of these jackasses (bush/paxton) make it through.
  9. Can someone give a score update. My espn is being ridiculous.
  10. Haven’t had a rat snake in a bit. This guy stopped by to bless the move.
  11. I love Shaq, but if he’s just bringing what he brought against wba I’m ok with him leaving. That shit was bullshit.
  12. What about submart? Antibody remember what happened there?
  13. What a run of games boys. Love this team. Wish mo got one.
  14. Bobby with the pass off the back. Sneaky bobby.
  15. Gonna miss Gini. Love that dude. damn Mo! That was a legit chance
  16. If he wasn’t concussed taking that shot off the dome last week I’m skeptical
  17. Shit man they not wrapping up that Rhys wound
  18. I’m talking to my 11 year old about buying drugs. Only buy them from the authorized dealer aka the doctor. Anything else is a god damn gamble that’s getting riskier by the minute.
  19. I used United heritage a couple of years ago and had a very positive experience. Fees were similar to others. Rate was good at that time. They also agreed to service it which I preferred.
  20. Saw this guy today. Any ideas? Coachwhip?
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