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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Purposefully dishonest? Trolling? Here are some methods to address. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2015/04/09/10-tips-to-dealing-with-trolls/amp/
  2. True. But we should still want things applied consistently. If he lied to the feds, he should be prosecuted.
  3. There is an unfortunate sizable percent of our population that has completely bought into the tribalism, us-vs-them identity politics to the point that 2+2=5, facts/logic/science are replaced with feelings, trolling is appropriate, and nothing matters as long as my side comes out on top.
  4. We were experiencing the tale end of the crack-cocaine epidemic in 1993. 1993 isn’t a good year to compare gun violence. Since then, change in rates of gun violence have been relatively flat, while also being much higher when compared to other countries.
  5. That was his attempt to justify trolling.
  6. I suspect this us-vs-them, tribalism politics has led folks to think that trolling is an appropriate response to take. This mentality led to someone swatting Hogg. Why do folks think this type of trolling is ok?
  7. Trolling isn’t justified and is a sad response to weak positions. I get that you feel ingrained on the side against gun control, but you don’t have to act like you are argueing from a weak poisition.
  8. Trolling doesn’t add to the discussion.
  9. It seems that you don’t trust licenced medical professionals. Who do you trust to treat people who are ill?
  10. I see lots of folks compare our current rates to those in the 80s and early 90s. This is a comparison to a time experiencing a crack-cocaine epidemic and the war on drugs. Yes, rates were higher then. However since the crack wars, change in rates have been relatively flat. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/10/21/gun-homicides-steady-after-decline-in-90s-suicide-rate-edges-up/ What is the best way to compare our current rates of firearm violence? IMO looking at just one thing will skew perspective. In order to attempt to grasp a full perspective of a complicated issue such as gun violence in the US, we need to be able to absorb a range of information. Vox does an OK job of attempting to do this. Some key points from their presentation. They also have an easy to consume video. - US’s rate of firearm violence far exceeds any first world country. - US has way more guns per capita than other countries. - Mass shootings make up a tiny fraction of the overall firearm deaths in the US. - Mass shootings (those with 4 victims) occur about once a day in the US. - States with more guns have more gun deaths. - Countries with more guns have more gun deaths. - The US does not have more violent crime in general than other first world countries. The US has more lethal violence - driven by prevalence in firearms. - Areas with more gun regulations tend to have lower rates of firearm deaths. - Most gun deaths are suicides. - States with more firearms have more suicides. - Firearms are much more efficient at suicide. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2017/10/2/16399418/us-gun-violence-statistics-maps-charts
  11. I suspect it is because Petraeus plead guilty for actions that involved providing access to top secret information to a reporter and then lied about it. The continued Hillary hatred is really bizarre.
  12. There are ill people in our society. Psychotropic drugs are used to treat illness and are prescribed by medical professionals. Why would we limit the treatment options of medical professionals?
  13. This is what has happened to the majority of the population in Russia. This is why Putin controls his country so well. Bannon/trump brought this to the US. Ideally, we can keep the 2+2=5 crowd from getting too large here in the US. Right now I guess it is maybe 25-35% of the population
  14. Ok. It seems that you might be on board with the idea that it was/is appropriate for the two investigations to follow different paths. It seems that you don’t trust the outcome of the Hillary investigation.
  15. First, Hillary was investigated and it was determined that no crime occurred. Referring to a “known crime” isn’t accurate. Second, mueller has made multiple indictments and obtained several guilty please. The two situations are completely different. One side had no crime. The other side has multiple crimes and is currently being investigated for a broad ranging conspiracy. We are talking about apples and oranges. Why wouldn’t the processes for investigating them be drastically different?
  16. It seems from your view that both Hillary and Trump did the same things. It doesn’t matter that both were treated differently. It only matters what they did, and whether the Fbi/doj followed appropriate standards/processes. What if only one committed a crime?
  17. I’m not convinced that he isn’t trolling though he seems like a possible example of the end result of a conspiracy-driven filter bubble. Npr wouldn’t promote this
  18. Things might get worse before things get better but I’ll point out again that things will get better. Mueller and the senate Intelligence Committee will do their thing. Dems will win the House and start putting the White House in check. Dems will then take the precidency and we can start implementing real fixes. 2020 is when things will start to get fixed IMo
  19. This is possible by tribalism/identity politics. It doesn’t matter what is right/wrong or accurate/inaccurate or truth/lie or consistent/hypocritical. This is 2x2=5 level shit. This is the result of propaganda. This is what the Russians perfected. Bannon/trump brought it into US politics.
  20. I’m homestly not ridiculing. It’s just that I haven’t heard of most/many of those things. I know I’m in a filter bubble on some topics, curious if a bubble might be involved here
  21. If you don’t mind, where do you get your news from? What media/websites do you use to stay informed?
  22. I agree that the Republican Party seems to be completely captured by the nra and the gun industry. IMO, the reasons for this are dark money, campaign finance, education, and propaganda.
  23. I’m more optimistic then you. At the federal level, we’ve got the senate intelligence committee, rosenstein, and mueller preparing to show the world who are bad apples and how this all occurred. Unfortunately this takes time. Fixing dark money and addressing media/socialmedia’s bias/propaganda will be a big undertaking, but doable with a change in leadership. We do need to clean up discourse on an individual level. We do need to point out us vs them identity politics when it is obvious. We do need to point out when logic/science are replaced with feelings.
  24. But we need those norms, rules, and laws. And we need to do away with the idea of team-only politics, tribalism, identity politics, and nationalism. There are hard steps we can take to change our direction. I wouldn’t give up
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