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Sock Monkey

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Posts posted by Sock Monkey

  1. It cannot be said enough that this season is the best it will get under Shaka. It takes an extremely experienced and talented team to even be above average with him at coach, and that is obvious to anyone who knows anything about college basketball. There is no positive to keeping a loser like him around. People will get over the "racism" as soon as there is a new scandal to jump on. 

    If you were the AD at a major college athletics institution and you were looking for a new coach, would Shaka even make the top 10 on your wish list? If not, then why would you keep him? It is better for everyone for him to be let go.

  2. 3 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    He just wont the big 12. He's not getting fired. Did just enough to save his ass for another year. Another year that I will not watch one single UT basketball game. After watching the first half, and 3 minutes into the 2nd, I turned off the TV. Same bullshit undisciplined half court offense. There was probably a 8 minute stretch where the ball was never past to a guy in a post position. Just 4 dudes dribbling around the 3 point line and then jacking up a jumpshot. 

    The same exact shit from the first year of Shaka's offense. The SAME exact shit for most all of Barne's tenure. 

    A one point win over Tech, forfeit over Kansas, and a solid win over Okie lite will save his job despite this?  This is the most talented team he will ever coach at Texas. This is the best it will ever get with him. How can an AD know that and think, "I'll give this ass clown one more year to change my mind."

  3. 3 minutes ago, golfclap said:

    I want Shaka gone but I do not want that incompetent fuckface CDC making the hire. They both need to be gone. Fuck. 

    I don't know how anyone can look a that the coaches that CDC has hired anf have that opinion, but okay.

  4. There is so much irony in all of this. Shaka's ENTIRE REPUTATION is built on one magical tournament run from 10 years ago at VCU, and he can't buy a tournament win at TEXAS. Not only that, but the game that should end it all was a loss to a team that played with the same spirit and defensive intensity that sparked that run. All of which he was supposed to bring here. Time is a flat circle I guess???


    Can we have a real coach now?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Machinator said:


    I love perusing this guy's stuff (@mathbomb on the Twitters), but his size scores are idiotic especially for a position like wide receiver. Eagle's speed and agility scores tell you everything you need to know.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Just now, UncleBuck said:

    Still looking for any of these retired stanford players who are doing shit they couldn't have done with a Texas education. Oh the fuck well. EAD, Stanford. 

    Exactly. When have any of these guys landed an elite job straight out of school due to picking Stanford?

  7. 11 hours ago, Octavian said:

    The average explosive passing play is about 35 yards. That's about 32 meters. Most 200M sprinters do not get anywhere near their top speed in 32 meters (average 100M sprinter does in 35M and 200M sprinters in 55M). Yes, a good 200M sprinter has amazing top speed, but it rarely translates to speed that is functional on the football field. The speed at which an athlete "gets off the blocks" and their initial 10M burst is the most important for a WR/RB because it is what determines whether they can get initial separation/make people miss. I understand the snarkiness and I understand that having a good 200M time means he's very fast. However, most top speeds for distances above 100M don't translate to football because you are rarely going in a straight line and you are rarely running for over 30M. 

    If you want to argue that Becton can make him more explosive and that his early acceleration can be improved by improvement to technique, form, and conditioning, I'm all for it. The 200M time itself is not the hill to die on.

    Sprinters train to hit top speed at a certain point in the race and a well-trained 200 runner may never truly hit top speed. You can only hold it for a moment and then you begin to fade. 98% effort can obviously be held a while longer.

  8. On 1/19/2021 at 2:57 PM, LTtxfan said:

    Another article on no in-person workouts in Indy this year...


    Any word on if smaller program prospects will be allowed to join in on the pro day of a nearby large program? If not, it's going to be a rough draft season for those guys.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Why is who he votes for a bigger factor in his employment than how shitty of a football coach he is? Conservatives now blackballed from sports jobs?

    I am definitely happy we dodged that bullet though. 

    It shouldn't be, but the politically aware players don't see it that way. Deserved or not, being a MAGA loyalist is a barrier to connecting with many minority/urban players and recruits. Perception is reality and all that jazz. 

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  10. 33 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    imagine youre about to call plays in the national championship but before you do you finish a few recruiting calls to kids at youe next job


    that guy fucks

    Imagine then winning the national championship and showing up to your new job the next morning. I would have insisted on at least a day to recover. Guess that's not why I didn't get the job.

  11. 14 minutes ago, TexasFan21 said:

    The younger generation does not really understand when it comes to the hate but the old heads do. Even if they are 2-8, they will never turn down a chance to bash Texas. They truly lack self awareness when it comes to talking Texas. 

    We would be wise to bring in some ol' SWC alumni to explain the Arkansas mindset to our players. The players probably don't realize how much they talk about Texas given that we rarely talk about them.

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