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Posts posted by horn4life

  1. 2 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Welp time for my hail mary

    Had Oregon as my 43 pt confidence but feel like where i am and what I have left I have to swap to Liberty to have a legit shot lol

    Feel your pain, flipped from Tennessee to Iowa with about a minute to spare... for the same reasons, or so I thought.  Still a glimmer, but went the wrong way. Got lucky with LSU just now.


  2. So SD card is higher quality image at a lesser price is the way to go if you have access to camera, and do not need time sensitivity?  I assume time stamps are on all images?  Wifi/ Cellular is mainly for timeliness?

    I am also assuming that the card units are higher res?  Or is that a misconception?


  3. I have a couple decent ZZ Top stories.  First was when I camped out all night at Jeppesen Stadium for ZZ Top tickets at like 13 years old.  (I drove my folks nuts) The lineup was ZZ Top, Wishbone Ash, Doobie Brothers and Willie Nelson, in the Summer of '73.  Parents scheduled vacation on that date, and I missed the concert.

    Second one was a few years later in the Summer of 1979.  I worked selling shoes in the Galleria in Houston at a very high end store called Morgan Hayes.  I think I was making $8 an hour plus 8% commission, and the cheapest shoes we had in the store were like $175 sandals.  One day I had this hip guy come in and I had him loaded up with two of the most expensive pairs of shoes we had pushing $1000, so the commission was like working a full Saturday hourly!  At the counter the guy mentioned he was in a rock and Roll band.  I asked "Which one?"  At which point he walked out of the store and the commission was gone.  Of course it was the only fucking member without a beard, Frank "fucking" Beard!  Still makes me mad I asked that damn question.

    Third was at a bar called Juan Goldstein's on 6th Street in the winter of 81/82.  It was sort of known as a coke bar from the old school close up phone booth with the mirror ledge in it off the bar.  but they had great vibe and I took this gorgeous model gal there for some red wine and we split I think we split a lude. Well we are sitting in there and who strolls in but Dusty and Van WIlks (back when he still had some hair) and they take a table next to us in the nearly empty place.  We sat and gabbed with them an hour or so, and us both being from Houston and ZZ having a house near my childhood home we had some good conversation.  Well long story short is Billy picks up my tab, which was over $100 so that was a nice surprise.  The other surprise was he got my model gal's number when I was in the can...  😉 

    I have seen them a couple times but twice supporting the Stones in 1982 once in Houston and once in Dallas, with the Fabulous Thunderbirds opening, and a couple other times.  they were the total shit in the Late 70's early '80's.  Jungle show here every holiday season is fun to see at least once.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. I thought the clip of her talking commerce and government overreach, and individual freedom, as fucking hilarious as a response to what caused the Civil War.  The GOP [oliticians KNOW that they have to keep the racists in their party happy, and any mention of slavery is forbidden.  

    Another perfect example of the elevation of stupidity as a necessity in the ranks of GOP politicians.  Haley's not stupid, but she has to act stupid, for her stupid constituents. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 59 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    Good luck with that. Just wait til you discover discogs.

    haha - https://www.discogs.com/release/4276720-Aerosmith-Aerosmith  had a lot of sort of first pressings but not the one I will look for.  


    I may go nuts, but it will be a more gradual process, and more of a "deal search."  I got a few records that look great but are warped like something was under an edge when they were stored flat?  I actually have a heat press that would fit the album size I thought about trying to flatten them with.  They were freebies from my BIL, that don's suck, like the original cars... but that bounce in the warp...  I will definitely find some of the shit we listened to when I was a teen.

    My Daughter and SIL got me 128g Stones, Let it Bleed and Amy Winehouse. So decent quality on the new stuff.  

  6. image.jpeg

    One of the best spontaneous Album covers ever.  I'm sure everyone knows this, but the group is laughing because Duane is hiding the bag of weed he was just handed in his crotch. Just makes the album that much better!

    Just got a phono and amp set up yesterday.  Prior to a couple months ago the last record I bought was at Asylum records... Probably after eating an Austin's Favorite at Mad Dog and Beans.  So I have been out of this Record deal a while.  But I started to buy some albums of bands I see, and am going to start accumulating here and there.  I used to have a pretty nice selection including a true original pressing of Aerosmith's debut... But alas the rent house I lived in on Parker lane had the AC overflow and my collection was turned into a large brick. 

    So I am not going nuts like I used to (at least yet) but wife got me a decent Fluance turntable and I got a combination tube amp for the warmer sound and quite frankly for the look next to my whiskey bar.  I am going to occasionally splurge, and will probably do a Friday in Llano to see if the RATS place has anything of interest as my wife has to make a trip out there quarterly.  I figured I would start stopping at every garage sale I see, watch craigslist, and mostly buy stuff from the artists themselves if they have vinyl at SXSW and on smaller tours.  Fun to have the albums signed even if it may decrease the value.

    ONE QUESTION - What is a good newbie cleaning system?  I picked up some albums from my BIL and most are in decent shape but were dusty, and some heavily fingerprinted. I saw some shit on Amazon, but what is a good system for a getting back into things? I'm thinking some of my finds my not end up being the cleanest.



  7. I could argue Bob Dylan, simply as he has created and fronted so many bands it's literally mind blowing.  But since he was always the front man except for Traveling Wilburys, you guys may not think it counts.  Yet I could point at his move from a folks band to an electric guitar band as perhaps the single seminal moment of change in the history of modern music.  

    But I understand if you completely disagree with my premise. 😉

  8. 1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:

    More likely is that not everybody can cook worth a shit. Doesn’t matter if you grew up Cajun or not.

    My father in law (rest in peace) would cook the shit out of hamburgers, so I began to pay close attention to having him put mine on last and pulled off early.  Then I realized he was turning those burgers grey and then putting them directly back onto the raw hamburger pan they were taken off of originally to go onto the grill... So I could have just eatem mine raw with the same risk.

    But when it comes to cooking seafood? The best seafood is served the second it is done!!!  Past that, you are wasting time and killing flavor.


    Here is a Cajun test phrase- " Dirty Tree and a turd..."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. We bought this book last year after seeing it on a chef's shelf.  I haven't read the whole thing as it weights about 15 lbs and is pushing 850 pages, but it's fascinating if you are interested in Cajun/Creole food.  It's interesting in that the beginning show how the different dishes came from the different food groups of originally the Indian tribes in the areas and how the foods and techniques gradually blended along with the population ebbs and flows. Anyhow like I said, it's one big ass book, but the first 100 or so pages on the evolution of origins of the flavors regionally and historically was very interesting to me.  The other 700 pages are recipes and techniques, but more on the old school side .A lot of interesting  So complementary to this thread.



    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 1 hour ago, HouTex said:

    It was a great show, but are you sure about that venue?  I was at his show at The Summit on December 8, 1978.  Here is the playlist:

    The Summit, Houston, TX


    Set One

    Streets of Fire
    It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
    Darkness On The Edge Of Town
    Spirit In The Night
    Independence Day
    The Promised Land
    Prove It All Night
    Racing in the Street
    Thunder Road
    The Ties That Bind
    Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
    The Fever
    Candy's Room
    Because the Night
    Point Blank
    She's the One
    Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
    Born to Run
    Detroit Medley
    Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
    You Can't Sit Down
    Quarter To Three


    Yep- I was thinking about that "invite from the beach" that Coliseum show was July 15th 1978.  You are correct on the Summit show.  I had 10 seats on the first row balcony for that one.  Good times...

    Thanks again to whatever gal invited me to Springsteen for that first show.  It was awesome not having any expectations.  Now the expectations are so high for Springsteen live that it's damn near impossible to live up to the hyped expectations.  My BIL were talking about the 1980 show at the Erwin Center, he worked at Joske's here and got the ticket gal to pull the first tickets she could for him.  Third row Center at "the drum."   I was at that one too, but a lot farther back on the side.  

    Regardless of all that, Springsteen's version of Santa Claus is coming to town always brings a smile to my face, for multiple reasons.

  11. My kids are out of the house for a while now, so anytime we can all get together is thrilling.

    Though I did seriously think of pulling one of my most evil pranks early on Christmas Morning.  Just drive around the neighborhood at 4:45 am blasting my car horn helping the little ones rise early for Christmas morn... I think of a lot more evil shit that I do.  But it would have been funny...

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Anyone else having a problem getting in and changing confidence/picks?  When I only see results now when I click on my name, and don't see my picks(ability to change picks). 

    Anyhow just wondering if I did something stupid, or if other people are having the same issue?

  13. The other thing that has clearly happened within the GOP is an "Elevation of The Stupid."  But once you are willing to disregard factual information in preference to lies that you can agree with, then you can end up anywhere and believe anything. 

    So can you really be surprised at hand counting for "accuracy."  The GOP has been elevating stupid for a while now.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  14. 9 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Lol i thought my 35 pts for UTSA would be pretty high.

    Pretty basic compared to everyone else


    yeah UTSA was as close to a "lock" as I thought there was early in the picks.  But WTF do I know, as one of you will likely be spending my money...

  15. I forgot the lock time and was thinking of taking Old Dominion just to be contrarian.  Had I visited here I would have switched instead of missed the lock time.  I was feeling the fool, until the last second.  To have a 28 point lead vanish... I can only say (painfully) "Luv Ya Blue."

  16. 1) Fuck Bud Adams!

    2) Fuck the Tennessee Titans and their "Luv Ya Blue" backfire!

    3) Way to scratch and claw a way to victory and a shot at the playoffs Texans!

    4) There was on positive of seeing the Columbia blue that I loved, that also brought so many disappointments.  Mainly was a vivid recollection of a drunk Ass Bum Phillips at Club No Minors at El Patio a few years after he stopped coaching.  So there was something good that came out of the visualization of that color. 

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