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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 6 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    We will go through this again next cycle with Lindberg.  Hopefully Herman puts an end to this shit.  Momma Bragg and the Little's are already pushing Stanford to the Lindberg family.

    It's an uphill battle, but we're gunna have to sell Hand on these OL kids with the job he's done this year etc... It's hard to go up against what Shaw does with getting these kids ready for the pros + the hype of that Stanford education. 


    TBH, I don't think Little is progressing very well at Stanford in the little time I've seen him. Maybe just me. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, utexas8 said:

    Then again all 9.95ers make it seem like Texas has a real chance against Stanford when in reality they don’t.

    I think it was a case of the kid really liking Texas, but like in a lot of cases going where mom's leaning. I think Bragg really liked Texas, 995s probably underestimated mom a bit. That became clear at the end. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, utexas8 said:

    I remember early in his recruitment maybe spring or even earlier IT kept saying if Texas pushed he’d be a longhorn. Also made other references that Texas was slow playing him. Not like there was better options but they weren’t pushing/rushing him. Idk exact wording but they made it sound like he could’ve been a longhorn a long time ago.

    He was never going to be a Longhorn with acceptance into Stanford, whether UT was all over him or not. 

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, horn_of_the_morning said:

    The fong was on ej's pod recently and said Higgins is most likely going to Stanford. We def need an upgrade in WR recruiting. lost top 2 targets and now Higgins.

    I think we probably might need that upgrade at WR recruiting also, but I'm wondering what all a WR coach/'crooter can do when a kid gets accepted into Stanford, when him and his mom become convinced he'll somehow get a better coaching job some day because he went to such a prestigious school vs. such an other prestigious school. Plus, they do actually develop these kids well for the pros. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Rising might be the next thing, but they’d be foolish to put all their eggs in that basket if there were an option available to mitigate the risk. 

    We agree. You play to win now. You recruit to win now. If you recruitnreally well for a few years you may have the luxury to to recruit to keep winning later. 

    We recruited you to win now, and tomorrow we’re going to try our best by hook or crook to find someone to replace you. 

    Yah. I get that the QB room is the "best QB room Texas has had in a long time" or whatever we hear, but we've only seen Shane and Sam play, that's it. Seeing just those two, I don't think it's ridiculous for a fan to think they may need to upgrade that for next season. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Yeah, uh, you don’t try and protect the QB room from transfer once you have the true frosh and incoming frosh we have on campus and coming in. Someone(s) will leave. 

    Next year we’ll have Sam, two guys who’ve never taken a snap and someone we’re trying to redshirt. You take a stab at a one season rental with a seasoned, playoff caliber DT QB if it’s available. The two frosh will just have to live with only getting 2-3 years to start. 

    You play to win the game. Next year we’ll have a nice level of talent well placed on the development curve playing offense. A Bryant might mean a conference title/playoff darkhorse run is still alive versus another bridesmaid season of understandable failure with yoots playing QB. 

    Even if you're sitting there thinking Johnson can roll out there as a true frosh next year and you won't be shirting him, you still have to take a stab at a proven playoff level QB play,  right?


    Unless this staff thinks/knows Rising is the next coming, they have to take a shot at Bryant. 


    Just my initial reaction.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    I'll cut you you fucking son of a Baltimore bitch.

    I've spent a total of maybe two hours of my life in Baltimore. Airport and a Cracker Barrel. Both poor decisions. 


    Anyway, back on track: Good to hear Texas may be back in the running for Higgins. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    Annapolis is just outside of DC...

    I have cousins there and watched one catch crabs with chicken necks on a string.


    It's crazy because we do that here in TX, too. 



  9. Just now, Orange&White said:

    Would Oscar Giles be a better coach/recruiter in DC or in Baltimore? Do they eat Klobasnek there or kolaches? Are Vodka martinis big there or no?

    Nothing wrong with eating both klobaskek and kolache, but your first question is interesting. I'm pretty sure if he were recruiting Baltimore he'd also be recruiting DC because it's the same area thx

  10. 5 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    North Baltimore to DC is just a little bit farther than Downtown Dallas to Downtown Fort Worth.

    BWI airport is considered a DC Area Airport.

    If you are familiar with that part of the country, then they are distinctly different areas. But if you are from a place where you drive farther than that just to take your kids to school, then they are basically two different neighborhoods in the same fucking city. The Houston Area and the Metroplex shit bigger distances than North Baltimore to DC without even thinking about it.

    When you fly into Baltimore, depending on the direction and where you're sitting, you see DC damn near the entire decent. 


    Like you said, someone from Baltimore or DC or somewhere around *that area may disagree, but when explaining it to someone over a thousand miles away, it's the same damn area.


    *'cos it's the same fucking area

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, markstanco said:

    I'm with Irish here, she is the last person who could pull off bagman. She has made it known she followed jimbo here on social media. Pretty sure that would be the 1st rule of fight club.

    Barking up the wrong tree here.

    I doubt she's BagMaw in the traditional sense, and in our understanding of what a Bagman is, but there's no way in hell she hasn't done some Bagmanish deeds and doesn't help out with all of that stuff. No way. 


    This Lady worked her way into this stuff, no telling when, maybe back in the Bowden days, and social media comes along and she runs her mouth. Telling her to hit the road might piss her off enough that she spills some details on things. They're afraid to tell her to go. 

  12. Just now, Orange&White said:

    I just assumed MeeMaw's meeting at Bright was the weekly meeting with John Sharp and all of the aggie $9.95ers/Twitterers/etc where he provides the speaking points for the week. Gotta keep everything in lockstep, you know.

    "Now Karen, what we need you to do this week on twitter is say that Tua likes cats. Go on now, go out into the twitter and accomplish this task."

    • Like 2
  13. 16 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    How can this not be throwing off red flags left and right? What the fuck does this woman do all day for her supposed job, and how is she getting "another meeting" DURING FOOTBALL SEASON. What is she even meeting about, and why would anyone from Bright give a shit about an old lady from Florida? This is hilarious how blatant it all is. 

    Edit: Damnit CTJ, let me have my wistful missives!

    Looking over her twitter, she also tags TexAgs and Kidz1stFund in one of the tweets about the meeting. I am going to assume up front at face value that Kidz1stFund is Candi Fisher, or someone who runs the account for the Fishers according to the  account's bio:


    "Established by Coach Jimbo Fisher & Candi Fisher after their son was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia. Kidz1stFund raises awareness & funds for FA research."


    I guess it's also possible BagMaw runs the account if she's involved with the Fund, but a quick scan over her bio and feed doesn't really suggest that she's too concerned with Kidz 1st Fund.


    In one of BagMaw's food pictures from the "meeting", you see part of a woman, and it's probably not BagMaw herself. The hair is of the darker persuasion, and googling Candi Fisher I only see her hair is blonde. Has she changed hair color? Dunno. Could be a friend of her's or BagMaw's.


    I guess it's possible the meeting was about some TexAgs/Kidz 1st Fund joint venture. 


    With the sensitivity of the subject matter behind Kidz 1st Fund, I don't wanna say, but can't help but speculate if there's an alternative/dual purpose for it's existence, and TexAgs' connection for at least one "meeting".


    PS: Can we just print out the juicy parts of this thread involving Hamm and BagMaw beef and send it to all of the recruits? Who would wanna go be around that mess?



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