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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. This was amazing. We marched down the field and scored in like one minute and seven plays. And that was the end of that (and Ingram). 

    The Ingram thing bothers all the fuck out of me. This is not to say I 100% believe Ingram was the difference in Texas winning or losing Saturday, but that's the type of stubborn assed thinking that keeps you fumbling through 7 or so wins per year 'cos you can't get out of your own way.


    He was running well, had scored a TD. Was getting going. Hell, and the true freshman on the other sideline was catching and throwing touchdowns.


    Gotta lose that stubbornness. You're not good enough to be that picky.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. 1 hour ago, UTEX90 said:

    I was at the game for, well... reasons. 

    NWSt was the worst opponent I have ever seen in person.   I seriously can't put into words how bad they were in all aspects of the game.  After about half way through the 1st quarter there was no longer effort. And the first half of the 1st quarter they were just shooting themselves in the foot.  Any ags squeezing their nutz over that victory is on the front seat of the roller coaster with their hands up. 

    I think the OLine will be brutal this year and the passing game is likely to be way worse than people think.   If they get down on anyone they are going to have a very rough time coming back from it.  And that could happen a lot.

    Sternberger was impressive. 

    I don't think the QB battle is over.

    On D, that secondary is going to be exposed by any competent talent.    Also of note, is the fact that aggie did not get a single turnover.  NWst should have had several turnovers but I don't recall the aggies even have an opportunity. 

    There was just not much that can be taken taken from this game.  It was trash.  Not that I didn't know it would be going in.


    I was at home.

    NWSt was the worst opponent I have ever seen from my home.   I seriously can't put into words how bad they were in all aspects of the game.  After about half way through the 1st quarter there was no longer effort. And the first half of the 1st quarter they were just shooting themselves in the foot.  Any ags squeezing their nutz over that victory is on the front seat of the roller coaster with their hands up.

  3. 10 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    I suspect Herman wouldn’t say that “he called all the shots” because he has position coaches and a playcaller that all have their roles. However I recall Herman having a vote that counts twice or something like that


    11 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    I suspect Herman wouldn’t say that “he called all the shots” because he has position coaches and a playcaller that all have their roles. However I recall Herman having a vote that counts twice or something like that

    He's the head coach, of course his vote counts twice, or however many times he wants it to count.


    All I'm saying is, that with what he said at the press conference, it's not a big deal to me. He's not throwing his OC/probably best offensive recruiter under the bus + not putting most of the blame on himself. It's nothing new for coaches to talk around the facts, and this is his version. He rambled a little too much tbh, should have just kept it at "we all have input in the offense. Me. Tim. Staff members. Bye"

  4. 1 minute ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Wouldn’t building up the scapegoat fan theory be better for Herman’s job? Rather than dismantling it and putting the pressure on Herman himself? 

    He puts it all on himself if he says "I call all of the shots. Beck just talks to me sometimes in the headset. It's calming." He can't say that either, because then HE'S the fuck-up in the eyes of the recruits.


    Saying it's both on him and Beck and everyone else helps for this year for the recruits and team moral, right up until signing days. If the offense is a screw up again, he fires Beck and says "Well, he wasn't doing his part. SEE, I addressed the problem and hired this hotshot OC come to me recruits."


    It's all coach speak, all talking around things, all making sure he doesn't say the wrong things. Doesn't have to make sense to me or you.



  5. 32 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Tom honestly said it best. Hope fans will pay heed:

    On the offensive coordinator getting criticized: Yeah, I got criticized at Ohio State, and my boss took up for me. I got criticized at Iowa State at times, and my boss took up for me. Major Applewhite got criticized at times, and I took up for him, because it is unfair. It's absolutely unfair.

    This is -- again, game plans are formulated throughout the week and throughout the off-season, and there is an immense amount of collaboration in between series of what we want to see, the next series of adjustments that we need to make based on what we're seeing.

    Especially in Game 1s, because there is no identity, right? You assume you're going to get something similar to what you got last year, but who knows. There could be something completely different, and you need to adjust.

    So that type of collaboration is extremely commonplace. I mean, there isn't -- this is Texas' offense. This isn't Tim Beck's offense. Just like it was Houston's offense and not Major Applewhite's offense. It was Ohio State's offense and not Tom Herman's offense. That's not how it works in college football. It really doesn't.

    I don't know if the pros are different. Maybe they are. Maybe they're hired guns and they come in and bring in their own offense, and all the assistants, they just, I guess, play cards during the day and show up to babysit their players at practice, and the offensive coordinator hands them a game plan and says, hey, this is what we're going to do, and everybody stays silent on the headset on game day and this guy just calls the plays. But that's not the way it works in college football.

    You know, the two voices that will be heard throughout a series on a play-by-play basis will be mine and Tim Beck's.


    Translation: "It's August, I'm trying to win recruiting battles. Beck is heavy with some big recruits right now and you're a fucking fool if you think I'm going to get on camera with mics and recorders in my face and tell these recruits that Beck is a tool, shitty OC and that if he's fucking up I'm taking over. Plus, that wouldn't exactly establish a lot of confidence in Beck from the players on our offense right now, now would it?  You idiots act like you don't know how press conferences go, and how coaches talk. *looks into the camera* To the fans, stick with us here, I like my job."

    • Like 3
  6. 14 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? You're running the Tom Herman offense. He is directly involved in game planning. When Beck calls a play, he's calling it from a set of Herman-approved plays for that particular game situation. The RB coach might provide input on running plays and the WR coach might provide input on passing plays. Tom's headset works and he's running the show. Why would it not work that way? The offensive assistants are all conferencing on strategy while the defense is on the field. It really is a collaborative effort. 

    Sometimes it works like that, sometimes it doesn't.


    Sometimes the offensive minded HC, who has final say on and helps develop the game plan, lets the OC call the show until it's 3rd and goal with the game on the line, or when he decides to go for it on 4th down he calls the shot. Or when he sees something in the defense then suggests a different type of play in that situation, or strategy all together. And usually on game day you want your RBs/WRs/OL coaches quiet about what plays are being ran, that's too much chaos on game day to have them chiming in too much in the headset. Their chance for input is in the gameplanning, if the HC thinks of them enough to ask for it. 


    I imagine that's somewhat how it goes with Beck and Herman. It's Herman's gameplanning with Beck's input, with Beck calling the plays on game day with Herman taking over/more vocal situationally as he sees fit. Will be interesting to keep a closer eye on them on the sidelines this year to see if that's really accurate or not. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    If coach wants/agrees to hold a press conference

    I don't know of many head coaches who want to have 99% of the press conferences they "have" to have. One of those things that kinda comes with the territory. Required to have media availabilities and what not. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Tom is dead-set on coach-speaking his way around the question in pressers every time it comes up.

    That's coaches period. Not a lot of coaches are going to give you an answer on something controversial like that. It's just one of those questions where the media says, "I had to ask", which is true....the first time or two.

  9. Just now, Red Five said:

    I'm always blown away by these questions. "Hey coach, can you talk for about 10 minutes on the importance of focusness? We'd all like to spend a good portion of your PC listening to some vague coach-speak. Thanks."

    "Coach it's been one year since Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, can you talk a little bit about that"

    • Haha 1
  10. I don't care how many bowl games there are, I like watching football. It affects me and the team I root for in no negative way if Nevada gets to play UAB in the Captain Crunch Pirate Cereal Bowl at some minor league baseball field converted into a football field somewhere out on the East Coast. Hell, maybe there's a hyped player or two out of UAB and/or Nevada that I may wanna watch so that I can act like I'm a draft expert on the Twitter come March and April.


    Only thing these kids getting to play in an extra game really affects is how we should view Bowl appearances when discussing what a coach/program has accomplished recently. Other than that it hurts nothing, and you don't have to watch it. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    "Who is that guy in the yard that everyone stays away from? Even the guards don't mess with him" 

    "Oh, that's Hank, he pretty much runs this place."

    "What's he in for?"

    "He bribed a 2 star offensive lineman to go to ATM. I hear that at the trial he told the judge he didn't regret nothin and that he'd do it all over again if he could. Then he grabbed his lawyer's cell phone and started tweeting at a 2025 recruit. Kid was only in 8th grade. Don't mess with Hank, he's fucking crazy" 

    "Hank? He told me his name was Meemaw!"

  12. 18 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    I think we should do something no one has ever done, surly. Take the money that was being raised for the site and dangle it in front of desired recruits. Basically say hey you can have this or________. I'm sure we could figure out a good fill in the blank there. This would help up get the leals and mccoys, guaranteed. First person that say boosters already do this... wrong. Last part of plan, snax and Vic deliver the message with a chola in tow on a boat for "implications". There's always "implications" on a boat. #blackbearsarethedeadliest. #surlydiditfirst

    We are the bagboard. 

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