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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. What the hell happened to JADA? More importantly, is there any remaining optimism looking forward?
  2. AAL has apparently joined the GME party, though short is only ~29% of float. Irregardless, I own some. So, yay!
  3. Just remember us when those nurse paychecks start rolling in.
  4. Jumping on the OZSC train. #allgasnobrakes
  5. Well then nevermind. Though a dude turning into a lesbian would certainly be something.
  6. A concern, for sure. We'll need pics to properly gauge your risk level.
  7. Happiness Of Missing Out? NTTAWWT...
  8. If SNVP, FPVD, and XMET could all go to $1, that'd be great.
  9. Just moved to a new area, and I've been scouting the local restaurant scene. Was craving Chinese something fierce the other night... Me: This place looks awesome...it's more traditional Chinese/Taiwanese though -- soup dumplings, noodles, etc. -- less of the Americanized rice dishes you're used to. Her: Oh...ok, but they have noodles. So like Pad Thai, right?
  10. And I'm just the schmuck guy to buy more of it.
  11. Maybe CDC set up a watch item when Sark was .06, kept an eye on him when he dipped to .04, then went all-in when he climbed into the .10s. Soon he'll be holding at $4.50 or more and laughing at USC for selling at .05 so they could buy a few pre-split shares of AAPL and TSLA. But I'm they're not bitter or anything.
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