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Posts posted by deech

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shaggy3.0 said:

    Strike em out. Throw em out to end the 3rd.
    Aggy will probably mount a comeback...but loae by 1.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They never lose, they will just run out of outs.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Have had this conversation several times over the past few years; the consensus seems to be that's no longer that case?  That is, it's not done simply as a matter of professional courtesy, but otherwise, there's not an outright prohibition on it.

    As for what the rule is in NY, the one thing I can guarantee is that Cohen either didn't know or didn't give a fuck what it was (or both).

    The other attorney was in California.  Guaranteed he didn't wait for the other attorney to leave the state to record the conversation.   California is a two party consent law.  Cohen doesn't like to follow that law thing very much.

  3. Honestly, what the fuck does Avenatti care about his admission in this case in New York?  He just wants to pretend he cares until such time as the judge rules to exclude him so he can ramp up the publicity.  

    Also, if I was Stormy's former lawyer, I would be a little concerned that Cohen recorded all these conversations.  I'm going to go out on a limb and predict he might have some conflicts he did not tell Stormy about.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    I'm betting Trump's people put this story out there--to justify firing Sessions in the next few days.  If Sessions is a witness against him in the Mueller probe, then in Trump's mind he clearly can't be AG because he isn't loyal to Trump.

    I'm betting that you are wrong.  No way Trump put this out there IMHO.  In fact, it's probably more likely Sessions leaked it in an attempt to save his job.  Maybe he feels the end coming and wanted to try to get ahead of the punch. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, llanoflash said:

    so many choices... so confusing. 

    gonna start godless or evil genius tonight.

    altered carbon looks interesting too.

    They truly fucked the consumer with the removal of the star rating system.  You could filter out all the garbage with some ease.  But they knew they were getting ready to create a shit-ton of content so they had to take it down or we would all know exactly what the world thinks of those shit Sandler Netflix movies and some of the awful comedians they get to do a special.

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  6. 2 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Talk about media I can't get my head around -- Greenwald and The Intercept. The come across as 110 percent anti-Trump and 120-percent pro-Putin. On one of their recent podcasts, they were jubilant that other nations were getting drawn into the collusion / pay-for-play megascandal. I think it was Scahill saying things like "See? It's not a Russian thing!!!!"

    I just don't get how otherwise intelligent journalists can hold this contradictory position and hope to cling to a shred of credibility. So Putin is somehow nobler and less corrupt than the heads of state of all those other nations? Yeah, right, Glenn.   


    Do you even FIFA, bro?  

  7. IMHO, there is not an assistant job that is going to pay more than Texas IMHO.  So if I am Orlando and the D performs well despite the personnel losses, I may stay a little longer at Texas until the "right" opportunity comes along.  See Kirby Smart and Georgia for instance.  

  8. When he calls your flop raise and a pretty bad card comes out for what you think of his range I may check behind on the turn.  It hides the two pair strength of your hand and it encourages a bluff on the river.  It also does leave you open to a gutter ball or a bigger two pair getting there or three of a kind/set.  I'm with the poster above that it feels like KK - puke.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And I'm negging him accordingly.  Shit, if for no other reason than he's cluttering threads with 100 posts when 1-2 could do.  Also, he's on his third or fourth username.  Ban the fucking IP.

    I've ignored him and sheeit so far on here.  Fair and Balanced.

  10. 20 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Somebody needs to go to jail.  It will be very interesting to see if the removal of the reports was legal.

    Jesus fucking Christ - Cohen had someone pull the SARS from Treasury.   It better have been Mueller pulling it for the investigation.  

     Holy fucking shit.  I'm going to guess it's this guy:


  11. 1 minute ago, Purgatory County said:

    If Melania does have a kidney infection, it's probably from genital warts, the clap and Ukranian piss herpes.

    This would explain the confiscation of doctor files and the megalomaniacal self authored bills of health.

    He went in Raw on a porn star.  Of course he passed that on to her.

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