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Posts posted by deech

  1. 5 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I live in a strange universe with few people.  My lib friends all think Trump is guilty of more than a mafia don and my GOP friends think it's all a witch hunt.  Where are the people who think it looks suspicious and needs investigation but nothing much about Trump has been proven.  Hell, Mueller hasn't said much anything at all.  He's just filed some indictments.  None on Trump.  But there's lots and lots of smoke.


    Everybody I meet is triplehorn or sheeit.  No TahoeHorns.

    So....what you are trying to say is that you are Fair and Balanced?

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  2. I wonder if Human Memory Robot #2 is William's daughter.  

    It's too vain for William to use it on himself.  Ford I could see as well as Bernard, but it was the MIB that seemed to be working on it with Bernard at some point so I am going to guess it's not Ford.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    So here's the article that got me reading a bit more about Avenatti...


    My guess is that Avenatti is not as flush as he would like us to believe. He also seems a bit evasive when answering questions about his current involvement with Tully's.

    To be clear, I don't really give a fuck about Avenatti's morals other than the impact it will have on the court of public opinion. Because there are a lot of people in this country that will have to be forced to change their opinion on Trump for this country to move forward. Rolling around in the mud with Trump hasn't proven to be a terribly effective approach to date. Muellers team seems to realize this, I'm not convinced Avenatti particularly cares, especially if he can enrich himself in this process. I'll gladly admit if I'm wrong, but the dude seems to throw up a lot of red flags.

    He''s going to write a book and make more than enough money.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Actually quite candid and forthcoming.  

    Trump is and was winging it.  At this point there is going to have to be smoking gun evidence directly on Trump to end his presidency.  He sure as fuck isn’t resigning over payment to Stormy or one of his kids talking to Russians.  



    The fucking Russians paid Cohen directly to pay off hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and others during the height of the campaign.  What the fuck else do you need?  

  5. 10 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I want to know if Trump received any of the money.  The answer to that question has monstrous implications for where this goes.

    Let's just assume hypothetically that he did not.  The money was used to pay off Daniels and others.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    I do wish she'd shut the hell up. Anybody with a triple digit IQ could figure this out. The only thing I want to hear from her is the Jimmy Carter track community service work that her foundation is doing regularly along with a picture of Hillary with a shovel in her hands. F'k the rest. If she wants to help humanity, she can don a construction helmet and exchange the pantsuits. All she's doing is fueling the rabid right wing talk circus. 

    She's never wanted to help humanity IMHO.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Does anyone really believe the story with Elliott Broidy and the playmate?

    It just makes no sense for so many reasons...like...mainly...

    Who gives a fuck if Elliot Broidy had an affair with a playmate? Let alone a $1.6 mil give a fuck.

    Trump fucked the playmate and got her pregnant.  Then paid her off to get an abortion.  Only explanation now.  Got the GOP finance guy to sign on to making it out like he did it.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Lurch said:


    I’m not clear where that went. Did it go to Trump, or was it all potential payback for some Trump related debt? It’s fairly certain AT&T didn’t pay Cohen for any service he provided, so did they expect that money to be funneled elsewhere?


    It was for "insight" into the administration.  LOLOLOLOL

  9. 1 hour ago, OnAComputer said:

    Hey y'all. Sorry to ruin the "Fuck EJ party," but sometimes shit happens. Unlike others, this was obviously not intentional.

    Sometimes shit conveniently happens twice also.  Unlike the other times he has done this in the past or unlike other $9.95'ers who pull shit like this without the oops I accidentally posted bullshit that EJ is pulling?

  10. 15 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Everybody reading this thread is smart enough to understand which politicians - among the few dozen leaders, the Congress, the Executive leaders, the judiciary and party officials - are tangling with Trump and how they are doing it, which are supportive and which seem to be biding their time.   We're all smart enough to have an opinion on whether - say, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Tom Perez - are supportive, cowards or waiting for a good opportunity or good issue to resist. 

    But we don't all seem smart enough to have the correct opinion on whether someone is supportive, a coward or waiting for a good opportunity or good issue to resist when the only thing we really know is that they are refraining from getting in a big fight at this time.  You should ask why smart people like Pelosi, Schumer and  Perez are not throwing a temper tantrum like you are.


    They know (and some of you guys don't) that the time to take on Trump is after the Mueller report when we all know what the facts are.  Until then you're just guessing, wasting political capital, missing opportunities to govern, and risking making Trump stronger with overinflated accusations.  Everybody smart is waiting.

    We are on a dangerous path where Trump fires Mueller before Mueller issues a report.

    I think it will happen.  It's going to be a constitutional crisis the likes of which we have never seen before IMHO.  Rather than get out in front of it and passing a simple bill that says Mueller gets to issue his report, our congressional leaders won't let the bill be voted on. 


    They would rather take a few steps closer to a constitutional cluster-fuck so they can continue to protect the power they have today.  Fuck them all.


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