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Posts posted by deech

  1. 5 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    Mueller adds another prosecutor: Andrew D. Godlstein

    NYT: Manhattan Prosecutor Joins Inquiry Into Russian Meddling in Election

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    One federal prosecutor in Manhattan is being promoted to become the new chief of the public corruption unit, while another is departing to join Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

    The new chief of the corruption unit in Manhattan is Tatiana R. Martins, who in 2015 helped to convict Dean G. Skelos, the Long Island Republican who was the majority leader of the State Senate until shortly after his arrest that year.

    Ms. Martins, the deputy chief of the unit, succeeds Andrew D. Goldstein, who will join Mr. Mueller’s team after having led the public corruption unit for about a year.

    As a line prosecutor, Mr. Goldstein was a member of the team that in 2015 won the conviction of Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat who had been the longtime speaker of the State Assembly.

    Mr. Goldstein is the first prosecutor to join Mr. Mueller’s team from the United States attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, an office known for its pursuit of public corruption, white-collar crime and Wall Street fraud, the office confirmed on Friday.

    This guy checks all the boxes for what the SCO is drilling into: justice.gov




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  2. 32 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    I haven't been able to follow it closely, but it seems unlikely to me that there is a connection between Cohen and the HUD property deals.  If Cohen was the main attorney for Hannity, it seems like that it would certainly constitute more than a casual $10 advice thing that Hannity has represented.  I know, Hannity is a lying piece of shit, and a moron to boot, but it just seems likely a really weird response if Cohen had done any significant work on the deals.  Hannity is dumb, but is he stupid enough to say that Cohen isn't his lawyer if Cohen had done any work on $90M transaction deals?  Real estate advice seems to be literally the least damaging possibility, but it's the answer it took a while for Hannity to land on.   

    Maybe Cohen gave him some ancillary advice, but why?  Certainly Hannity would have solid legal representation on deals of that size. And why would Cohen try to hide Hannity's identity, or even be that proactive on protecting the legal communications. 

    There is something more here than opportunistic real estate deals with HUD. 

    Cohen and Trump communicated with Hannity regarding how to respond to Mueller's investigation.

  3. 10 minutes ago, LoneStarBiker said:

    Just wondering if Leal is such a dominant player how come he only had 2 sacks last year. I would think the bestest defensive player in the state would have far more than that. 

    Let's not go Aggy now.

  4. I get that Leal is a big loss at a position of need.  I get that he is a player that Herman and crew have recruited heavily early and wanted.  But let's not pretend like he is the first player at a position of need to go elsewhere or that he will be the last.  17-18 year old kids make dumb decisions.  Sometimes those decisions work in our favor and sometimes they do not.  Obviously this makes the job a little harder for Giles and others, but it's not like they are in a worse position than they were in January of last year.  


  5. I'll say this also - after two episodes of season 1 you are supposed to be lost.  You know very little background on the characters, but the show is well-acted, well-directed, and cinematographically interesting enough to keep you coming back for a few more episodes to try to fully understand exactly what is going on.  If you stick through it - you will more than likely enjoy it.  

  6. 2 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Yep, he remains one of the most successful trolls on shag/surly. The only people that should be interacting with sheeeit at this point are posters who are trolling him in reverse.  

    No one should be trolling him in reverse.  All it does is cluster up any semblance of a rational discussions of a topic.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Ghost of Stevie Ray said:

    I'm ok with a kid choosing aggy over Texas.  I've seen the ups and downs of recruiting.   It'll be his burden to bear. 

    What I want to know is, what actually happened during his two days in college station that made him totally 180 and want to immediately commit on the spot without even giving Texas a chance.  That's what concerns me.  I mean the kid has been to 'the station' before.  Something was revealed to him on his trip that made him say, 'screw it all...I want to be an aggy for life!'  Brian Williams seemed to do the same thing.  What is the selling point?

    It's only a 180 if you believe EJ and some of the other $9.95'ers on this side of the aisle.  The Aggie $9.95'ers were also confident.  It was a surprise that EJ and others were wrong and the Aggie ones were right, but after having a train run on them the last year and a half, they had to get one right eventually.

  8. 34 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    <not even close to an attorney> I would hope it would be far more difficult for a client to blow attorney-client privilege out of the water than it would be for an attorney.  One is expected to know the law, one isn't.  Am I close?

    It's the client's privilege.  If he wants to stand up and say I am not nor was I ever his attorney.... That's all him. 

  9. 9 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Michael Avennati seems to believe that the move to name Sean Hannity as a client was an attempt to keep something as atty-client privilege. He has been calling things correctly for the past few weeks and his thought is something has been collecting that was recorded or written between them that he is keen to not disclose. He also thinks Michael is going to be facing a long prison sentence and he is going to flip. We'll see but he has been pretty solid with his predictions.

    I think that's obvious.  Especially with the seeming contradictions between Hannity's attempts to spin things publicly afterward and the story not being consistent with Cohen's attorneys.  IMHO, I think it's very likely that Hannity was coordinated with Assange like has been alleged earlier in the thread, but everyone brings up a really good point that Mueller would keep that instead of passing it off to the SDNY.  However, the flip side is that Mueller may not have known the extent of Hannity's involvement in the whole mess until now.  One of those benefits of Mueller spinning this down to the SDNY is that they go full after Cohen on the campaign finance mess and now they reap the rewards with stuff that spins back up to collusion.  It would honestly be appropriate if Hannity is the collusion smoking gun that puts Trump down.

    Regardless, I think another possible scenario is that Hannity was coordinating with Trump's attorney about how to respond media-wise every step of the way.  When to attack Mueller, what to say, evidence, etc.  I mean I would not be surprised if Cohen scripted talking points for Hannity and he read them verbatim on his TV show.  

    I honestly can't wait to see the fallout..

  10. 2 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:



    1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

    Michael never represented me in any matter.  I never retained him in the traditional sense as retaining a lawyer.  I never received an invoice from Michael.

    But I have occasionally had conversations with Michael in which I wanted a legal perspective.



    And this is why you shut the fuck up.  No privilege for you.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Or Trump confessed to it multiple times in tweets and public interviews.

    But maybe Mueller won’t see that.

    Here is what Mueller's report should say:

    Obstruction of Justice - Exhibit A - See Trump Interview with Lester Holt.

    The end.

  12. On 4/4/2018 at 9:58 PM, TXSooner518 said:

    I think this is a snapfold actually. I don't love raising flop either. Coordinated board, 4 opponents and we have one pair.

    Def fold now. We raised a good reg's bet. A solid player called our raise and then another solid reg jammed 100 big blinds. Either your reads are off or BTN or BB or both have KK murked.

    I'm with TX Sooner on the snap fold.  I get the pot odds, but that is a bad flop.  I hate the flop raise, but at least understand it.  I hate it and would rarely if ever do it, but I understand it.  The fact that you have someone smooth call your raise on the flop and someone else jam behind means your KK is rarely if ever ahead.    

  13. On 4/6/2018 at 8:04 AM, TonyTexas said:


    On 4/6/2018 at 10:04 AM, WBT said:

    How is security at these poker rooms?  As Fertitta and other mobbed up people take interest in them, I'd certainly be nervous if I had any kind of ownership stake.

    Security at Post Oak is good.  They are paying for an HPD officer I believe.  Several other places in town seem to have a similar set up with HPD/sheriff.


    For those wondering about the legality, the AG's office has a request to evaluate the legality of these rooms.  Fertitta's lawyer aside, I honestly believe that the AG is going to put them down shortly.  

  14. 1 hour ago, SomnambulantBrobdingnagian said:

    can someone point aggy to the reasonable recruiting comments that come from an actual national power

    Why?  Because they would read those comments and learn how to act?  LOL.  That's some wishful thinking.

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