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Posts posted by deech

  1. We are surprised that Ryan won't take a position on the executive ignoring a subpoena from the judiciary?

    Ryan in a private meeting with other fellow leaders of his party laughed at a joke by his #2 that Rohrbacher and Trump were both being paid directly by Putin.  Then said "This is an off the record -- No Leaks -- alright?  That is how we knew we're family here.  What's said in the family stays in the family." 

    That "leader" who participates in that conversation and doesn't - A.  Generally share that information with the voting public.  B.  Is more worried about publicity of that comment than the actual content of the comment.  C.  Let's Nunes muck up everything every chance he gets with no oversight or instructions otherwise...


  2. What's even better is their bumbling lies admitted a campaign finance violation publicly and was likely the grounds Cohen and his office get raided on.  If they just put this truth out initially, cohens office may never be raided. 


    That being said, they lie about everything so how does anyone even believe anything they say anymore 

    1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

    So Rudy says it was a loan that he repaid after the election.  But it was never reported as a loan, which it must be even if it was a loan. 

    And it wasn't to help his campaign.  Except the allegations sure would have hurt his campaign.  But it was because the allegations were causing personal pain.  Except Trump knew nothing about the settlement or repayment, which Cohen helped himself to out of general legal fees, so it couldn't have relieved his pain. 

    Good stuff. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Rudy: trump didn’t know why he was paying 130k back to Cohen because he be “too busy.”

    that be a good one Rudy. Why didn’t I think of that. You should charge 2k an hour for such genius thinking. 

    He might have to go with the Affluenza Defense next.

  4. 1 hour ago, Brothahorn said:

    Should not make fun of others looks.

    She did not.  No faux outrage will change that. 

    Oh wait, she did.  About herself.  She said she had fucked up hair and no tits.  That was the only negative commentary on a woman's appearance she made. 

    • Like 1
  5. I know who you are, Sonny, I know what you're capable of, and I would never step out of line, you can ask anyone in the neighbourhood who knows me. But this time, you're wrong. You don't fool with a man's family. This is my son, not yours.


    1.  We never met with Russians.

    2.  Well maybe we did meet with Russians, but not operatives of the Russian Government and just about adoptions.

    3.  Well maybe we did meet to talk about Russia providing our campaign Hillary dirt, but not operatives of the Russian Government.

    4.  Sure, they were operatives of the Russian Government, but they are only admitted operatives now because I'm so tough on Russia.  

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

    Well yeah, I don't think he's an idiot. Having only 1 possible timeline in which they "win" means his choice was easy, however, since he did it to save Tony, I think it's fairly obvious Stark will be the key to winning the long game. 

    I don't think the dusting will impact any other movies coming out. These comics have been known to have lots of timelines. It's completely possible this is just one alternate timeline of events occurring outside of any upcoming movies before A4 comes out in 2019.  

    I disagree.  The other movies have to explain whether they are before or after the dusting IMHO.  And then I read the explanation above that Captain Marvel is in the past and Ant-Man is post-Civil War and pre-dusting.

  8. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    You know things are going poorly when they wrap up the interview before the president is ready to stop talking.

    Exactly - they tried to cut him off because even Kilmeade, Douche and the blonde --- all three knew he was damaging himself with his statements.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Don Keibals said:

    Just read about this on Daily Mail.  Hard to believe, says some new DNA technique was used and matched to his daughter's DNA.  Be cool if they could catch/figure out the Zodiac too.


    Anyone read the book yet?   hopefully he'll fully confess too and that will be made into a book.

    Nothing at press conference related to daughter's DNA.  They said that investigation got them a discarded DNA sample of some kind.  As a result, I would anticipate that the daughter DNA rumor is false. 

    That being said, a few redditors think based on the press conference and the non-committal nature of things that the cops submitted the actual DNA evidence through one of the public DNA testing sites resulting in the hit with the daughter and then narrowing things down from there.


  10. I understand that its an open investigation and what not, but jesus.  Take us through the last six days a little bit.  Was it a random tip, tip from a family member, or just sheer luck that you started investigating this guy?  

    Only thing I learned other than how to self-fellate -- they tested discarded DNA of some kind to get the match.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Longhorn94 has been saying "Wilson is going to Texas." He did not specify any sort of timeframe.

    Obviously what's going to happen is that Wilson will commit to and sign with Ohio State, then Urban will run off Matthew Baldwin once he has fulfilled his duty of luring Wilson to Columbus, then Wilson will turn on Urbz for being a snake and will transfer back to Texas, becoming eligible for the 2021 season.

    Probably about the same time Kris Boyd transfers back to A&M

  12. 26 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    It irritates me CNN keeps the normalizing Trumpkins on like Miller and Jack Kingston.

    Rick Santorum is a douche too.

    I understand they need Trump people to give the appearance of balance but the nitwits they’ve chosen fucking suck ass.

    Yeah, because they are losing the Fox News viewers every day.  LOL

  13. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The Republican Party: Helping those who have the means to help themselves.

    Let's be clear, both parties would sell out whomever they need to sell out to make the money flow into their campaign war chests.  The Republicans are just slightly more honest about it.  Well at least they were until they sold the entire country out to a foreign power in the last election and now are complicit in covering it all up.

  14. 16 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Can we get some right wing thoughts on why Sean Hannity welfare is OK but poor people welfare is not OK?

    Same reason that corporate welfare and tax breaks are ok and tax breaks for the rich are good, but for the middle class and poor - fuck them.  Because the rich will make the world better for all of us.

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