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notre dame joe

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Posts posted by notre dame joe

  1. Kinda like 

    11 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    Can you imagine if this fucking ref had been the ref for the ENG COL game?

    the world almost shit a brick when the American dared to listen to COL being cunts.... this ref doesnt give any fucks about contact and cunts.

    at least he's consistent in allowing hockey on grass.

  2. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 7:46 PM, NorthLoop said:

    Am I retarded or are we not supposed to be able to figure out who the new character is? 

    I've honestly been dreading the several episode buildup to the White's 30 second cameo where nothing happens. 

  3. On ‎5‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 2:23 PM, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I didnt get starship troopers either.  Thought it was supposed to be taken straight so I hated everything that I didn’t realize was satire. the overly generic title, the overly aryan lead characters, the mindless tough guy motivations, the useless over the top ‘splosions, the camera emphasizing every wound.   

    HOWEVA, I feel like the pendulum has swung too far the other way now. Everyone feels like they have to say how great it is because they need to point out how they get it and that it is super subversive and predictive and a fascist mirror and whatever.  People can’t risk being seen as not smart enough to understand it. It’s still 2 hours of my life I lose when I watch it and I’m not entertained.  The same message could have been a 60 second clip with a bunch of dudes dressed in SS looking gear and showing an overly militaristic America.  

    Dr Strangelove

    Silent Hill



    It's probably a requirement of good propaganda films to be really off-putting at first.  You only acknowledge the effective artistry after/if you get used to the initial argument.

  4. On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:54 AM, BornOrange said:

    And Green Berets is Oscar level filmmaking compared to The Conqueror.

    The first half of TGBs is great and provocative.  But at one point it becomes a long shoot out and abandons most of it's story.  IIRC the Duke also had that flaw when he directed The Alamo.

  5. On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 7:36 PM, Skipper said:

    Definitely don't know how this show flew so far under the radar.  After thinking about it now that it's finished, it's probably #4 on my list (after The Wire, Breaking Bad and Sopranos).   

    It's pretty hard to watch shows that are totally absorbed into their story arcs because you cannot just drop by and watch an ep, you have to know everything that is going on. 

  6. On 4/16/2018 at 2:40 PM, BERT said:

    I'm sure the real ISIS kind of fucked everything up. Couldn't really keep that name going after the beheadings started. 

    I keep waiting for Malory to stroll in and say "People, ISIS has a branding problem."

    Lana:  "umm, do you even watch the news?"

    Malory: "Why is our name being used by some hip-hop floozy?"

  7. On 5/31/2018 at 4:53 PM, Dolemite said:

    They deserved bullets to the head for all the people they murdered and for the lives they ruined and for what they did to Paige who is fucked. Henry with Stan's guidance will be OK. 

    Stan is the one that I feel really bad for. He lost his best friend and betrayed his country. What could be worse for a man like him?

    He could join Robert Hanson's team trying to find the Russian Mole.  Then get called out of retirement by Robert Mueller to search for Russian collusion.  Thus his entire life would become a soap opera of subplots that get discarded instead of resolved to the viewer's satisfaction.

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