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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by McFly

  1. 4 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Interesting social experiment at the HEB this afternoon.

    I’m walking out behind a woman with all her shit, including a bunch of stuff on the bottom rack of the shopping cart. She gets to the bottom of the ramp and it all dumps out. I and to other guys take a step to help her pick it up. And then we see that she’s not wearing a mask.

    All at the same time, the three guys go “nah” and walk away. Fuck her—if she’s not going to help us by wearing a mask, we’re not gonna help her.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    And that woman was...Albert Einstein. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Seems to me that the people in the DT just don't enjoy hearing reality. And the reality is that people are dying of Covid, getting beaten by the police, protesting and rioting, even fucking sports(you know, that thing we all came to this website for in the first place) got cancelled, so this is their version of "America being great" and it fucking sucks dick. And if you even try to point it out one little bit they come at you like you hate America and shit. 

    So you were trying to point something out but couldn’t help going political. That’s what is annoying. 
    Just so I’m clear, you think because I can separate news from politics I don’t know sports are cancelled? Clearly you hate America. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. On 6/2/2020 at 4:58 PM, Captainant said:

    I have provided multiple cited sources and primary accounts of what occurred and all I got in return was snarky gifs and told to fuck off.

    Vine Ok GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

    fuck off

    On 6/2/2020 at 5:40 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

     I’ve not here to please any audience and I don’t give a shit about rep but I feel my voice in this space has value at this time and place.

    see below, everyone knows your audience and objective

    On 6/2/2020 at 6:28 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I‘d like to think I was instrumental in preventing this site from becoming an alt-right shithole but you are giving me way too much credit.  Personally I think many of the grievances related to this issue have to do with the rep system and how the collective posters can weaponize it to suppress alternative perspectives.  I have always been opposed any kind of rep system because it gets abused in all ways possible and contributes no value to the discussions. 

    you are giving yourself way too much credit.  this used to be a place for intelligent discussion from both sides, you have been instrumental in ending that though.
    if you hate rep so much and want it set to 0, why not create a new user name. problem solved. 

    On 6/3/2020 at 11:00 AM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Over the coming months you might see the board flooded with new accounts posting political content due to the election. 

    If they can’t post it in the CR, they will post it in the DT.  

    cool threat, breaking out a new pair of socks?

    On 6/3/2020 at 11:58 AM, babysdaddy said:

    I don't think you're complaining.  But you're clearly obtuse (shawshank gif goes here)

    You're the one who's been flooding the board with political content.  And it only cuts one way.  Would you like a specific example? 

    You've had 28k posts in 800 days averaging just a shade under 35 posts/day.  I'm going to guess 90% of those have been in the CR and let's guess that maybe 25% of those have been on Russia and the Russian investigation. Guess what you didn't mention a peep of? All the disclosed transcripts of officials from the previous administration testifying under oath that there was zero evidence of collusion even though they'd go on Meet the Press or any other show and claim there was.  Why not? I mean Rosenstein said this morning that there was no evidence of a conspiracy?  Have you just moved on from all that or do you not care anymore given it wasn't the outcome you've pushed for 800 days.

    You're bad for the board, don't represent Texas or its fans, and are here to sow discord.  It's obvious.  

    so much this.

    On 6/3/2020 at 12:56 PM, elfenix said:

    and he's been flooding CR where that shit goes.  you don't like to see it, either don't go in CR or put him on ignore.  don't bitch when he posts something unrelated in DT or where ever.

    don't go in CR, but you can't ignore cancer and make it go away

    On 6/3/2020 at 3:28 PM, Turkleton said:

    I agree with this^^ Most over there are pretty much playground children that call you names because you don't think like them. Pussies, in other words....

    Hugo, as far as I know, never negs nor plays the playground name game. He was a big proponent of the Russian hoax, which was pretty comical at the time. Not sure if he was so naive to believe that crap or he was just trolling. Maybe a little of both.

    you mean names like Hitler or Nazi sympathizer? it's trolling, plain and simple.  a high order hypocrite troll

    I understand that he's driving clicks, page views, etc. that has benefits for the site owners, but it's so disappointing it's been allowed to go on as long as it has. 

    • Like 5
  4. 10 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    I like where that's headed.

    What about a ratio of  (posts in CR/posts out of CR) 

    if the ratio is above X can't post in DT?

    I was thinking about this exact thing to prevent the CR from infecting the rest of the board.

    Something along the lines of if a majority of your posts are in CR, you must have a total positive rep score outside of CR. 
    like +rep# : (total posts# - CR post#) 1:1 or 1:2, something scalable, or even the user can set. 
    but that opens up the possibility of rep fraud.

    or CR posters will start shit posting if it's just # of posts outside CR.  I plan on thinking and drinking on it tonight.

  5. 11 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    as someone who is a moderator, i will weigh in and say that it is not fucking easy. people come at you when you ban them or suspend them. they accuse you of all sorts of bias. as a result, i take a very light hand on moderating, especially in the DT.

    but when discussion of an event starts to revolve around opinions around an event, it becomes political. in the past, i've moved DT posts to CR when that happens, but it just seems to piss people off. they do not think they are being political when they are. it happens on the covid thread, and of course it happens on the minneapolis thread. hell, on the old board, the decision was made to move the police violence threads all to a new subforum, because people were tired of them, because, in part, i think that the topic of police violence is inherently political on some level. i disagreed, but supported the decision.

    so i may have a suggestion. if we truly want non-political, news-only threads, then have a news aggregation only thread. you can post links and new information as it comes to light without expressing an opinion. it fundamentally goes against how message boards work, but it seems that is what certain people want. but then, when hugo posts an informational tweet about the number of new covid deaths in the covid thread, people tell him to go back to the CR because they inherently believe that he has an agenda behind his posting of facts, so i do not know the answer. but i think a news aggregation only thread, where people just post articles and new information without opinions could be some kind of answer to this.

    any thoughts?

    ban Hugo.

    • Like 5
  6. On 5/15/2020 at 11:59 AM, McFly said:

    Love the chairs.  What's the link?


    On 5/15/2020 at 12:18 PM, UTexasFight said:












    On 5/26/2020 at 11:19 AM, The Royal We said:

    Were you working from plans on these or did you just wing it?  I like the looks of those and might have to make a pair for myself.


  7. I started with an electric Brinkman smoker.  Good cheap way to get your feet wet. I use a Weber Smokey Mountain now. Once you learn it, it's pretty much set and forget.
    Don't know about the ones you posted. Friend has a pellet Traeger pro 575 and says he hates it.  Said it's a finicky POS and always acting up, has to vacuum out the used pellets, and the app only works half the time. 

  8. 13 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    I wish I could say I came up with the plans myself, but I’m pretty much a wood working novice and not creative at all. I can, however, follow high level directions pretty well. Found the plans for $10 on some diy YouTube channel I can send you if interested.

    Love the chairs.  What's the link?

  9. 17 hours ago, Lobo said:

    As opposed to interior irrigation?  Cut off and dry me out some cush...daddy needs his medicine.  


    14 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    So basically everything you know is "use lots and lots of water and chemicals on the lawn"


  10. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Mayor Adler apparently made another social distancing order this morning at 10:30a, but of course it's buried behind paywalls, and the City of Austin links aren't updated yet.  

    I know we're not allowed to talk about official municipal policy on here, and my love and adoration of Adler is so well documented on this site.  

    But anybody know the details?  It's insane to me we can't discuss shit like this on here anymore.  

    Latest local news from Travis County


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