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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McFly

  1. McFly

    Below Deck

    Rumors of a suicide.
  2. Glad it all turned out ok but we had one of those and they were not supposed to sleep long in there. We recently started using a Yoto player at night for ours (3,5) and it has worked wonders. Highly recommend.
  3. Dammit. Now I want Moons over my Hammy
  4. Isn’t it obvious? Saban only retired because he didn’t get the aggy job.
  5. Can you run a hose from your washer valve?
  6. You must not know my sister.
  7. Just go mullet. Short in the front long in the back.
  8. Hope Taylor and Frankie are the first to go home.
  9. Carrots or sugar/brown sugar help balance acidity in tomato sauces, don't see why it wouldn't work for chili. A small amount won't affect taste.
  10. Use the scan and go on the app. Just show your ID on the way out.
  11. Appreciate all the work Mitch, but would you consider splitting days into multiple posts? The pages are HUGE
  12. My toaster has a little wire pop up thing for warming above where toast goes. Works great for the torts, still will fill with steam and cook them but you miss out on the brown spots.
  13. https://www.tmz.com/2023/08/09/big-brother-contestant-luke-valentine-n-word-conversation/
  14. Can confirm he was White Collar. Saw him recently and he asked for $3-4 for a cheap beer. Huge hands.
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