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Posts posted by Gap03

  1. 4 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    I'm going to guess by the overwhelming call for transparency by those involved, the investigation was inconclusive or led to no real new findings..... 


    Agreed.  No way Cornyn or Kennedy take this position without having a sense of what it says already.

  2. 18 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed, not long after an affidavit of non-ability to advance fees was filed.


    That guy's story had me scratching my head.  Apparently they had dated for 4 years, but he is quoted in the story as saying:

    “Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

    So let me get this straight - you were dating her for 4 years, broke up with her, and you had a wife and baby right after you broke up?  Like, she was your mistress for 4 years?  Not sure this guy sounds like the expert on credibility.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    By jumping on top of Kavanaugh? That’s weird. 

    Jesus - just stop.  From WaPO:


    She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing “maniacally.” She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

    At one point, she said, Judge jumped on top of them, and she tried unsuccessfully to wriggle free. Then Judge jumped on them again, toppling them, and she broke away, she said.

    Definitely sounds like the hero here.  Oh, and love this gem about our hero:


    Judge is a filmmaker and author who has written for the Daily Callerthe Weekly Standard and The Post. He chronicled his recovery from alcoholism in “Wasted: Tales of a Gen-X Drunk,” which described his own blackout drinking and a culture of partying among students at his high school, renamed in the book “Loyola Prep.” Kavanaugh is not mentioned in the book, but a passage about partying at the beach one summer makes glancing reference to a “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who “puked in someone’s car the other night” and “passed out on his way back from a party.”

    WaPo Story

  4. 51 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    That IS the puzzling part.  It seems that the smart thing is to avoid the fray altogether -- you can't be accused by the base of attacking Trump, and you haven't tainted yourself to the rest of the world by being a Trump sycophant.

    But maybe Graham has info that tells him he needs to suck up to the base.

    I know, maybe there's some real sinister "beholden to a foreign power" shit going on, and these guys are circling wagons to protect themselves. But I just keep coming back to the Occam's Razor conclusion of them seeing their current move as advantageous to them holding onto power/their seat, and that's it.

    I think you mean "Slocum's Razor" ...


    • Like 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, AbeFroman said:

    You can try, but you won't find him. You know what the Op-ed writer did the first seventeen of his twenty-six years in the Corps?   Counterintelligence.  Op-ed writer is gone.

    There is no Op-ed writer.

    "Op-Ed Writer does want a deal and does want immunity. He wants you to know that he is proud both of what he has done and what he is doing."

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Impeachment by a dem majority senate?

    Doesn't conviction by the Senate still require a 2/3 vote?  If so, I have my doubts as to whether that threshold would ever be met, given where things stand politically.  

    Anyone know if perjury of a SC justice in a confirmation setting can be tried in the courts (as opposed to Congress)?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Not watching, but if your summary is even in the ballpark of correct, @Aphelion now has better information on exactly why I included #5 here:

    That's where Graham was going.  That was ... something:


  8. 34 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Ted does not want people digging into his marital history. 

    It would be an interesting way to re-kindle the Trump / Cruz romance in advance of Cheeto's visit to Texas, though ....

  9. 7 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Anyone had the chance to parse through these docs yet?  I did a quick scan, and it wasn't immediately clear what Booker's angle is here.  Are these supposed to be some sort of smoking gun, or is he just pointing out that it's ridiculous that they're designating docs as "Committee Confidential" that are relevant to the vetting process?  If the latter, not sure that I would be going the "Bring it" route - that sort of approach lends itself to arguments that this is more about theater than substance, especially where the average person will look at the docs and shrug.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:
    13 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:
    It's Zina Bash. 

    Seriously, it's probably some random person we've hardly ever heard of. 


    Right, because of this clown show everyone probably has the title of senior whatever. They hand them out like gold stickers

    In this administration, if you've stayed on board for more than 3 months, by definition you're "senior."

  11. 7 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    It's the "ok" sign.  It's not like it's that abnormal.  However, I will admit that if she has connections to Miller, all bets are off.

    Here you go:


    A press release from the transition said the staffers will report to Stephen Miller, the former aide to Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions who worked on Trump's campaign and was recently named senior adviser to the president for policy.


    • Zina Bash, regulatory reform, legal and immigration Policy

    Bash Role on WH Policy Team

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    IIRC she's one half Jewish and the other half Mexican.   I doubt she was intentionally doing the white power sign, even trolling.  

    On the other hand, she's apparently worked for Cruz, Trump and Paxton in the last couple of years, so she's not exactly carrying the Jewish or Mexican banners.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    No. You're completely reaching based on conjecture. There's enough factual horror in the Trump administration to worry about right now. 


    Who knows why she was doing it, but it does seem intentional. If you don't believe it, check out the video above - it's 44 seconds.  Try to put your hand in the position her hand is in for 44 seconds.  It just doesn't seem like something anyone does for 44 seconds unless they're doing it on purpose.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Ahh thanks. I'll add her to my hate fuck list. 

    Yep - she's got quite a resume trifecta: (1) deputy director of policy and communications for U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, (2) Special Assistant to President Trump for regulatory reform, legal and immigration policy and (3) senior counsel to Ken Paxton.  Wow, if accurate.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    I've got a Roku and it was on the Vudu channel.  It seems like it was on another channel like that but I'm not sure. $3.99 I think 

    Also on Hulu for free, if you're already subscribed.

  16. 1 hour ago, Skyline said:

    Gotta make it a culture war instead. 

    Looks like the Texas GOP took down the tweet linking to Ted's ad for some reason.  Cruz's ads are still on Youtube, though - but the comments are disabled on all of them.  Are they sensitive that everyone can call them on their bullshit on Twitter?  Such bitches.

  17. 26 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


    What.  The.  Fuck.

    This cannot be real.  This has to be fake.  Translation:

    Ex-CIA directors John Brennan and Michael Hayden, 
    ex-FBI director James Komi and his deputy Andrew McCabe, 
    ex-director of the National Intelligence Service James 
    Clapper, ex-national security adviser Susan Rice say 
    goodbye to access to classified materials.

    Uhhh, and about the guy tweeting that list:

    Sorta an interesting old thread.

    WTF indeed ....

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