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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Clayton Bigsby level commitment from this dipshit ...
  2. I don't think we need to worry too much about that going forward.
  3. We sure dude isn't autistic or recovering from a stroke or something? He refused to look up for the picture and just ended up staring ahead blankly the whole time. Even Bobby Boucher's dad on the far left seemed to get it ...
  4. Only needs to hold up for 13 days, and as we've repeatedly seen, it will work. Biden just needs to step in and post it himself, with the cover note - "IMMUNE, BITCHES ...".
  5. For the record: https://www.pnj.com/story/news/politics/2024/12/23/florida-statutory-rape-matt-gaetz-congressional-investigation/77170619007/ http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0794/Sections/0794.05.html This is, of course, a Florida state law so federal authorities can't enforce it. Strange that Pam Bondi and her successor didn't use their considerable influence to ensure that Florida rape and prostitution laws are enforced, given their heartfelt concerns about the grooming of our youth ...
  6. ABC's case should have been crowd-funded for the simple reason that if ABC is found liable for this hyper-technical mischaracterization, then we'd be able to sue Fox News, Newsmax and every one of their anchors to Bolivia, which would absolutely be worth a few hundred million in legal fees and damages.
  7. Didn't the judge himself effectively make the point that while the jury didn't find that Trump had committed "rape" within the narrow NY law definition, they did find him guilty of what most would consider "rape"? If so, fuck Iger and his bitch ass.
  8. You beat The Onion to the punch for today's shooting - but a quick check did reveal this gem that I hadn't seen ... the Texas "Line in the Sandbox" law was a nice touch.
  9. If these jackasses keep getting lifelines from Trump and the MAGA judiciary, I suspect it's just a matter of time before some folks like Alex end up getting Luigi'ed.
  10. I'm assuming it will go something like "Damn you, Biden / Obama!!!!!!"
  11. I'm looking forward to what pejorative names the rest of the world are going to come up with when the bird flu pandemic hits, originating from the California Central Valley and these dipshits' push for raw milk. Are they going to go Trump / low-brow style ("Hillbilly flu" / "Brainworm flu" / etc.) or go for something a bit more subtle? Something to look forward to in the next season of the simulation. I'm sure it won't hit until the Trump admin fully dismantles the CDC, so we have a little time.
  12. Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy because you have to get to a plurality, which means that you need to get a good chunk of the idiots without losing the rest of your voters. That works for the GQP because they have a rare mix of idiots / racists / misogynists that want to be lied to along with a craven group of greedy MFers that don't care if the GQP is lying nonstop to group #1. The Democrats unfortunately have principled citizens among their base that might just stay home if their representatives are incessantly lying. The trick is to get those voters to understand the implied "wink-wink, we don't believe any of this" while having the media help flood the zone with lies. It's a tough balancing act when you don't have an echo chamber that won't ask the obvious "why the fuck are you lying about obvious shit" question.
  13. Laughing in CEO - any economic scapegoat means profits go ...
  14. ** But back of the line when these dumb sonsabitches show up at the emergency room.
  15. Pretty sure the current Supreme Court will consider the President executing "traitors," even without a trial, an official act for which Trump will enjoy immunity. What could go wrong, huh? I'm sure those posthumous acquittals will make the families happy, though.
  16. This commentary coming from the party that brought you the Foxconn / Wisconsin deal. SMDH ...
  17. Hopefully, Elmo crosses the line and finds himself falling out a window, as often seems to happen in oligarchies ...
  18. No, no - tooooootally different. Here, it's going to be Christians running things - but doing the exact same shit ... so, uhhh ...
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