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Bill Clinton

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Everything posted by Bill Clinton

  1. High integrity like IRS targeting conservative groups, accountability like Fast and Furious, transparency like Benghazi. Sure thing.
  2. Stop calling people Trumpkins it instantly alienates people from taking any of your ideas seriously. You feed into the troll culture that you hate. If you really want a black pill read this. http://kunstler.com/writings/clusterfuck-nation/
  3. Your facts are just name calling. Hilarious how butt flustered and delusional dude. Get a life and turn off msnbc.
  4. https://nypost.com/2009/10/29/inside-story-of-the-night-that-polanski-raped-a-child/ Remember, Hollywood gave a standing ovation to a convicted pedophile who fled the country. He went over to his buddy de Niro's house right after drugging and raping a 13 year old.
  5. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/the-sex-scandal-that-wouldnt-lie-down-1185127.html
  6. https://twitter.com/Bourdain/status/993273716741099520
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/07/senate-intel-ex-security-director-indicted-on-false-statements-charges-in-probe-possible-leaks.html
  8. Very racist of you Hugo. Suggesting this is more bait for the left to shoot themselves in the foot, ignoring black lives... Do you think black lives don't matter? Edit: also, didn't he start out by sitting on the bench during the anthem then the Longhorn got him to do a more formal protest like taking the knee?
  9. A movement based off of statistics PROVING cops are racist and murdering blacks. Evidenced by Michael Brown.
  10. https://twitter.com/hashtag/OperationBackyardBrawl Getting pretty weird out there. Why do these pizza gate nuts always freak out when they see a spiral in a triangle?
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