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Posts posted by Texaus

  1. is this confirmed?


    The idea that loan servicers are going to require immediate repayment of everything is absurd, IMO. That would defeat the entire purpose of the relief. Cares act doesn’t specify what the terms will be after forbearance, just that borrower will suffer no penalty, fee, or negative credit report.

    I have two mortgages backed by Freddie Mac. One is my primary and the other is investment with 4 rental units. I requested forbearance on both. I am putting aside the mortgage payments and will see what modifications my servicer will make at the end of all this, I suspect they will ask for whatever I can pay, if any, of what I missed and then just extend mortgage term. Important note here: I am leaving escrow accounts(pmi, taxes, insurance) out of this discussion because I don’t have escrow and pay those on my own, if your loan includes an escrow, I wouldn’t be surprised to see your servicer require that amount at end of forbearance period, or set up a separate repayment option for that portion.

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  2. I got absolutely blasted for saying the same thing on the old board.

    It is not the cleanest way of doing it, but we are talking about power during a disaster, fuck the haters. After Harvey, I wired in a generator to coast house directly to a 240 breaker to power the panel. It was ugly, but worked. Just have to turn off the main and it is all isolated to whatever circuits are in tour house.
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  3. The evidence in countries throughout the far east  does not support your conclusion.  The use and reuse of masks, which are often substandard to begin with,  are almost certainly a big reason why the virus spread has been slowed.
    This is certainly not recommended in a hospital setting, but wearing nothing is far worse.

    Outside of a hospital, where medical staff need to be protected from confirmed cases( we need them protected 100%), maybe the reuse of n95 masks would really make a difference(what I think your post highlights). The spread of this thing is because an infected person sneezes or coughs on you or something you touch, right? it would seem to make sense to go to any length to prevent the contamination of every person and surface by unwitting carriers. Would it not be effective if everyone was covered up and prevented from coughing on shit? Why not give one mask to every person on the planet and require its use for a month?
  4. For whatever it is worth, given the timelines we are looking at I have changed my viewpoint on ace inhibitors and arbs such as lisinopril and Losartan. I am discontinuing and keeping on with my chlorthalidone. If you are diabetic or have other circumstances these are different circumstances. I am only considering short term outcome and have home bp monitoring that I will keep close eye one. Sig reducing salt intake in near term. 

    I take a beta blocker and an angiotensin blocker for high blood pressure. Do those qualify? Why aren’t we hearing about this more, aren’t these drugs pretty common?
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