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Posts posted by Iceman

  1. 10 minutes ago, Nolacycling said:

    Iceman I don't really get your point. You make efforts to keep your Mom from infection. She'd be bowling if she could. 

    Yep.  I didn't say she embraced my efforts...  She's something of a reluctant cooperator.


    She's 80-fucking-two.    Who's gonna tell her no?


    You think Texas is as great as it is because everyone is compliant?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    What percentage of capacity do you think an ICU typically runs at? Prior to Covid.


    given your reaction, -5%...


    It was a legit question and get all stupid.  just fuck off dude.  You're not concerned with legit diologue.


    It's a gotdam shame people who already died can't die again, right?

  3. 3 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    Depends on what your definition of bad is. If you're worried about people thinking you're stupid for not understanding nuance or math, I wouldn't sweat it, slorch. We all already know you're stupid.

    go fuck yourself Brad.  Gotdam you motherfuckers and your IQ high horse.


    10% capacity is hardly taxing the system, especially with a backlog of elective procedures.  ICU is at 20%.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Your dad drank O.E.?  Funny you posted that, a beer that doesn't taste much better than that was Old Style (still popular in Chicago).  I can't remember if it was Father's Day or the anniversary of the day he died that I'd have an Old Style and a Lucky Strike cigarette in his late honor.  Did it for a few years until the one 6-pack of Old Styles my BIL sent me and the lucky strikes I found at a south austin smoke shop both got so disgustingly old, I gave up the tribute.  Alright some shithead will be along to this thread shortly to remind us to get back on topic, but hey, it's Father's Day and we're talking dad's and South Austin's Mom's penchant for ball play.  

    And sorry to hear that Napoleon.  RIP.

    My dad split in Feb of '80, so roughly 40 years ago.


    Fuck him.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Question. Why is it okay for regular Joe to get beat down and raped in prison, but when a cop or celebrity do something, they’re not allowed in gen pop?

    Not sure.  It should be an added incentive to fly straight in their jobs, IMHO.


    I am consistently "once you fuck up, you're fucked" kind of guy.

  6. 1 hour ago, South Austin said:

    Anyone else getting drunk on Father’s Day?

    Yes.  Many different beers and my 21 year old son son celebrated his new legal status( with regard to alcohol) by getting me a bottle of Garrison Bros.


    He is now my favorite son...LOlz.

    • Like 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    I think these are a decent start. But would love to see him talk to the average white guy. Actors and shitty house builders have enough media experience to not push the envelope.

    This is where I'm at.  IDGAF was MM thinks on life's challenges.  His experience is anything but normal.  That isn't to denounce the effort, but it's hardly relatable.


    In the past month, how many folks have reached out to black friends/ coworkers/ neighbors and had these 'uncomfortable' conversations?


    I don't find them uncomfortable at all, and yes, I've received my share of 'constructive criticism.'   One of the longest and most intense discussions I've been a part of involved "colorblindeness" and how a lot of POC find it offensive while many whites think they are aspiring to Dr King's words in his"I have a Dream" speech.  The dialogue helps.

    I was also a participant in another discussion at work that got pretty damned heated, especially for it being at work, and I could tell the narrator/ proctor was frustrated because she didn't think it would go that way.   i shot her an IM saying " Today helped.  Do it again please!"   Her reply was that was all she wanted to hear, all day.

    I want to see where our actions go, following the dialogue, with an assertive emphasis on "our."

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/19/2020 at 9:11 AM, Xian said:

    Happy Juneteenth Horn fans and everyone else here as well.  
    now let’s make this a national holiday. 

    I have never felt like this until this year.  If that's fucked up on my part, I accept it.

      It needs to happen.  It's too important.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    This 92 year old guy I know got it and is in the hospital, he is cool as hell.  Just last year you would see him the bar still every now and then.  His son is a dumbass and was one posting it’s a conspiracy and it’s just the flu.  On one of his post I said you should be a lot more worried especially for your dad, he said pft...

    For all of my cynicism, I haven't fucked around when it comes to my mom, 82 YO.   I haven't seen her in person since early March.   I drive 90 miles one way every other week and mow her yard.  I bring groceries, set them on the porch, and call her to let them know they are there.  Regardless of my opinion, I'm not taking chances with her health.

    She bowls twice a week and if the bowling alleys were open, there is zero chance she wouldn't be there.  She has no underlying conditions and no ongoing health concerns, other than her age in general.  I still don't want her taking the chance.

    • Like 7
  10. Wife is cooking because I bought her a new deep dish pie pan this past week on vacation.  Making some sort of beef tenderloin/ shrooms/ tomatoes savory pie.

    and copious amounts of New Mexico beer ( i.e. La Cumbre Slice of Hefen and DeLaVega Pecan, among others.)

    Having video chat with my boys later today.  'Twill be a great day!

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    I recall shortened hours, compete shutdowns, long lines, curbside pickup, panic buying, empty shelves etc... Wtf are you actually saying?

    those were absolutely "demand crushing supply" issues resulting from insane panic as opposed to actual threats to well being.  By late April they had normalized in most places.

    What are you asking about masks and massive worker shortages due to infections?  There was panic, for sure.

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