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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 3 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Is this at thing? Do we always create military coins for meetings with other countries? And it's a bit presumptive to create these things ahead of time.



    Well we are certainly helping Un with his propaganda efforts

  2. 22 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    No Trumpist here.  I voted for him in the hope that he would pick conservative Justices for the Supreme Court and other courts. It’s one of the few promises he’s kept so I’m ok with that.  I agree there are many things detestable about him. But he was fairly elected your President and nothing of real substance has been found yet to implicate him in anything.  I doubt anything will, but y’all keep fucking that chicken.  This is turning into Democrat’s Benghazi.  

    Nothing of substance... right. Let’s just forget the Russia thing for a minute. Has he violated he emoluments clause? How about obstructed an investigation? Those are pretty substantial 

  3. 3 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    So I'm not following everything as closely as all of you guys here.  We know Trump did shady/illegal shit prior to becoming president, most likely with money laundering, etc.  I'm 99.9% sure he broke the law in some form or fashion prior to the the campaign.  We also know aides have been indicted for stuff prior to the campaign as well.  My question, I guess, centers around this aspect of the dossier/informant/etc. that a lot of posters seem to be ok with since we know he previously did illegal shit. Is this (dossier/spy) the equivalent of planting evidence on a known criminal? Like cops sprinkling crack or planting a weapon?

    Concern troll

  4. 15 minutes ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    He's a cocky little bastard for sure but hes way down the list of unlikable.    He also seems to have a chip in his shoulder for no reason. 

    He has a chip on his shoulder because no one thought he would cut it in the NBA.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


    If the investigation ends with no charges filed against Trump, will you consider him squeaky clean as well?


    No. He isn’t squeaky clean regardless of the Mueller investigation. He has violated the emoluments clause on numerous occasions and has obstructed Justice about 100 times. He has already committed crimes but people like you continue to give him a pass.

  6. 27 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Being cynical about American politicians =/= giving Trump a pass in any way shape or form.  Trump is a cautionary tale.  ATT and Novartis didn't approach Cohen to purchase influence or access because of anything peculiar to Trump, it's because that is SOP.

    Dude no it’s not. This level of corruption is unprecedented. Just stop

  7. 2 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Cost.  You have about 4/5 assets that could get you to 4 or 5 in the draft.  No offense, but Rozier doesn't get you there especially with the teams at 4 and 5 in Memphis and Dallas.  Both have PGs and actually a lot of guards.  So if you're Boston, who would you rather move?  KI, Hayward, Brown, or Tatum???  After this playoff run..... I'm thinking the first two as the latter two are cost controlled on rookie contracts.  KI, Horford and Brown are up for new extensions close to each other.  Hayward and Tatum the same, so eventually, Boston will have to chose between these assets.  If you want to go get another superstar or get another future asset in the top 5, you'll most likely have to move one of those.....

    Moving KI or GH for a draft pick doesn’t make sense. The only possibility is for a superstar.

  8. 1 hour ago, Dutchrudder said:

    Boston owns the better of the Kings and 76ers pick in 2019. Obviously that will be a high pick from the Kings, probably top 5 at least. Give that and Rozier to move up to top 5, and grab Bamba, Doncic, Ayton, Jackson or Bagley, and you got a pretty damn good player for the future. No reason to move KI or GH for that. The 2019 draft doesn't look to be that great, but you never know how others grade it. Doncic in their system would be insane, but I think he is going #1. Bamba needs time to develop, and you know he would get the best opportunity under the Celtics coaching staff and a great, mobile bigman like Horford. Though Jackson may be more Horford-like between them, since he has a decent jumper and some range. 

    Yea I understand moving Rozier and a pick. I also understand moving brown and a pick. I just don’t see anyway thy even consider moving KI or GH. Those are their two best players and if they move GH after a year they will never get a big signing again.

  9. Just now, Rex Kramer said:

    This place is full of trolls. 

    Anyway, I hate Trump. I also think Trumpkin is as juvenile as libtard. Serves no purpose and derails discourse. 

    No it really isn’t. In fact there are only a couple at the moment and they are both very concerned and have a lot of questions 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Once again a fucking staple of Shaggy / Surly message boarding. Yet Texas and these boards lean left, and so willful ignorance from left is accepted. And jimmy, you know sanctimony is pervasive here on opinions where there is no clear right or wrong. 

    And you know that Tahoe takes this to the extreme. He’s a fucking troll. Has been for quite some time

  11. 3 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    That's a great idea..... and they have the ammo for it.  Not like he couldn't contribute immediately either.  Probably have to trade KI or Gordon, who they may want to move.... which is crazy when you think they just got those guys a year ago.

    Where does this come from? I have seen several posters say it? Why does anyone think that Boston would move GH or KI for anyone other than Unibrow?

  12. 1 hour ago, sheeeit said:

    Perfect.  Lets sit here and do nothing.  Does that include you guys posting every single story that is out there by any lunatic that writes one about this?  

    You have no idea what evidence is.  Your entire theory of everything is based 100% on what you read in the media.  You have a chance to actually read something that is evidence and you refuse.  But I am the troll.  Here is a hint, when mueller puts out his report he is not going to include a single reference to anyone in the media and their opinion on the matter.  But he will absolutely include include sworn testimony of the actual people being accused.

    Think about what you typed above.  You engage me to expose me to new members and lurkers.  That is so fucking pathetic and sad I can not believe you even typed it.  I am sure all of the people that come here appreciate the fact that you think they are idiots that need you to tell them what is correct and incorrect.  

    How about that Natailya lie you posted?  You going to prove it?

    I bet he will reference Lester Holt...

  13. 1 hour ago, TahoeHorn said:

    My rules all go to make things right.  They do NOT give more power to the party in power.  The Third gives less.  The first two have nothing to do with power.

    No shit. That’s the fucking point. It’s only a concern for you when your team is going to staring down the barrel 

  14. 1 hour ago, FUBAR said:

    I’m sorry you feel that way. The endless investigation at our expense.  Maybe he gets him maybe he doesn’t.  Let’s get on with Stage 2 of the shit show.  

    You’re fucking retarded. Maybe we should let the investigation into fucking treason run it’s course in due time. Your following post proves you’re a troll. Fuck off

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, FUBAR said:

    Can we just stick to High Crimes and Misdemeanors and get on with it?  

    There’s a country to run here  I wish I was a lawyer on a Special Counsel gig.  Unlimited license to bill with little to no oversight or accountability (see Ken Starr, etc).  You are judged by the indictments you produce - not whether there were actual crimes (that mean anything) committed.

    Everybody is probably guilty of something here, but at the end of the day, This is all bread and circus for the media and ratings.  Trump and Co., the DOJ and FBI all have their issues and there are plenty of bad actors on both sides.  

    Burn ‘em all.  

    This is such a stupid post.

  16. 3 hours ago, sheeeit said:

    Uh...where did I ever indicate it wasnt written answers?  I did read it.  I suppose the next line from you dorks is that somehow the bumbling idiot trumps got every single person at the meeting, including an interpreter, to all make up the same lie and stick to it through multiple interviews.

    No way they would do that right? Cuz that makes it conspiracy. They wouldn’t conspire to defraud the United States would they?

    You’re a fucking troll who lacks the honesty and intelligence to have a rational discussion. Go back to being concerned with how the Dotard’s dick tastes and let three adults have a conversation.

  17. 8 minutes ago, retread said:

    I'm sure that there are some in the IC who are working to thwart Russian meddling in this year's election, but what have we really done to address this problem. How do attack a problem if you won't publicly admit that it exists?

    Seems like the State Dept. had a wad of cash to spend on preventative measures, and, as of March, they hadn't spent a dime of it.


    Because the dotard doesn’t want to. I dunno why some people still can’t figure this out. He’s a wannabe authoritarian and isn’t going to act to prevent attacks on our electoral process. He cares about money and power. Protecting elections isn’t his concern. Staying in power is

  18. 5 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Do you have any thoughts on when Mueller should not release explosive info?

    I think it would be terribly bad form to release explosive info between Sept 1 and Election Day.  I think he'll follow good form.

    Who fucking cares? When his report is ready he should release it. If it fucks your shitty party then so be it. Don’t get into bed with traitors seems like a lesson that should be learned.

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