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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. Tom Landry, a Texas RB/DB himself, drafted a FEW Texas players, but usually didn't. Everett Gay and Jeff Ward may have been his last 2 Texas draftees, in the 1987 draft.
  2. More like the little-league version of the single stretched into a homer.
  3. I don't believe your friend.
  4. My dearly departed Mom lived in Brazil in the 1950s, both in Rio de Janeiro (since it overlooks Rio) and Sao Paulo, and had even visited the Christ the redeemer statue at least once. She remembers hearing it mentioned in the news, even back then, that the Christ the redeemer statue would get struck by lightning. Things struck by lightning are always incredible pictures, but the hysteria is unwarranted. The Christ the redeemer statue gets struck regularly by lightning. This is not new. It's hit by lightning up to 6 times per year, per OGlobo, the largest news and media outlet in Brazil: https://oglobo.globo.com/rio/noticia/2023/02/numero-de-raios-que-caem-no-estado-do-rio-aumentou-33percent.ghtml And it goes on to say that the Rio de Janeiro state that the city of Rio de Janeiro is in, gets a ton of lightning strikes.
  5. It means More until they drop the ad-campaign, when it will automatically mean Less. Lulz.
  6. I would have used Groundskeeper Willie, Fry, Bender (Futurama), and Roger (American Dad!) for some of these..... maybe we can for the new-look SEC. Lulz.
  7. Ha! Now today they disappeared complete off the Adidas site.
  8. That IS annoying, because they're out of my size in that shoe, too, and I'm an Adidas fan.
  9. Yup! That next media deal will be Makin' It Rainnnnnnnn! Lulz.
  10. IF ONLY we could be assured of that! They'll prolly keep him around to do the few times Texas baseball is on SEC Network, which will be bile vomit.
  11. Goodbye enjoyable Texas baseball broadcasts.
  12. Smells like the "rookies carry the bags" BS that no one else in the SEC had to do..... piggy, aggy, misery.
  13. Because Bellmont wasn't committed to WINNING, that's why we haven't been better.
  14. "Vaya con Dios!" "Adieu!" would be polite, but The Dirty Dozen conference has been anything but polite, so instead my French farewell is: "Va te faire enculer!"
  15. If given the choice, I'd rather win the SEC the 1st year in. It would make aggy lose their sheep-fucking minds! Lulz.
  16. Nah. They played Rapelor/Tech/pussy-frogs in the SWC already, you younger people forget, and there was never any draw, never any "excitement" other than those fast-break cougar-high teams that never won titles because everyone figured out that they couldn't shoot free-throws. Reid Gettys could, but everyone knew not to foul him. Their "fans" will continue to do what cougar-high fans always do..... not show up for anything unless they're playing TEXAS. Being in the Big12 won't mean shit to attendance for football/basketball, putting your life on the line getting robbed or worse (and/or getting your car stolen or stripped) in that horrific warzone campus area (Greater Third Ward). It's never been worth it, not in the 70s, and not now. Same as it ever was.
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