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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. FIFY. What are these Bowl-Alliance/BCS/CFP things you speak of? Lulz.
  2. And baseball is pre-empted on LHN by a scoreless, endless softball game. MULEDICK!
  3. Ah, we have bullpen games now! Johnny WholeStaff will be getting a workout as we search for guys to throw strikes among the rest of the pitching staff. FFS Lulz. Suck IT OU!
  4. Same production company, all on CBS, also Simon & Simon.
  5. Don't forget the Chinese Tongs and the Japanese Yakuzas.
  6. "Of all the games we've ever played, that was 1 of them."
  7. Are you over your little hissyfit yet?
  8. Yep, the Blinn College Buccaneers (JUCO) would beat this team.
  9. Posey just Knoblauched that throw. Lulz.
  10. I don't care about the time shift, muting the video and putting on Craig and Zonk is STILL Superior.
  11. There you go, play down to the competition and give a BAD TEAM some HOPE. Now they may have a tougher fight this weekend than they needed to have.
  12. Blind 1B ump Joseph Brown gets the plate tomorrow, per Craig Way. FFS Lulz.
  13. "Baltimore-chop" hits can be beautiful things. Another Texas run.
  14. Conference standings not updated yet https://big12sports.com/standings.aspx?path=baseball
  15. I hope we got smart and brought our own food so Rapelor and its cult members can't pull the same food-poisoning shit that aggy has pulled in the past. #MajorApplewhite
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