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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. Lulz at that vid and username. With the username Jesus Chrysler, is he implying that The Lamb of God is forever-underpowered and rusts-through quickly? Lulz.
  2. Fuck that and all these people who think BLACK looks good with our school colors! Our school colors are BURNT ORANGE AND WHITE!! Those are the only 2 colors allowed. BLACK is not one of them! If you're on a mission to destroy school apparel, go fucking destroy Neuter Dumb's shit -- make their apparel PINK with multicolor-pixie-dust or some other trainwreck colors. Leave my Texas Longhorns apparel alone! BURNT ORANGE AND WHITE!! That's it!
  3. Johnson needs to SIT, and IDGAF if it hurts his feelings. Maybe he'll portal somewhere to get that "Texas-hatred" to be focused enough when he pitches to actually pitch like he gives a damn -- or the jihad thing: only competes hard when he pitches against Texas. If Pierce wants to ride starting-Johnson all the way to getting fired, let him. Pierce needs to be fired anyway.
  4. Meh, can anyone's complaints change anything when they're not doing LHN baseball anymore in 6 weeks?
  5. byu pitcher talking to himself, conversing with Brigham Young's ghost? Lulz.
  6. Reverse-jinx scores a Tater. Lulz.
  7. No posts in David Pierce Makes Me Big Sad since Tuesday????
  8. MLB's only current knuckleball pitcher, Padres' Matt Waldron, and he only throws knuckleballs 27% of the time -- and gives his catcher (Luis Campusano) Nightmares!! Lulz. "MLB fans loved watching Padres catcher Luis Campusano get completely baffled trying to catch Matt Waldron's knuckleball" https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/matt-waldron-knuckleball-padres-catcher-luis-campusano-video-fans-reaction Lulz.
  9. *Lots of people don't know what a "pom squad" is, so I kept it simple.
  10. I still think of Julia in her Texas cheerleader outfit. Lulz.
  11. Or getting stuck with Lake-Travis-High-School-system QBs who don't know how to play QB outside of their system. ::Rage::
  12. Watching aggy and peace-dodobird in a 9-9 deadlock banging their heads against the wall, continuing to stumble and bumble their way through pointless extra innings (Bottom 11th now), is pretty damn funny. Lulz.
  13. Our ace right now is Ace/Boogey, not Johnson.
  14. Fuck those mouthbreather homer announcers who lose a series and keep mentioning their "blowout win" when we blew their shitty asses out for more runs yesterday! Go to Hell Forever, fuckstick-state!
  15. Gage is dealing despite giving up this single a sec ago.
  16. The first strike was identical to the pitch before it that was called a ball.
  17. That makes the Thursday loss feel worse. We should have SWEPT these pussies!
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