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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Posts posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. 9 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    It's not worth this presidency, but I would be so fucking happy if the NRA got taken down.


    Are Republicans/"Conservatives"  collectively the stupidest group of people on the planet?

    You've got Sacha Baron Cohen proposing the most preposterous things on the planet to them, them agreeing, and them having no clue that it's all a ruse.

    You've got the NRA being infiltrated by a freakin' Russian spy. The NRA. The group that is so pro-militantly American.

    You've got Trump,  the "stable genius,"  taking a 10 minute prank call on Air Force One from "Stuttering John" Melendez.

    • Like 3
  2. 14 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I caught parts of it before and after my haircut appointment. Pretty stunning stuff. I'll have to go listen to the full interview. 


    Yes, listen to it.  The parts about Mercer/Bannon/and Nigel Farage is amazing.  Also, I had no idea about Arron Banks, his Russian wife, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook.  What a clusterfuck.  This Carole Callenwadr is not only a terrific journalist but a brave one. 

    If you ask me, Brexit needs to be  re-voted upon.

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/17/2018 at 10:50 PM, realgreggym said:

    Charlie Sheen played an Indian which  also makes him more Native American than Warren.

    For that matter, so is Bob Uecker.

    It must be hard for you to come to grips with the fact that, day-by-day, your hero proves to be not only suffering from dementia but a traitor besides. 

    What a monumental psychological bitchslap. 

  4. We all want better government.  My idea is to give people who prove to be more intelligent/well versed in policy more votes. One man, one vote?  Fuck that.  That means that my vote and Cletus  from Fritters, Alabama's vote count the same.  

    Here's my idea:  A panel of policy experts, historians, and ordinary folks create a list of 1,000 questions to be asked of citizens/voters.  Anything from "name all the supreme court justices"  to "what does NATO stand for"  to whatever.   The panel would work to ensure that 200 of the questions are very easy, 200 are very hard, and the other 600 lie somewhere in the middle.   When you go to vote, you take a quiz of 100 of those randomly generated questions.  Your score indicates how many votes you get.  So I take the test, get 57 correct answers, and my vote counts as 57 votes.  

    The smarter, more well-versed you are on policy and history, the more your vote counts.  It would encourage folks to get better-educated on the issues, too.  Dumbasses would have virtually no say, which is how it should be in my personal utopia. 


    • Fuck You 1
  5. On 7/14/2018 at 10:27 PM, Michael Knight said:

    Greed ruined college football and strangled everything we loved about it. It had always been a regional sport focused on rivalries. The obsession with one true national champion has made the golden goose a fat disgusting blob vomiting it's detritus onto the viewing public. With the breakup of traditional rivalries there is 0 reason to watch a game if it has no national implications.


      I'll watch pee wee football. I'll watch spring football. I'll watch Canadian Football.  I'll watch Stony Point against Slippery Rock.  I like watching football.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Holy fuck, stop with this inane bullshit.  And I don't mean dotus.  Take it to another thread.


    No fucking shit.  I leave for a few months, the board moves from the Shag to the Surl,  and somehow in the process becomes Derkastan.

    Please, dudes, take it to private messages.


    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. From my Congressman, Lloyd Doggett:

    July 18, 2018

    Mr. HUABS
    Austin, Texas

    Dear HUABS,

    I write to update you on my efforts to encourage the Republican Members of Congress to take action in response to President Trump's weak submission to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Helsinki will be remembered as the place where "GOP" became shorthand for "Government of Putin." Just as Trump surrenders to Putin, these Helsinki Republicans surrender to Trump. Today, I spoke on the House Floor directly urging Republicans in Congress to not surrender to Trump at a time of sustained Russian aggression. You can view my speech here. You can view my earlier House Floor speech here.

    Trump’s own intelligence chief, former Senator, lifelong Republican, Dan Coats, says, “The warning lights are blinking red again,” on Russian attacks. Yet, Helsinki Republicans refuse to act, providing zero funding to the states to protect election integrity today. Their refusal to appropriate a dime for state defense against election interference represents nothing less than unilateral disarmament. Mr. President, enough weakness, enough excuses.

    Instead of a President with no scruples and a congressional Republican majority with no spine, we need strong leadership, unafraid to protect our borders, unafraid to protect American families, from ongoing Russian aggression on our democracy.

    I will continue to work to hold President Trump accountable, and will doggedly press forward to restore America’s promise of liberty and justice for all.

    Let me continue to hear from you. You can visit my Facebook , follow me on Twitter , follow me on Instagram , or e-mail Lloyd.Doggett@mail.house.gov . Especially in these difficult times, I welcome your good counsel.


    Lloyd Doggett

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, TexArcher said:


    But this election is really about mobilizing millennials.  Something like 1/2 of them sat out 2016.  If Beto can get 3/4 of them to show up, he will win.


    All  he has to do is keep reiterating how very much in favor of marijuana legalization he is. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Clob94 said:

    $100,000 from me to you sir, if I have more than one account on this forum. Just because you might be used to deushecanoes joining this sight to troll you, doesn't mean I'm one. 

    Flip side of that coin-- do you have the balls to put your money where your mouth is? 


    Okay.  100,000 dollars from you to me if you have more than one account on this forum.  Go ahead and prove that you do not.


  10. It's pretty instructive to look at reputation points.  Look at the poster UDayDanceParty's reputation. 

    The poster "Annie"  gave the poster UDayDanceParty five upvotes in two minutes time on four different boards on Monday, from 9:43 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.  I suppose it's possible that Annie just thinks that UdayDanceParty is brilliant beyond belief, but my guess is that they are the same person.  Then Annie was banned from the board.   

    Look at Clob94's reputation.  The poster UdayDanceParty has given  Clob94  11 upvotes in the past 11 hours, oftentimes within a minute or two after Clob94 posted.   Again, UDayDanceParty may think that Clob94 is the most brilliant poster ever.  But my guess is that the only reason UDayDanceParty is giving Clob94 upvotes is to inoculate Clob94 against downvotes.  

    I wish there was some way to stop the bullshit. One way might be to make it so that, if somebody gets banned by the board, all their upvotes get removed from people's reputation points. 


    • Like 3
    • Fuck You 1
  11. On 7/17/2018 at 3:04 PM, Clob94 said:

    Biff, I've quietly observed this board for quite some time..... you can do better than this. I've seen it. 


    You can do better than using your sock UdayDanceParty to upvote your posts.

    Or maybe you can't.


  12. Sid Miller claiming that Trump won the popular vote:


    I found the source for Sid's claim:  



    70news, in turn, got their numbers from a Twitter user named "Michael."  I guess if you can't trust Michael .... who can you trust?

  13. Hillary Clinton to Trump on October 19th, 2016:  "You encouraged espionage against our own people. You are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do. You continue to get help from him."


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