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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Posts posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    It is really fucking weird.  It pays more deference to Trump than God, and makes him seem like a worshiper of Trump more than an employee of Trump's.  But we are talking about a guy that bought a used hotel mattress.



    Only because he was told that Trump and a Russian hooker had peed on it.

    • Like 2
  2. 18 hours ago, Machinator said:

    If you don't care about the recruiting mumbo-jumbo, at least read the final three paragraphs. The coaster is climbing, nay, hurtling to the top now.


    "And in a matter of six months we've inked every top recruit we locked on in blood."

    Somebody want to tell this sheep cum dumpster that the  NSDs aren't for about five and seven more months and that A&M hasn't inked anybody yet?

  3. 58 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    If David Dennison hasn't blown off his typing hands with an M-80 by now you can expect an op-ed from him in this thread proclaiming how the founding fathers got it all wrong and how everyone always needs more government in their lives.


    Doubtful. I don't think he's a Republican, and they are the ones who keep giving us more government.

  4. 13 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:

    don't support him now, lost my interest in politics when he announced his candidacy.

    pointing out the reason he is even possible and a bunch of libtards are having difficulty looking into the mirror.




    It's amazing how many Trumpkins don't support him, didn't vote for him etc...

    In 10 years their won't be a single Trump voter to be found.

  5. 22 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I wish him well. He seems like a throwback to the old PRI when, yeah, they got into everybody's business, but that also included keeping the crime bosses in line.

    They had 15 or so years of real democracy and stunk it up. I found myself thinking of Germany without the Kaiser. What if the Kaiser could have stepped back in, in 1930s Germany? Just for a while.


    He was a stupid, vain, weak leader.  They would no doubt have somehow been responsible for the next World War, just as they were when he was in power for the 26 years prior to WW I. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    Just a reminder, the President of the United States has been on this guys show and thinks he does a great job.  Sad!




    It will be a good time to do it, what with Trump and half of the Republican party in Moscow. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    What exactly is your point?

    Let me take a stab at it.  Keynes said that the time for government to deficit spend/prime the pump was when the populace was hurting economically and needed jobs.  But he also said that, when recovery was achieved, that's when we need to repay the debt that we incurred during the financial crisis.  I'm more of a monetarist than a Keynesian and Paul Volcker is one of my idols, but Keynes was right about that this, generally speaking. Instead what we have now is financial recovery and a government that is borrowing like drunken sailors ----- all thanks to the party of fiscal discipline.


    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    yes.... you

    As long as you keep this up, you will lose every election ad infinitum. 

    dork fucks 

    As dire as the demographics are for Republicans, I don't think they are nearly as bad as you make them out to be. They will continue to win some elections, but I do agree that  demographics are ultimately a merciless bitch. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

     All of Washington has been complicit in this.  


    Only one side has the power to do anything about it. The side that controls both houses of Congress and the Presidency. And only one side voted for the massive tax cut and the massive spending increase that is taking our debt-to-GDP ratio to over 100%

    TLDR: Screw  you. 

    • Like 1
  10. Those leftist pinkos at Forbes are slamming the President and the GOP with their Fake News again:

    By Stan Collender

    To say we're all being played by House and Senate Republicans and the Trump administration when it comes to the deficit is my polite way of saying that the GOP is operating the federal equivalent of a huge budget bunco game.

    Think of it as three-card monte with you betting billions on which card is the queen of hearts and you'll get the idea.

    Still not sure what I mean? Start here.

    The Congressional Budget Office last Monday released a report that for the first time officially projected the federal deficit rising to almost $1 trillion in 2019 and then staying at or well above that previously unfathomable level every year through 2028.


    As I first pointed out in this post, these projections almost certainly underestimate the actual deficit that will occur because CBO assumes that current law will be followed. In this case, that means assuming that the individual cuts put in place by last year's tax bill that are set to phase out will, in fact, expire as scheduled. As Catherine Rampell noted in the Washington Post last Friday, if, as seems likely, the cuts are extended, the budget deficit will be an additional $2.6 trillion higher than what CBO estimated.

    Just a few months after the tax bill was signed, the GOP-controlled Congress agreed to increase federal spending and the budget deficit by another $130 billion or so.

    Think about this. The same congressional Republicans who over the previous eight years wanted everyone to believe they were fiscal conservatives hell-bent on balancing the budget and not increasing the national debt, sponsored, passed and then danced around the fire because of legislation that will result in a permanent $1 trillion deficit and a debt that will soar to close to 100 percent of GDP by 2028.


    And...House and Senate Republicans were enabled by a GOP president who during his campaign said he would eliminate the deficit and completely pay off the debt.

    But it's not just that congressional Republicans and Trump faked far right and then actually went far left with these two bills that makes what they're doing a federal budget confidence game. They also:

    1. Hid the real cost of the tax cut with the phaseouts so they could claim they were being fiscally judicious while they were actually being economically reckless.

    2. First insisted the tax cuts would pay for themselves and then admitted in the president's fiscal 2019 budget released several months later that they would actually increase the deficit, big-time.

    3. Viciously attacked the nonpartisan and very credible Congressional Budget Office for not producing cost estimates that made it easier for them to do what they wanted.

    4. Enacted a huge tax cut that skyrocketed the deficit and a $1.3 trillion fiscal 2019 omnibus appropriation that increased it further and then insisted that the real problem is Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

    5. Continually complained about mandatory spending but, even though they had the majority in both houses of Congress and control of the White House, didn't seriously try to do anything about it.

    6. Refused to do a fiscal 2019 budget resolution because, after first enacting the tax and spending legislation that blasted the annual federal budget deficit to over $1 trillion, didn't want GOP members to have go on record in favor of those same deficits.

    7. Kept saying that the deficit problem was because the congressional budget process is broken when, in fact, the process has actually enabled the GOP House and Senate Republican majorities to do exactly what they've wanted to do and hasn't forced them to do anything they've wanted to avoid.

    8. First enacted legislation that created the permanent trillion-dollar deficits and then had the unmitigated temerity to demand that the House vote on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would make it illegal for the federal government to run deficits.

    9. Implied that the tax cuts and military spending increases they support (and the growing interest payments on the debt caused by those tax cuts and military spending increases) don't have an impact on the deficit.

    10. Made it clear that, at the same time they want to reduce revenues and increase funds for the Pentagon, only the domestic part of the budget should be cut.

    Just like winning a game of three-card monte played on a cardboard box on a street corner, none of what we're being told about the budget by congressional Republicans and the Trump White House is real. But based on how they've operated so far, they obviously think they can keep running this game successfully.


    • Like 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, Mole said:


    Likewise, Trump is terrible, but the media coverage of him hasn't been honest about his terribleness. Rather than simply report him, there's a need to exaggerate to the point of dishonesty. So if someone says how terrible Trump is, that's an accurate statement. If someone discusses the dishonesty of the media towards him (as Trump likes to do), that's also an accurate statement.


    What?  This is a man who bilked his fellow Americans out of millions of dollars.  This is a man who had a lengthy sexual relationship with a porn star while his wife was home with his baby, then had another lengthy relationship with a playboy centerfold.  This is a man who thinks it's fine to grab women by the pussy because he's a star.  This is a man who tried to seduce his friend's wives.  This is a man who lied to the American people about paying the Porn Star hush money.  This is a man who is being sued for using his charitable non-profit foundation to pay off legal obligations, to promote his hotels, and to purchase personal items.  This is a man who just days ago urged Congress to vote on immigration reform and then said he didn't.  This is a man who reveled in the fact that he paid no taxes. This is a man who has embraced dictators at every turn while pissing off the fucking Canadians. Do you know how hard you have to work to piss off the Canadians?

    But, yeah, the media has been dishonest in discussing his terribleness. 


    • Like 2
  12. Due to signing a deferred-money contract in 1999, every year on July 1st, from 2011-2035, Bobby Bonilla receives $1,193,248.20 from the Mets.  Bonilla retired in 2001. 

    Salary in 2018: 

    Bobby Bonilla ($1.19M)

    Francisco Lindor ($623,200) 

    Aaron Judge ($622,300) 

    Andrew Benintendi ($620,500) 

    Luis Severino ($604,975) 

    Alex Bregman ($599,000) 

    Trea Turner ($577,200) 

    Aaron Nola ($573,000) 

    Blake Snell ($558,200)

  13. 26 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    God dammit Hugo. Everyone in that video should be sterilized.

    It's a moron leading lemmings. 

    Consider the fact that each of these people has a vote that counts as much as yours and mine.

  14. 38 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    The Left doesn’t respect the Constitution!!!


    Sheriff Clarke is on the Russian's payroll. Remember it was he who was in Moscow in December, 2015,  at the same time Michael Flynn dined with Putin. Clarke went with funds provided by a Russian national named Maria Butina whose bio reads suspiciously like that of a Russian spy. The excuse for her liaison with Clarke was as a bankroller for a Gun Advocacy group but there’s much more to her résumé. 



  15. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    Time felt the need to correct it.  It was misleading and meant to amp up the reporting.  

    The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together


    Fine, y’all don’t think that’s a big deal, but it’s just another example of media twisting things for their maximum desired effect, why is almost always in one direction. 

    There’s other more blatant examples like the Vermont story I mentioned.  It goes on and on. 

    Here's the cover. What is misleading about this?


    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    Will he have all the hats on a table in the court like a college fb recruit?



    He wants to hear from Putin in Moscow before he announces Putin's choice. 

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