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Posts posted by Stunns38

  1. You poor souls.  All I’m seeing are upgraded versions of Taco Cabana.  Go try some Casa Garcia’s and Chapala.


    The old Casa Garcia’s that was on S. Lamar was great. The RR and Pville ones are subpar to me.


    Chapala was good too but haven’t eaten there since 2008.



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  2. i just had a look at the location where this occurred and think maybe i have something to add.
    here's the streetview.  the thing to note here is the absence of people who aren't white.  people who have never lived up north don't have an appreciation for northern racism.  it's pernicious and therefore subtle.
    i haven't read the detail and also realize the whole episode can turn on learning additional insight that is probably not available at this point.  what i do know is my experiences living up north taught me how to read the racism there.  looking at the streetview scene and using goog's wayback machine to look back in time, i couldn't see a non-white face until i got back to 2011.  back then the site was a cleaners, not a bad-coffee joint.  we, down here, don't realize how segregated the northern cities are.  it isn't official and isn't recognized up there.  it just is.
    simply those folks being in an all-white area is an offense, and i'm sure the offenders here knew it.  it was a minor-league version of the lady who refused to go to the back of the bus.

    I’ve gone through tons of small towns from Canada to Cali to New Mex to Vidor to La, Miss, Bama, Florida, Chicago, almost most of the country and I think the most blatantly racist town I’ve gone to was Ronkonkama, NY in Suffolk County Long Island. Your post describes Northern Cities perfectly, especially brownstone gentrifying Brooklyn, Philly, DC, etc. Boston and Chicago are less subtle of course. Shit, Hipster Williamsburg And Greenpoint Brooklyn have Nazi Skinhead gangs.

    Northern racism is the most frustrating because they do passive-aggressive shit to try to get under your skin. The north is a lot more segregated and talks shit about the South even though they’re worse outside a few areas.
  3. You don’t have to take things personally just because you are in the same industry. My realtor confirmed she did several borderline unethical things during the option period and then put a gun to our head. I would have loved telling her to pound sand and having her client be pissed he lost the property, if not for personal issues and our desire to sell the house sooner rather than later. Have you never encountered unethical bitches in your line of work? I don’t intend to derail the thread with this. It was a side detail of my post but I’m not going to let you call me out like I’m an ignorant moron just because I don’t have my own real estate license.

    Pics of the Ho Bag?

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  4. Man, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you want to spend the day in Hearne.

    My dad used to bang some twins from Hearne back in the day. They used to drive to Austin for him and one twin didn’t know that my dad was banging the other.

    Dad was a playa. CSB

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  5. I also see the description of “suspicious”characters in the neighborhood.  The description will be something along the lines of “5’10”, black curly hair, hoodie sweatshirt.”  Intentionally leaving out key descriptors that might really be helpful in identifying said characters.  That would be racist.

    That’s because you live in Cali(generalization). They’d be chastised by their neighbors for saying the wrong thing.

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  6. It's possible. I was St. Edward's HS Class of 1962. We were envious of the Travis High guys who got to go to school with chicks - hence the cruising of those venerable venues.
    "Do you mind if I dance with your date?" 

    Were you a Greaser, Brat?

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  7. Austin skyline & 290 west from Convict Hill in 1981. Note the sign for Mr. Gatti's on the right. That was the first Gatti's, I believe.Two stories, with the coveted "private" booths. Oh man. Good times. I remember my mom would drop me & my friends off there after Bedichek football games. There was an old cemetery out back, connected to the current funeral home on W. Cannon. We used to go out there with girls and hope they got spooked. Been looking for a pic of that Gatti's, but I can't find one. I live just a couple of miles from there but it doesn't look anything at all like it looked then. Sad.












    Looks like the construction activity in the background was Barton Creek Sq being built.

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