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Posts posted by MrBig

  1. Back to the Future 2 - In the beginning, Doc takes Marty and Jennifer to the future because “something’s gotta be done about their kids.” 

    But if Doc took Marty and Jennifer to future from 1985, wouldn’t they have just gone missing and not have been able to get married and have kids?

  2. I caught the show on demand on the AMC app the same night. It was paired with the new show Lodge 49 as one long episode. I hate that they make you wait until the first commercial break for the next show to watch scenes from next week’s episode.

    They used to do this shit with Breaking bad during the first few seasons. Was this the case with the live broadcast?

  3. 5 hours ago, Kermit said:

    Maybe the Spurs need a new medical staff.

    How interconnected are the Spurs medical staff with the medical school in San Antonio? The medical school almost lost its accreditation in 2011 and was on probation from 2011-2013.

    I know these are 2 completely separate issues, but it does make me wonder what the fuck is going on. Do the Spurs have the best doctors in the country, or just medical school sports medicine professors proclaiming to be the best in the country? 

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