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Carl Winslow

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Everything posted by Carl Winslow

  1. my brother ricky had a scholarship offer from USC pending a 700 on his sats. on the day after he took the test we went to the store through the back alley when a red car pulled up on us they rolled down their window & shot ricky twice the first shot hit him in the leg while the second shot went through his chest. later that night my brothers' scores came in he scored a 710 he would've been accepted into college
  2. herman/hand plz dont replace rodriguez with shack 🙏
  3. jaden is projected as the #1 pick in the 2020 nba draft would be huge for shaka http://www.nbadraft.net/2020mock_draft
  4. cnn is live in austin showing bevo blvd
  5. i once dated a girl from rancho cucamonga named D'wana she had the 💦🍑🌮 she somehow got my home address & keyed my bmw i went outside to confront her but she maced me my dad elroy & cousin craig had to hose me off in the front lawn
  6. calipari & shaka had an in home visit this weekend looks like shaka won
  7. Your coach wanna party with a Savage Saint Laurent Savage in an Aston High end cars and fashion I don't eat pussy, I'm fastin'
  8. it would be pac12 2017 bowl game record level brutal
  9. she reminds me of my dream wife my opening line to her
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