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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 14 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    You’ve misread the landscape on this one, my man. 

    This thread is the Surly version of the Island of Misfit Toys. These people have been fantasizing about realignment since before Dodds shit himself and granted the tv rights of Texas to the Big 12 conference. I mean, the fantasies here asymptote simultaneously towards infinite and insane, so they’re crossing dimensions. 

    I was entertained and participating on the Shaggy version of this thread until the bloody, wet fart of the outcome of the prior realignment period. Quit on it after than and began clicking on this one over the past few months, recognizing that something has to be happening in the next year or two if we’re lucky. It’s a very anemic, sad, borderline lunatic thread waiting for real news, any real news. I keep clicking every week or so hoping that something real has happened, only to discover new scenarios in the world of realignment porn. 

    it might be an elevator full of farts, but MY farts smell like fucking cinnamon rolls

  2. 7 hours ago, Duane Moore said:

    Texas was never in the game, the goddamn criminals from The U showed their asses, and beat us 46-3 with over 200 yards in penalties, most of them unsportsmanlike conduct. Texas Football collapsed again, McWilliams got fired, and I will always hate the Miami Hurricanes. 

    we needed a George Teague type

    I honestly don't understand how there wasn't a massive brawl in that game, how our guys just got teabagged for three hours and took it passively. 

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I've spent a ton of time in C-U, with lifelong family there along with close friends and immediate family who went to school there.  I'd probably put it like this:  they would love to have a national championship caliber football team, moreso than basketball, but the reality of the situation is that it's just never gonna happen.  As a practical matter, they emotionally invest more in basketball, because at least then they're in the conversation for conference championships and beyond. 

    yeah, that seems about right

  4. 7 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    nah, we're in. not enough games left for us to plummet all the way out of the field of 68. but we've gone from a 2 seed to a 5 seed in the last six weeks, and the way things are going it would not be shocking to see us as a 6 or even a 7 seed. still, i think we end up as a favored seed, and comfortably in the field. 

    if we lose out, badly, maybe we could end up in the Shaka Smart Invitational, aka the First Four!

  5. 13 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Not really true

    Shrug. If you say so. Every Illinois fan (alumni, boosters, etc) I've ever met is way more invested in basketball than football-- the 2005 Final Four was a much bigger deal to them than the 2008 Rose Bowl for example (or that Sugar Bowl they somehow ended up in a few years before that), although I guess that's not apples/apples. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Hate said:

    While I agree it was a “safe” play in that I’ve never seen a pick six result from it, the better play would have been to hand the fucking ball off and go into halftime to regroup only down a score. It was a stupid fucking call.

    It was 17-6 when it happened, so not one score. and we had the ball at about our 40. Again, it was a low risk call and it's not hard to see what they were thinking-- roll the dice on (again) a relatively safe play, try to grab twenty cheap yards, get within another completion of being in field goal range, let Hunter Lawrence do his thing, go in down one score. 

    The most likely outcome of that play is that Newton takes the shovel pass and gets smothered for a gain of two and we let the clock run out. If we ran that play a hundred times, I bet the actual outcome of a pick six happens once. 

    Of all the things I spent YEARS castigating Greg Davis over, calling a shovel pass in that situation isn't in the top hundred. It's not like he had a noodle armed QB throw a horizontal pass to the wide side of the field and got it picked off and run back. 

    but defending Greg Davis against hindsight is both icky and colossally boring, so I think that's enough

  7. 4 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    aggy has made a major addition to their "Hall of Champions" trophy case.

    And to think these people get mocked and ridiculed.

    aggy champions hats.jpeg

    it's the biggest thing they've won since they beat Kansas State in the Big 12 CG in 1998

    as Warren Zevon said, "Enjoy every sandwich."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I totally forgot about Beilein.  This should be a no brainer.  No buyout and he’s better than all the guys who would be realistic candidates from other schools (and he’s not radioactive like Pitino or Sampson).

    What are we waiting for?   Other than he’s “old” which is lame because he’s younger than Coach K, Roy Williams,etc.


    19 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    I wonder if Beilein is on the Chris Petersen path of "fuck this shit, I'm out" with regard to big-time college athletics.

    If he's up for it, he seems like the obvious choice.

    100% agree. I forgot he washed out in Cleveland. He'd be my first call. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Herpa Derpa said:

    It happens in all programs. 

    Really? During a game? Can you name an instance of it? My question was, who's the best coach you ever saw it happen to? I'm honestly curious. 

    I get that players come to blows in practice, but on the court seems like a "your program is completely fucking broken" moment that never happens to the kind of coaches that Shaka defenders like to point to and say "they almost ran HIM out of town after four years and now he's in the Hall of Fame!"

  10. we're really just arguing over what kind of dumb gamble we want CDC to try next

    I'm going for the "Big 12 washout / retread" gamble, which is actually the safest gamble because if McDermott sucks and we have to fire him, I can just say "what, did you want to keep Shaka Smart?" and your argument becomes invalid

    some want to try the "pulling a Drexler" gamble, which seems kind of presumptuous about how recruits think, to me

    I've even seen the rare "dog returning to its vomit" gamble hinted at, which, you know what, we kind of deserve that.

    • Haha 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    The fact that McDermott was a total failure at ISU doesn't scare you? 18-46 conference record. Never made it past the 1st weekend in the tournament.

    Paging @Al_4_ISU, please come regale us on the Greg McDermott experience.

    No, but only because he's been successful everywhere else and that one stop seems like a weird outlier compared to what he's done at Creighton and the lower tiers. Agreed, though, I would like to know more about how ISU fans see his flameout there because there's no reason a good coach shouldn't win at Iowa State. 

    Tommy Amaker has been successful at Harvard in a league that doesn't offer athletic scholarships, but was a tremendous flop at Michigan. Michigan hired him on the basis of his one Sweet 16 run at Seton Hall; he was otherwise a .500 coach there, too, so it seems to me Amaker is suited for Harvard but not major college basketball. 

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