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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. yeah as soon as I saw this bumped, I knew what the news was wasn't everyone else expecting him to transfer? because from the start he seemed like a contributor level player at best and there was a disconnect between attitude and aptitude
  2. I swear there was a post on TexAgs that got reposted at hornfans.com, where some Aggie said "they're on the 9 yard line and Young has 191 yards rushing, I don't like the looks of this"
  3. This could cross post on the Unpopular Opinions thread, but I'm one of three people on the Internet who loved Brent Musberger. Loved loved loved him. He called some of the biggest games I watched growing up and I always liked the way he set the stage for things. He never sounded bored setting up games that were likely blowouts so his energy when those games turned out to be huge thrilling upsets didn't feel faked. E.g., the 1996 Big 12 Championship Game. I get he's not most people's cup of tea. And that he's retired. Jackson was obviously in a league of his own. Nessler to me was way better 15 years ago. I think Sean McDonough has surpassed him. Fowler is the fucking worst. He sounds like an announcer in a football movie, like he's scripted and played by someone who knows football announcing by watching tapes of announcers, not growing up with the sport. Of all time, I agree w Augustus that Franklin and Gottfried were special.
  4. Shrug. I didn't think Tom Herman would lose his first game against Maryland, but there we found ourselves. It's not unusual to get uneven results in year one after a regime change-- when it's a linear handoff a la Urban Meyer to Ryan Day or Bob Stoops to Lincoln Riley, that's one thing, but when you're making wholesale changes the way Sarkisian's staff surely is, improvement doesn't always manifest in the W-L record in year one. Even when it does, it can be uneven-- Stoops at OU, Tressel at Ohio State, Saban at Bama, etc. 7-5 wouldn't surprise me in the least. I'd be more surprised by 10-2. I think the most likely outcome is to walk away somewhat frustrated thinking the jury's still out on Sarkisian. I feel like we'll know conclusively during Year 2 if he's going to make it, unless Year 1 is some kind of insane outlier either way.
  5. Klatt is currently the best analyst. I thought Chris Spielman was extremely good at the same kind of analysis-- things like an OL tipping a play with his feet, or the why of when a specific approach is or isn't working. Any idiot can watch a team complete a dozen crossing patterns in a row and say "Ohio State continues to work the crossing patterns, Michigan has to do a better job of stopping them!" It takes a competent analyst to explain that, because Michigan is NOT telling its DBs "just run behind the receiver and let him catch the ball and then chase him til he gets tired", something they ARE telling them isn't working, and WHY it isn't working. What is it, and why is it. Klatt and Spielman are about the only two I can recall saying anything in the booth that a coaching staff would be interested in hearing. Herbstreit is probably the worst. He is one hundred percent, literally one hundred percent, jargon without analysis. High-pointing the ball, athletes in space, hog mollies dominating on the offensive line, big hole in the A-gap, 11 personnel, it's entirely jargon to cover up the lack of insight. Which makes sense; Herbstreit played in a prehistoric Ohio State offense and took his last snap almost thirty years ago. His experience as a player doesn't shed any light on why 2021 football tactics work or don't work beyond the most basic stuff a la "that was a good block" and I guess he doesn't really work at learning it well enough to explain it. Gary Danielson is a fucking clown and almost unlistenable if the game affects the SEC's post-season outlook, because whatever the fuck it is, he will find a way to try to rhetorically turn it to the conference's advantage. It's rare to see a football play with perfect blocking, a perfect read by the QB, and a perfect throw to a receiver who ran a perfect route only to have it broken up by the perfect defensive technique of the DB, unless you're watching an SEC game on CBS and Danielson is on the call. The SEC is just that good, you see.
  6. Hey, you're not in any way wrong. You are (most unfortunately for you) better-versed in all things Albom than I am. I very well may be extending him too much benefit of the doubt, he might be trying to sway public opinion in favor of Bo or against Matt Schembechler etc etc-- I don't know, and I'm not that interested in him that I'm actually willing to read his dreck. He's not a deep thinker, he's someone who emotes about deep thoughts, so maybe you're right.
  7. Again, I'm not going to defend Mitch Albom's insipid ass. But. His point might be, who cares about Bo Schembechler's legacy...? Like Juicy says and like I'm sure the vast majority of Michigan fans feel, take Schembechler's name off everything and bury it in a slag pit near Detroit but (to your point) the story here is the deviant criminal and the people who enabled institutional cover-up. So it's kind of both-- Anderson's the villain, we all get that; anyone who had the slightest inkling there was a predator near the sports programs should be disassociated with the program including Saint Bo. Where we start saying "who the fucks cares about that?" is hand-wringing about "all the good Bo did"-- that legacy isn't relevant when the crimes are this serious. As in, I don't care if the football team's trains ran on time, the team doctor was still experimenting on unwilling patients. I too am guilty of not reading Albom but that's a twenty year trend I don't feel like breaking. Michigan gave the Fab Five, what, twenty-five years of disassociation because they took a bunch of money? Reggie Bush had to give back a Heisman because he had his rent paid. What does this get Bo, then?
  8. yeah, the first time I heard of her undying allegiance to Trump, I immediately thought of the "I've got a crush on Obama" girl. which might be a little bit sexist! OOPS
  9. there is nothing I can do that's so trivial that my wife won't express a way it could be done differently, whether it's the way the spoons are put in the dishwasher or which pouch in our daughter's back pack her snack goes in
  10. I think being a huge supporter of any candidate from either of the two giant corporate political parties is boring as fuck.
  11. and 2-1 against Ohio State, .667 > .600
  12. how so? can you explain? I am likewise not an Albom fan-- that column was the first thing of his I'd read or listened to since probably the Sports Reporters circa 2003-- but that to me seemed like a fair piece expressing and exploring the confusion created by the clearly credible allegations. We don't have to only have one emotional response. Anger and disgust may be primary but there's room for disbelief and confusion too.
  13. Brandstatter doesn't seem to have a fucking clue what "wokeness" is. But saying something is just part of wokeness or cancel culture is certainly a quick way to imply it's without merit.
  14. Jeremiah was a killfrog ah I got nothing
  15. the 1988 Notre Dame-USC game wasn't played in or at the Rose Bowl, it was played at the Coliseum
  16. multiple counts of shooting people
  17. I finally finished watching The Last Dance last night and it cracked me up to see the Bulls shooting 40-footers for money, like it was some amazing feat, given the evolution of perimeter shooting since.
  18. Like I said in the pickup-game-in-heaven thread, I'm not a Steph Curry fan, but doesn't he belong on that list at this point?
  19. I'd take Harden in an expansion draft, that's about it.
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