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Posts posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. 59 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    I think Messina sticks around if Pop goes.  He knows the front office better and would not be starting from scratch in terms of developing relationships with the players.  Kawhi may be on his way out, but there is a young core and patient fans that you can't really have outside of San Antonio.

    Yea in theory messina sticks around, but if he gets hired on Friday and pop quits on Monday he won't reneg on his deal.  I guess we might get some hints if messina takes himself out of the running soon.

  2. Ok, serious Pop talk.  This will be the 3rd game he's missed.  Now that's his choice, and I have no problem with him doing so; he can take all the time he needs. 

    So there is obviously a chance Pop calls it a career and hangs it up, and no one but him knows the odds.  He could make that decision now or two months from now. Again, no problem with him doing that.

    Problem for the Spurs is that their assistants are getting interviews.  Even if only messina gets a job, he might take udoka or  Becky with him.  Spurs have gone through a ton of assistants, the one constant being Pop, and Spurs may be left with nothing on the bench in a few weeks.  That'll just add fuel to the trade kawhi crap that is still lurking.  Just saying, it could be a long drama filled summer for spurs fans.

  3. On 4/20/2018 at 7:35 PM, Okie State said:

    When I take my family out to dinner and sit there long enough with no service that I have to get up and ask where the fuck my waiter is. Normally I'd just leave, but that's more of a hassle lugging two kids around.

    I've pissed of a waiter by walking to the bar to order a drink because the waiter took forever to take or drink order.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    When I’m buying a drink at the convenience store and the grubby clerk who maybe washes his hands once a month hand molests the entire top of the drink while scanning and bagging it.  

    Every once in a while this fact dawns on me.  There is absolutely nothing that suggests the top of a beer can is clean.  

  5. I feel the same way about banks.  There are probably 7 banks at My closest major intersection and I'm not a member of any of them.  I havent walked into a bank in over 7 years.  And I've bought two cars,  and a house since then.  All done online and over the phone.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Chad said:

    Looking like yet another sweep at the hands of the Warriors. I'll be surprised to see Kawhi return for next season. Something is definitely wrong, the remarks made by Manu, Tony and Pop demonstrate this. My dream scenario : Trade Kawhi to Boston for Tatum/Brown and sign the Brow to a max. The Spurs would have a solid front court of LMA, The Brow and Tatum supplanted by Brown at SG and Murray at PG in the back court.

    I want some of what you're smoking. 

  7. On 4/19/2018 at 1:32 AM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Yes, walking out should go on their permanent record.  Follow them thru life. 

    At Any reasonably school the consequences would be minimal.  A single unexcused absence is not going to keep a kid from getting into college (do colleges even look at attendance records?)  For skipping a class first timer will probably get a warning, maybe a lunch or afternoon detention.  That's it.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    It was borderline depressing to be there last night. It felt nothing like a playoff game. Terrible energy in the building. The team plays such disorganized basketball and even when they get good looks they can't throw it in the ocean. Then they get gashed on defense. I hate to use the analogy with what is going on with Pop, but it felt like a funeral. I really think this is the end, finally, of a 20 year unprecedented run.

    But getting back to actual basketball, I don't understand the Spurs strategy at all. Golden State is essentially trotting out 5 wings out there. They don't have a point guard. Here's a fucking idea: make one of those assholes who isn't used to bringing up the ball play against some pressure. Patty Mills can't guard in anybody in that starting lineup so instead of letting Klay Thompson abuse him on the block, have him press. Or use Dejounte Murray to press. Worst case scenario it makes them run some clock and burn some energy and gets them out of their comfort zone.

    I thought the same thing when I saw igoudala bringing the ball up in game 1.  But pops never been one to gamble like that.  

  9. 46 minutes ago, Gut Wagon said:

    The sudden rumor that Kawhi wants to play for the Lakers could explain things. Bigger endorsement potential, maybe his childhood dream team (not sure about that) and I assume more of the lifestyle craved by a 26-year-old multi-millionaire who grew up in the area.

    Doesn’t explain to me why he was so skittish about playing this year, but maybe he “knew” there would be LAL interest regardless. That’s a little suspicious.

    Sure hate to think this could happen. Kawhi has become my favorite Spur. But if he were eager to be a Laker, I’d drop him like a hot rock.

    I thought he lives in San Diego in the off-season?

  10. 14 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Feel terrible for Pop.

    I'm sure it was by design, but she was the  least publicly known or recognized spouse/important relative of any prominent Spur that I can ever recall. There was always someone around for everyone else -- Ice's wife Joyce way back in the day, David Robinson's dad Ambrose, Tim Duncan's two-timing whore wife, Manu's wife, Eva Longoria, Kawhi's mom and baby momma, etc. were always at the games. I never saw Pop's wife once, not even at team celebrations where other family members were. They showed some really old picture of her and Pop on TNT last night and that was the first time I ever saw what she looked like.

    I honestly was never sure he was married.  I assumed so, but like you said, never saw her, never knew her name, etc.

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