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Posts posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. Unless its plastic/vinyl it's only waterproof for a certain amount of time.  If your kids wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you they wet the bed, then it'll work.  If they piss themselves, take their clothes off and just switch to the other side of the bed and you dont find out until the next day, then it might soak through.

    You might try a plastic cover, with a thicker cushy pad on top, then a fittted sheet. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    I almost posted something similar to part 3 on the Season thread. Tony is a FA, Manu has nothing left to prove, and Pop is 69. Unless we somehow get serious value for Kawhi I think Pop and the boys walk away this summer.

    Yea, but what did pop promise lamarcus last summer to get him to stay?  Obviously things have changed since then, but it would suck for him if all that's left is him, murray and patty mills.  (And pau I guess.)

  3. 2 hours ago, Jhawk said:

    The question with a sign and trade is what do you get in return?  Next year they are on the hook for $131mm, well into luxury tax zone.  If they are going to supermax him and get back a bunch of mediocre players then why go deeper into the tax?  His salary is going to push them another 10mm or so into the salary hole.  Do they want to sign and trade and take on more tax to not be a contender?  Doesn't seem like a very spurs move.  Now if they are getting a Tatum or Jaylen brown or someone else they can build a franchise around then go for it.  But if they are going to get the equivalent of ricky rubio and a bench player then why bother? Just trade him without the supermax.

    Not sure where you get your numbers.  I see 99 million in contracts, and I think it assumes all players options are opted in.   https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/SAS.html

  4. 2 hours ago, Gut Wagon said:

    True. But we've also looked pitiful against a bunch of decidedly non-elite rosters this season. I just feel we're sucking the last drop of water from this canteen in Death Valley.

    True.  It gonna get worse before it gets better imo.

    2 hours ago, Gut Wagon said:

    In the words of Barkley, "They ain't good enough." I don't think it's much more complicated than that.

    Yea we're spoiled.  There's 30 teams that aren't good enough every year.  

  5. 34 minutes ago, Gut Wagon said:

    I sure can't fault our guys' effort. I just fault the rusting hulk of a roster we're now running out there every night. And that isn't on the players, really. I'm not even sure to what extent it's on the front office.

    I honestly feel it's just that we've somehow just dodged bullet after bullet since The Big Three started to age, and now we see that you really can't overcome bad draft positioning and a lack of free agent allure for two decades. Not quite, anyway. Only the acumen of PATFO and our core group, infused with Kawhi dropping out of the sky and guys like Belinelli and Diaw becoming available to complete title runs, helped us get this far. Now, with a sudden turn of bad injury luck with our franchise guy, we've been left exposed as what we now are: a really old, slow, unathletic team with a great PF and a bunch of has-beens and never-weres playing against the world's most elite rosters in their prime. No wonder we're in a bit of trouble.  

    Spurs are playing against THE elite roster.  Any other team missing their top player (dpoy, all nba, mvp runner up) will look a lot like these spurs.  Warriors are an anomaly.  

  6. 50 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I don’t think kawhi is getting a pass at all. Sports radio hosts are going after him for the most part. Other players are hesitant but players back players. There is no chance he is back. 

    A few things I’ve heard over the last week on nba radio:

    1) look for Boston, philly, and lebron to all make a play for kawhi. 

    2) the spurs turning their back will likely taint him a little. If the spurs don’t want a player other teams are typically cautious. Could “devalue” him in a trade but devaluing him means there are 3 assets traded and not 4 or something like that.

    3) the blow this is to the spurs won’t be known until after a trade but it could be the beginning of the end of the pop era. He coaches a culture and once manu and TP are gone his culture defining players will all be gone. If there is a time to retire it is naturally once his two guys are done.  

    1)  kawhi for Ben simmons :)

    That will potentially mess up the LeBron to SA fantasy.  But definitely trade him to the east.

    2) crappy teams will always take chances.  Contenders won't.

    3)  pop does kind of seem like hes mailing it in.  

  7. 30 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    At this point, I don't even really care about whatever drama there is or isn't between the Spurs and "Kawhi's group." The more pertinent questions are along the lines of: what the hell is it going to take for him to feel 100%? Is surgery even an option? Is it degenerative?

    We're talking about a dude who's already had a bit of an injury history, and who never plays unless he feels perfect. And the options this summer are 1) Give him a max contract, or 2) Trade a king's ransom to acquire him. With a quad that still might not be healed (what are a couple more months going to do at this point?). Good luck with that.

    What injury history?  When he rolled his ankle three times in the playoffs and came back from it twice? 

    When he had a sore knee like 5 summers ago and skipped a USA bball training camp?  

    Hes been pretty durable up to a year ago.  

  8. 10 minutes ago, Fred Willard said:

    The 3rd option is do nothing. If Kawhi doesn’t play the 2018-2019 season and make an all nba team he won’t be eligible to get the super max.

    This is my thinking.  Make kawhi prove to the spurs, and to the rest of the league, that he wants to play and that hes healthy enough to play.  If he comes back 100% showing the same ability as in the 16-17 season then he gets the super extension offer from spurs, or if he still wants out they can trade him at the deadline.  His stock is low rignt now.  

  9. I gave him the benefit of the doubt all season.  We didnt know what he was feeling, and it's not out of the ordinary for team medical staff to be wrong and rush a player back. Plus we were told he was working on rehab and trying to get. Back.    But at this point, (the playoffs) he needs to be with the team.  Hes not gonna play so theres no reason to rehab any more.  There's nothing he can do in thr next week that he cant do all summer long. At this point he'd probably get booed if he showed up in SA.


  10. 4 hours ago, F250 said:

    I miss Tim and all the leadership and stability he brought to the Spurs.

    Seems like Tim needs to fly to ny and just pop in a dvd of tims last game where he hobbled around on one leg for 34 minutes and score 18.  Then say "ill see you in oakland" and leaves.  (Tim wouldn't actually have to go to oakland)

    • Like 2
  11. 53 minutes ago, Hellraiser97 said:


    I haven’t exactly been dining out a ton since I moved back three years ago but I’m amazed at how blah I find pretty much every Mexican place. Flores, Maude’s, Santa Rita, Matt’s El Rancho - they’re all good but nothing exceptional. I really have no preference of one over the other.


    You live long enough you'll realize that this is just the way texmex is.There's really only so much your can do with rice beans and beans and tortillas.

  12. I have a cheapo corded electric mower.  For a small yard it works well as long as you don't let the grass/weeds get too long or thick.  I got it because it was cheap and I just needed something, but I haven't had any reason to replace it.   Honestly the cord doesn't bother me add much as I'd thought.  

  13. 30 minutes ago, ROFL BOX said:

    For the next go 'round...



    1.  Secure Webelos 2's (AOL's) & have them cut up various ingredients or sort them into bowls (cheese, crack eggs into larger bowl that can be ladled or large spooned out of).

    1a.  Ingredients:  Onions, [green and / or red and / or yellow / and or orange] bell pepper, "Mexican" 3 variety cheese package, diced ham, maybe even small bits of potato.
    2.  Have Scouts in an assembly line & by Den (always Tiger / Bobcats 1st & then by rank, with Webelos 2's last) & their parents come through & pick up a FREEZER type Ziplock bag (thicker than a sandwich bag) select ingredients of their own choosing.  3 Scoops or spoon fulls of beaten egg mixture goes over / in last.

    3.  Express out as much air as possible without spillage, seal top, write name on side of baggie, deposit into boiling water.  Average wait time:  5 minutes. 
    4.  Retrieve baggie, set aside for 3 or 4 minutes with top open to allow for cooling.

    5.  ???
    6.  Profit.


    PS:  Tell the vegetarians they are welcome to join Girl Scouts.  :D

    Hmm, interdasting.  Lots of plastic waste, but I like it

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