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Tex Long

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Posts posted by Tex Long

  1. 23 minutes ago, VirginiaLonghorn said:

    I watched many games at Clark Field.  But, I don’t recall it being a gradual incline to the rocks.  

    Ditto. One of the best moments I saw there - I think it was Minnesota. but maybe Meatchicken - batter hit a ball over the scoreboard but not over the fence. The CF got up there, got the ball, and threw a strike to the plate. The runner was out. Home Field advantage much?

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Jerry Callo said:

    Swimmin' pools, movie stars . . . 


    That's what popped in my head when I read your sentence.  Then I thought, why would old Jed Clampett care about any of that?  Which led me on a search to find out how old Jed Clampett was when he moved to Beverly Hills.  I learned that Buddy Epsen was 54 when the show stared. 

    Guess how old I am going to be in a few weeks? 



    Damn is right. Hits close to home.

    My favorite uncle was 54 when he croaked.

    Good luck.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Tex Long said:

    I'm saving "paleoscatologist" for the next required form with a "profession" entry.

    One of the few latinate  intrusions into proper English one might brook. Surely "paleoscatologist" as a professional title is more elegant than "oldshitworder"...

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