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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. What pisses me off most about this is that there are still very real problems regarding discrimination and race in this country (BLM, etc) and this fuckwad spends his fucking time and energy on a fucking school song? How about trying to remove the turd from the punchbowl before arguing whether to drink it with paper or plastic cups. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, NoRagrets said:

    This is the spinoff of the trump reality show that most intrigues me. He's a real life Saul Goodman. I can't imagine all the shady stuff this guy has pulled off and I can't wait to hear about it. Fascinating.

    Get the fuck out of here with that trash. 

    Saul Goodman was competent, don't lump him in with that other bumbling idiot. 😀

  3. 46 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Did he say something. I was distracted my that weird hair part on the side of his head.

    He said that in honor of the great land of Japan he combed his hair to look like the rising sun.

  4. Yeah that's mentioned in the article. I thought I would include it in the post for those that didn't necessarily want to click the link.


    I should also mention that in addition to it being about the Aldridge situation last year. It was also a quote from Pop. 

    I'll make sure to footnote all posts going forward as well as provide a bibliography. Is MLA ok?

    • Haha 1
  5. So you are you claiming that Hillary didn't have the black vote because black voter turnout returned to the same level they were at before the Obama years?

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  6. My younger brother and my oldest cousin both graduated in the same year, 1999. My brother's graduating class (Houston suburbs) was over 600 and took a couple of hours. The very next weekend we travel to SA for the NEISD ISA graduation. I find out the class is only about 100 kids. I'm pretty pumped until I start reading the program. In addition to the normal self serving valedictorian speech they had speeches from the class poet and other people. They had multiple songs and performances as well as a whole section where students got up to tell inside jokes / stories about their teachers and give them their own awards. Fucking thing was almost 4 hours long. 

  7. Posted this on the season thread but Marc Stein doesn't think a trade is likely.



    Also from the article:


    “I was very candid with him. I told him, ‘you get me a talent like Kevin Durant and I’ll drive you to the airport. I’ll pack your bags, I’ll drive you there, I’ll get you on the plane and I’ll get you seated,’” Popovich said with a smile. “And he laughed at that. But short of that, I’m your best buddy, because you’re here for another year and you’re not going nowhere. Because we’re not going to get, for you, talent-wise what we would want. So let’s figure this thing out.”

  8. Marc Stein said he didn't think a trade is likely yet.


    I thought this was pretty funny regarding the come to Jesus meeting with Pop and Aldridge.


    “I was very candid with him. I told him, ‘you get me a talent like Kevin Durant and I’ll drive you to the airport. I’ll pack your bags, I’ll drive you there, I’ll get you on the plane and I’ll get you seated,’” Popovich said with a smile. “And he laughed at that. But short of that, I’m your best buddy, because you’re here for another year and you’re not going nowhere. Because we’re not going to get, for you, talent-wise what we would want. So let’s figure this thing out.”

  9. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Ummm...that's a really good question.  What in the FUCK did SPB pay him half a million for?  They don't just do that for shits and giggles.

    That's just going market rate, nothing to see there. Just like the fifty dollar rooms for rent. It's all on the up and up. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    Is Hannity going to have to get some attorneys to talk to his attorney?

    I'm envisioning a society in which everybody is an attorney.  We compete against each other in courts of law. Winners move up in the rankings until, every year, there's a Super Bowl of litigation held and an "Attorney Emeritus'  title awarded.  One lawyer to rule them all. But only until the next Super Bowl. 



  11. 4 hours ago, Jhawk said:

    I don’t think kawhi is getting a pass at all. Sports radio hosts are going after him for the most part. Other players are hesitant but players back players. There is no chance he is back. 

    A few things I’ve heard over the last week on nba radio:

    1) look for Boston, philly, and lebron to all make a play for kawhi. 

    2) the spurs turning their back will likely taint him a little. If the spurs don’t want a player other teams are typically cautious. Could “devalue” him in a trade but devaluing him means there are 3 assets traded and not 4 or something like that.

    3) the blow this is to the spurs won’t be known until after a trade but it could be the beginning of the end of the pop era. He coaches a culture and once manu and TP are gone his culture defining players will all be gone. If there is a time to retire it is naturally once his two guys are done.  

    I almost posted something similar to part 3 on the Season thread. Tony is a FA, Manu has nothing left to prove, and Pop is 69. Unless we somehow get serious value for Kawhi I think Pop and the boys walk away this summer.

  12. 3 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    Here he goes again.

    The legal questions I had "never involved any issues between me and any third party".

    If that's the case, then it sounds like it's a pretty tenuous claim of privilege.

    Subtle way to say that he didn't pay off someone that he had sex with.

    Even more subtle way to say that no one will have sex with him.

  13. 57 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I try to imagine if Trump is POTUS in 1938, how would he feel about Hitler and Mussolini? 

    The Pacific Seawall will be the most beautiful wall ever built, and the Japs are going to pay for it!

    Presidential debates where he makes fun of FDR in a wheelchair. 

    Fireside chats would all happen in the morning while he is on the shitter.

    The sheer amount of graft that he could have perpetuated with the New Deal would have made him salivate.




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