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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Obviously calling them "not that great of a program" is indeed stupid..... Even if they never won another title again for the next 85 years (see what I did there) they would still be a great program. With that said I do think the latter part of his "take" is correct in that odds are high that their run of dominance is likely over due to the changing landscape of CFB.
  2. I guess they needed a sacrificial lamb and so here we go.
  3. LOL that is also cherry picking Shaq came into the league 8 years after Olajuwon so most of that was on the downslope. Ask Shaq who the greatest opponent he ever faced and get back to us.
  4. I don't wish ill will on him because I refuse to do that for anyone who is not involved directly in government. However he is Sooner/Raider Rash so I also lack any form of empathy.
  5. Pimphand


    You fucking dipshits cried about this very subject in COVID and it didn't happen. Keep crying.
  6. California plates..... Definitely compensating for lack of actual balls.
  7. Gabe I'm with you the vast majority of the time on Astros stuff exceptions being Whitley & AJ Hinch. Hinch being around already cost us one world series with the best team in club history. All we needed was an owner like Tom Benson who had the cojones to let Gregg Williams take the fall and weathered the storm of keeping Sean Payton around during the suspension. Instead we overreacted and the rest is history.... And in that context I would have been fine with letting Dusty have the 2020 season which was the intent all along we just caught a cast of the stupid which started with Crane overreacting.
  8. So over 13 months he lost a shade under $82,000 + all the time it takes to place almost 9,000 bets + getting arrested? #winning
  9. Of the ~9,000 bets only 17 were on NCAA football so clearly if you are placing on average 22 bets per day you are betting on every fucking sport under the sun and a bunch of prop bets too as a guess.
  10. Betting 9,000 times in 13 months is pretty impressive... That's like 23 bets a day on average
  11. True Mrs Sark definitely has the control needed. Surely by now football 101 has to have rubbed off on her
  12. My ideal candidate would be to hire Andy Kotelnicki A) I think he's awesome B) It would be good to get him out of Pedo State
  13. Jabba the Ketch "Cheesah beecha wonky Tom Herman"
  14. This times 1,000.... RT cry about horns down SM literally cry post game I hope Michigan does a real coaching search but given their history Rich Rod/Hoke I am not sure it will matter.
  15. The way I see it.... 1) Sark seems fully capable of handling the CEO level duties on non-game day he recruits well, he speaks well, his press conferences are the best we've ever had since I started paying attention to UT football (McWilliams) and as best I can tell the big wig shitbags like him which is probably the 2nd most important aspect of this job after recruiting as it pertains to the CEO stuff 2) He does seem to be obsessed about his opening script and instead of abandoning it and adjusting to what the opposition is giving him he trudges on regardless of what version of Ewers (Jekyll or Hyde) shows up that day (this happened in both the OU & UW games) 3) He also seems to get perceptual narrowing obsessing over the strategy to break down defenses to the point that he loses sight of the overall ebb and flow of the game which is why his clock management always leaves room to be desired and we frequently don't use timeouts when we should have not to mention he does have that Pac-12 go for it on 4th down too often predilection (this part got better as the season wore on) This is probably the simplest fix in history we just need someone who Sark trusts (see Pete Carroll, Nick Saban) to sit on the sidelines on Game Day as an adviser who can simply walk over and say things like "Hey Sark stop being cute and run the fucking ball" or "you should probably punt/FG here" as well as have timeout calling authority. Hell I would do it myself for flights, hotel, & per diems if I could get the gig ;-) That seems like a far more likely pathway to success than trying to convince him to relinquish play calling abilities and actually getting him not to micro manage it.
  16. I eat at Porta Di Roma all the time this hits close to home (6 minute walk)
  17. No were was my past tense of living there they are all still huge fans I texted them a bunch during the OSU game and the CFP.
  18. The ags entire identity is wrapped up in being in the SEC and getting to claim superiority off other teams success. Its cute y'all think there is a snowballs chance in hell they would go to the B1G but it ain't haapnin even with mean big brother back to whip their ass and torment them.
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