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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Back on his knees like a good aggy I didn't realize aggy gave the sheep BJs till you came around
  2. LOL fuck Donald Trump that guy sucks ass clearly you are not paying attention. With that said your Russian dossier hoax was proven to be run by your lords and masters.
  3. Get ready for your UBI bro it's not the end of the world it's the end of freedom but you will be cheering it on the whole way.
  4. No dickbag she made her way being Montel's sidepiece. For fucks sake keep up you aggy simp. Keep your knee pads on for the dildo slurpers on this site LOL BTW how did that quaccine work out you obedience worshipping fuckface
  5. Never was an Elon fan but his 45 billion purchase of twitter proved you dipshits live in a controlled simulation and instead of being thankful you are all just a bunch of cocksmokers who will defend your slavers.
  6. You people fucking suck ass through the world's largest straw.....
  7. Hypernovelty is here so embrace your upcoming existential crisis you earned it
  8. Just here to laugh and laugh and laugh as you Stockholm syndrome bitches continue to worship and appreciate your tormentors & captors. Keep it up
  9. Yeah that was exactly what I thought when it happened
  10. Leave it to Austin to fuck up the globe on a Friday guess it's better they did it today than tomorrow but still way to go 512!
  11. I really want to know how in 2024 people don't use Bitwarden.....
  12. APD is like the state of Washington circa 1970-2002 where they just let Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, and Robert Lee Yates run amok missing clue after clue along the way.
  13. Lizweezyanna is getting more tornados so far...
  14. Getting small hail in WashCo and 1/3rd of the county reporting power outages and that's on the clean side of the storm....
  15. Its remarkable how stupid Espada is
  16. What a fucking bozoron this manager is...
  17. Imagine being stupid enough to believe the system's bullshit at this point but here we are. TO THE IDIOTS!
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