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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Wonder how many tax cuts she can enact being booted.
  2. I really disliked how subpar Safeways were in the Bay Area.
  3. I’m sure he would be fine as President. But I voted against him when I was living in Ca. Dude always came off as a pretentious prick. Very irrational I know.
  4. As an immigrant… seeing my first Astros game on TV was what made this foreign country seem more familiar (immigrated from Taiwan where baseball is the most popular pro sport). It truly was love at first sight. And boy did we live through some mediocre and bad teams. And all the heartache agains the Braves. All this is to say that I never imagined that we as Astros fans would witness a WS and the sustained success this team is on and because of the foundation Luhnow put in… probable continued success. God I love the Astros. Will never take this for granted. It’s still a crystal clear memory during the rebuilding years… I’ll never forget sitting in the Giant’s stadium as they got perfect gamed against… and on the BART ride ride back home, hearing a drunk Giants fan downplay the perfect game because the Astros was a AA team in quality.
  5. There's a reason companies created family plans. Why not take advantage of them? Also some of us immigrant families are just cheap. 😆
  6. Got booster number two yesterday along with the flu shot. No side effect other than a very sore arm.
  7. YChang

    NFL Week 2

    Way to got midget
  8. Yeah yeah yeah… I guess it’s more of my Kate Blachett’s acting bias going on, then her character! 😄
  9. Young Galadriel is a bit of a hot head. Will be interesting to see how she mellows as she ages/seasons to come.
  10. YChang

    NFL Week 2

    Lol, looking so smooth and in command till the INT
  11. Kinda telling/interesting the reactions generated from this. Also... it's not like they don't make some excellent sweat wicking summer wear.
  12. Yeah for me, I kinda enjoy that this is a sitcom that takes place in the MCU. It's really silly and I'm good with that.
  13. Went down to the courthouse for jury selection yesterday… it was something else seeing Alito pop up on the instructional video wax on about your patriotic duty to serve as a juror and how diversity is valued.
  14. Yep, yep. I think you’re right about more marketing… but it hasn’t stopped shows like Ted Lasso or Severance become global hits. I’ll have to ask my buddy on the Tv team what’s up with Blackbird.
  15. I mean basically there’s no easy answer. And economist can’t exactly reference historical precedent… since we’ve never experienced a global pandemic that shut down nearly everything. There is no panacea other than best guesses/assumptions. It’s why the Fed has gone from inflation is transitory to well, time to do hike up the rates, it’s gonna hurt everyone (stupid stock market) and best we can hope for is a soft-ish landing.
  16. It’s pretty much available on every TV/streaming hardware out there.
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