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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Your Mom

  1. Yeah that was a typo.  This was supposed to be the Foosball board.  Personally I'd like to see our 3rd bar guys getting more loose balls.  And the Goalie bar has been set wrong all season, needs to be 90 degrees and slightly offset to the near side.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Cody2422 said:


    Scenario 1-cop enters wrong apartment and shoots a suspected burglar-cops are fucking crooks and liars. Bitch murdered him because she was tired of his loud music and hates black people. Cops are covering for her.

    Scenario 2-no fucking way would cops risk jail time and do something illegal to set up a guy who has pissed off numerous law enforcement agencies. Cops are heroes and never break the law.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Pretty ballsy of you to post in this thread, Cody. 

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The Texas Dem Party looks to be unsure of how to handle Beto's surge and may actually hurt him by literally tying him to their other Dem statewide candidates who zero chance of winning their elections.   However in some parts of the state (e.g. Valley) this could help Beto.  Walking a fine line.

    Yeah this makes me uncomfortable.  For now I'd like to see Beto on an island.  I'm not real keen on lumping him in with a bunch of democrats who have historically had a hard time in this state.  He has worked hard to stand out against the norm.  Let him keep it that way.  At least until he wins, then tie as many to him as he wants.  

    • Like 2
  4. 22 hours ago, Machinator said:

    You can't embed mobile Twitter links.


    Anyone who thinks he led with the shoulder should run that video to the :12 mark and pause/unpause it one click at a time for slow motion.  It's very clear their heads collided before BJ's shoulder hit hit chest.  The argument about how else to make that tackle still stands, sometimes your  head just can't be put anywhere else.  Sometimes they're going to collide.  But if he makes that same hit "face up" instead of dropping his helmet at the last second he's playing the first half of TCU.  It's not about whether or not your helmet hit them, it's about what part of your helmet hit him.

  5. That right there is where Cruz’ base will have a hard time not voting for him. They can hate him in every other way, they can hate Trump, they can become open to Beto’s appeal, but they will dig their heals in to keep those AR-15s. 

  6. OP... such horseshit.  You can love you team and still admit they suck at the same time.  You aren't less of a fan for that, but a true fan admitting reality.  I still wear my orange on gamedays, I'll still show up to the games when I can and watch on TV when I can't, I stand, and I'm loud.  My horns are up.  That's the basic level of fandom and I can do all that and still say we suck right now and shouldn't be favored in a game anytime soon.  

  7.  100 posters on here are going to  give you 100 opinions.   You guys are obviously doing a great job already, keep it up. Investigate your options and go with whatever feels best to you guys.   Parenting is 99% of it and you probably already have that part covered. 

    I have a GT elementary kid  in a school very close to Clayton.  He is absolutely thriving but it’s not because of the GT program.   He’s in math and science with nothing but GT kids, but prior to this year all the GT kids were in normal classes and were just given some extra work and harder problems.   It works for us and I’m happy with it and he is thriving. But I don’t think you could go wrong if you were looking for something more involved.  Bottom line is,  keep up the good work and stay involved. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Revolution512 said:

    I have no issue with Willie. Beto’s text bomb campaign is annoying as fuck. 

    That’s on you.  Donated several times and I don’t receive texts. 

  9. Team daughter.

    I remember being taught that while it's legal to drive on the shoulder sometimes,  it's not required, nor does it give you the right of way.   While the daughter had the option of pulling off onto the shoulder she was also completely justified making her turn from the lane.  Who the fuck checks a blindspot before every right turn?  

    If she had her blinker on the car behind her on the shoulder should have given way.  If she didn't have her blinker on then she should be imprisoned and may god have mercy on her soul.

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