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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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  1. If they did that for everyone, every flight would be late. There is somebody running for the airplane and barely missing it or barely making almost every flight every day. It’s a bigger picture than just you. There are probably other tight connections that are in jeopardy on the next flight. Or a crew close to timing out. Or an ATC takeoff window that has to be met. Or just the downline schedule that has to be caught back up to to keep the rest of the day on time or as close as possible. Every delay causes more delays down the line. One family getting on isn’t worth jacking up the rest of the day. And the days of making up time in the air have been gone for many years now. The airspace is just too busy for that.
  2. You’re an idiot. Perfectly sane people commit violence all the time. Being crazy and being evil are two completely different things.
  3. So after shots were fired, the Secret Service is just gonna allow him to stand right back up again in clear view of everyone? Sure Jan. He didn’t get fucking shot.
  4. Mine too. 1938 to 1980. DC-3 to 747. He was based in Texas in the early years, west coast in the later years. The place wasn’t all that big. They almost certainly knew each other or at least crossed paths.
  5. There are a lot of horror stories out there about cheap windshield installs causing problems later on. They pull the rivets out and go in quickly with larger generic sized screws into the old holes without sealing it up properly. The also reuse the same old brittle gaskets and trim pieces. Then the enlarged hole around the screw starts getting rusty, and the rust builds under your A-pillar unbeknownst to you until years later when it manifests as a leak down the pillar onto the interior floorboard.
  6. I love how Austin is supposed to have 30 knot winds and they’re still using the storm’s name.
  7. Football season, and life in general, is way better when you have no idea who most of our players are until they start making noise in camp a year or two later.
  8. Wives don’t seem worth the hassle.
  9. After my last few visits to the Texas coast… Team Shark.
  10. If you’re here get off your damn phone and get to work on my roof.
  11. George fucking Jefferson. Any 2 others.
  12. I’m an occasional Crank n Dranker. Like a few times a year at most. I used to be able to hang with group 2 but I’ve gotten slower and they’ve gotten faster and even group 3 kicks my ass. Those are my home trails though. Not my favorite trails, but the ones I ride the most since they’re right out the door. Knowing every little obstacle and the best lines though them make it easier.
  13. SWA does it by deplaning down stairs in the back and then you walk a coned-off route on the tarmac to the terminal. You end up at the same gate as the folks deplaning from the front. Burbank always does it, Long Beach and Sacramento sometimes do it. Depends on the staffing at the station at the time. They don’t board that way though, just deplaning.
  14. I’m on the opposite side. Korean-Mexican girlfriend loves that shit. I love lots of other Korean foods but kimchi fucking reeks. Maybe you and I could work out a deal.
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