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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ztejas

  1. Just now, TrashMaster G said:

    March Grandioso

    Thank you! I think the band was playing it at one point because I saw the cheerleaders doing the T E X A S signs but we couldn't hear the band which fucking sucked. 

    I guess I could stick around for the halftime show. But, y'know, gotta stay hydrated. 

  2. I like the shots of the crowd - student section especially. Also like how they pipe in some stadium anthems to get things going (the Mo Bamba shit is amazing).

    That said... I was in section 19 and the band was non-existent. Couldn't hear them all game and couldn't tell when they started/stopped playing EoT. 

    I'd like Wabash and more of the fight song and the T - E - X - A - S Texas Fight song (not sure of the name).

    Idk. Can't please everyone. What mattered was the crowd showed up and was loud all game. Never going to complain when that is the case. 

    (knock yourself out with the ad-hominem jokes)


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    To be fair, that's only 12% of posted "liked" on average, so more often than not, my post just fall to the wayside, it would seem...
    Here is the press conference for Arkansas head coach Chad Morris, on his thoughts on what is needed to beat the aggies on Saturday:


    It's okay he thinks having more reps than posts makes his penis bigger

  4. 21 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:

    Nope. Both of y'all are idoits.


    Ps. OU did play in the Southwest Conference. As did Oklahoma A&M aka Okie State you ignorant twatwaffle.


    Not in 1988 you fucking retard.

    Learn to read. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:
    11 minutes ago, kopp0e said:
    What are you trying to spell here..?
    What of Oklahoma vs USC/ Oklahoma State vs Texas A&M, isn't #Southwestern..?

    IT's SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE not SOUTHWESTERN CONFERENCE aka SWAK, a historically black school conference you aggy moron. Ps okies are yankees and aggy am farmers, not a goddamn thing southwestern about either of em ya fucking aggy sec goat felcher.

    If you're going to be a pedantic fuck at least understand the context of what you're replying to. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    What are you trying to spell here..?
    What of Oklahoma vs USC/ Oklahoma State vs Texas A&M, isn't #Southwestern..?


    He thinks OU and OSU played in the SOUTHWEST conference.

    Pretty sure your nomenclature is more apt. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    There are some vets over in collie station who'll be happy to accommodate your "issue".  The best part....no charge! 

    Mmmmm I don't know... just trimmed the hedges.

    I hear aggy likes their lovers a bit more... woolly. 

  8. 22 hours ago, Machinator said:


    Fucking 'ay he's 18 and literally might be one of the best 5 safeties in the nation. Has an underclassman ever won the Thorpe award? I mean what if this kid puts up like 10 picks and 70 tackles on the season?

    Does anyone have a good doc that can take a look at this erection that won't go away?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Sterns’ success will also show the other guys the upside of hard work and film work. We should start seeing other young players flash.

    Literally was just thinking this weekend about how we've changed from playing in games where the young guys/practice team guys seemed nervous and unsure what to do to kids coming in the game pumped up and ready to make a play. 

    Those recruiting rankings tend to be pretty damn accurate. It's amazing how much better a team is when your 4 and 5 star players nut up and play confident ball, especially now that we've gotten S/C back on track. 

  10. 44 minutes ago, kingkoopa6 said:




    Hey dad hey there I can't see too good. Is that Devin Hester over there? (adjust glasses)

    Also any reason he isn't returning kicks?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Nick Nolte said:


    Apparently it was an honor (reading the twitter comments) for the sooners to be able to host such an incredible, heroic football team and have the game go the distance. OU never wanted to convincingly win - that would be disrespectful to the soldiers. 

    But yeah, OU, spin whatever the fuck that was on Saturday as a "let's bring the troops home" kinda deal. Sounds like something they would do down in middle-of-the-fuck-nowehere Station. 

  12. I live in Dallas. I study you Cowboys fans. 

    Not sure where the fuck this team is headed but I'm pretty confident in saying that Dak isn't the answer at QB. If you aren't figuring it out in year 3 you probably aren't a starting QB in the NFL. 

    Garrett needs to go. Can him, see if a different staff can resuscitate Dak's career and if not start scouting. 

    Boys still have a solid roster and solid fans. This Garrett/Lenihan charade is getting pretty stale, though. 

  13. I just can't see us losing this game. Everything I have seen from these teams over the past few weeks tells me that we should absolutely outclass this team. 

    That said, if we can win by 1 point in OT I'll rest easy. 

    Just get the W, Horns. No dicking around no jitters. Line up and pound this trash ass football team and don't look back.

    OU needs to know who's coming for that ass. 

    • Like 1
  14. Holy fuck it's becoming self aware

    aggy 1: 


    I still think we’re good enough to beat any team left on the schedule (with the possible exception of Auburn’s downfield passing ability) and finish 10-2/9-3.

    We are who we thought we were, but we’re still pretty good.

    aggy 2:



    ….there is enough Sumlin left in this team that they implode like they have in previous years after a sobering day with the Tide.


    • Like 1
  15. 47 minutes ago, texifornia said:



    Can we acknowledge that it's kind of badass we've had two true freshman do that already?


    Would love to know who those Horns were. 

  16. 13 hours ago, Stunns38 said:

    I wonder how the rest of the SEC views Mizzo. Mizzo came in quietly and dejected after failing to get into the Big10. aggy came in with their chests puffed out, claiming Texas as SEC country and putting up billboards everywhere in the Southeast and Texas. Plus they have SEC logos larger than aggy logos. It’s easy to see why they’re hated*


    *not that we didn’t already know that.


    They got used for TV sets and Texas recruiting.


    I pray that Arkansas wins next week or that Jerryworld gets hit with a tornado.


    Pretty sure the SEC loves Mizzou. Good football and basketball and chews into the St. Louis/KC market. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, The University said:

    if the horns lose to the sooners by 1 or 2 points, there ain't any room in my head for moral victories. it simply sucks and i hate it. i don't care how highly ranked those toothless cousin fucking assholes might be and guarantee that sooners feel the same way.

    i'll never be able to comprehend the loser mindset of aggy. they're basically the garbage pail kids of the world that didn't even make the cut.

    aggy calls their 98 season "outstanding" despite losing to their in-state rival. 

    Find me one "outstanding" Horns season where we lost to OU. Maybe 2004? And that was a 1 loss Rose Bowl champion Horns team. When was aggys last Rose Bowl?

  18. 4 hours ago, HuntinHorn said:



    This sounds very Aggy...


    Do Longhorn fans actually use those terms?

    TCU fans do. One sweaty balding one asked my friend if he got his shirt at Wal-Mart. 

    And I don't waste money on visitor nosebleed seats. We were 20 rows back in the old student section surrounded by rowdy Horns fans. 

  19. 11 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Agreed. They also lost their ability for a power running game when Anderson went down; so now it's all on the hobbit to do everything. If Texas can contain him in two weeks they are fucked. Someone needs to spy his ass for the whole game and take away his ability to move the ball on the ground. I think Texas will be able to marginalize their passing game to some extent, but they have players who can score from anywhere on the field. So our DBs will need to be on point.

    Best case we contain the run with 5 or 6 up front and some help from the safeties and run a lot of nickel and dime packages. 

    I'd like to see BJ play more SS/OLB hybrid and lay the fucking wood on some ball carriers. 

    Gary is going to be a nightmare for them to deal with. Hope we get out of Manhattan healthy and 4-1. 

  20. 1 minute ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    I'm not making excuses for oklahoma. They can fuck off. They choked in that game. I was saying Army played a hell of a game and should've won. I'm not sure where you got any idea that I was defending that shitstorm of a team in red.

    Apologies. They are teams that schools are hesitant to schedule for a reason and I understand that. 

    That said - OU knew who was on their roster at the start of the season. Conference play is going to be a rude awakening if they keep taking teams for granted like that. 

  21. 9 hours ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Except that the device academies still have to maintain weight standards so they run significantly lighter than a normal college team. This is particularly apparent along the lines. The fact that service academies are able to play with teams who dwarf them speaks volumes to their ability to play the game.

    Fucking Duke beat Army by 20 points. Ohio State kicked the shit out of them last year. Then Army lost to freaking Tulane. 

    Quit making excuses for Brokelahoma. Army is not a P5 football team - you don't let them take you to OT at home if you're actually the 5th best team in the country. The fact that OU was unable to play the game on their terms speaks to OU's shitty preparation and soft play more than Army running the same play 80 times. 

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