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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle


    So you support discontinuing the printing of public notices and ballots in Spanish? (stupid comments are easily refuted)
  2. Kyle


    That's a good question and one I'm certainly not qualified to fully answer. However, I think we could align on facets of common core beliefs that a significant majority of Americans could agree upon. For example, I think American culture emphasizes freedom (of speech, religion, etc.) to a greater degree than other countries. Politically, I would point to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Legally, English Common Law (except the damn coon asses). Linguistically, American. I acknowledge unfortunately many of these may be too often be aspirational and that there are distinct regional expressions, but I naively think we could all align around some definition of "American culture." I think one unique factor of American culture as been historically its desire to take the best of other cultures and blend them into our greater common experience.
  3. Exactly. I think "questions about its methodology" can be translated into "hurt a few activists' feelings." How dare we let #science get in the way of a political agenda!
  4. Yeah, that seems about right in 2018.
  5. Kyle


    I don't know why I punish myself .... I think you're spot on, but IMHO there are two things I'll add that I think makes some difference in today vs. yesterday: - Proximity: Asian and European immigration inherently limited by logistics; as the Caravan shows, basically all of Central America can walk to the U.S. and claim "asylum;" by the logic of many, we should just effectively annex Central America. - Political correctness: somewhere during the last 20 years many liberals intelligentsia decided it was racist to expect immigrants to assimilate, so we spend lots of our tax dollars ensuring Latin American immigrants never have to assimilate culturally or linguistically; my grandfather was spanked and sent home from school for speaking German and told not to return until he knows English; today, he would have gotten a scholarship I love legal immigration, and I think one of the greatest things about America was the concept of the Melting Pot, which is probably today racist and national socialist. I always thought Texas did a particular good job of it. IMHO, too many extremists on the Left focus too much on our differences and the resulting Identity Politics. Practically, I just think it makes sense to work toward a single American culture as opposed to encouraging everyone to express and monetize our differences. Unfortunately, I guess that makes me a racist and national socialist, etc.
  6. Kyle


    Because snowflakes.
  7. Seems like things are working out perfectly. If producers cannot earn an acceptable return, they may choose to exit, reduce supply, and increase price, which may make it more viable for other producers.
  8. No, I do not think every person in China is a member of the Communist Party. Are you under the impression the decision makers and government leaders are not?
  9. An ad hom is attacking the speaker as a means to attack or avoid a particular argument or point. It seeks to invalidate a position by attacking the speaker. So in this example, rather than evaluate or contradict the substance of the point, as a distraction some unrelated point is brought up about the speaker. Totally cool if someone thinks Ms. Cortez is a genius, but argue that point vs. attacking the speaker. It takes more work but it provokes a more thoughtful conversation. This occurs a lot these days - let's just call everyone we disagree with a name so we do not have to engage or evaluate their ideas. There is a reason 95% of the posts on this board are just name calling and emotion.
  10. To prove the point, apparently Brown University earlier this year removed a study questioning gender dysphoria due to pressure from snowflakes: https://www.dailywire.com/news/35119/brown-university-researcher-released-study-about-ben-shapiro. So much for #science This week, Brown University pulled down a news story on a study conducted by a Brown University researcher. That study focused in on what it described as “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”: gender dysphoria that was not present in early youth, but that manifested within days or weeks in teens and young adults. The study author, Lisa Littman, assistant professor of the practice of behavioral and social sciences at Brown’s School of Public Health, stated, “This kind of descriptive study is important because it defines a group and raises questions for more research. One of the main conclusions is that more research needs to be done. Descriptive studies aren’t randomized controlled trials – you can’t tell cause and effect, and you can’t tell prevalence. It’s going to take more studies to bring in more information, but this is a start.” More post-truth politics.
  11. Crazy game. Did not think it would be 45-42 after halftime. Longview - West Brook at 3 p.m. at the Death Star. I believe they have played in the first round the previous two years.
  12. I feel the ill wind blowing in from the Golden Spread.
  13. I think it is Southlake and Allen 1A and 1B. Southlake seems like a bunch of suburban punks, and Allen has 10,000 students and recruits.
  14. In addition to feeling like a daily PMS party of internet outrage, this board also feels like a bizarro world where you get points by making ad homs.
  15. Doesn't count, not brown. Color me shocked that communist countries are not awesome. What will you guys discover next?
  16. The differences lies more around the MACs and agents of CMS, but of course most of the geniuses on this board don't get much into details or nuance. Too much emoting about national socialists and some kind of -ism fed by daily social media-driven outrage and fake news.
  17. Okay. If that makes you feel better keep telling yourself that.
  18. "Hilariously ignorant young socialist" seems to be the best bot mat so far to describe the Bronx Sarah Palin. https://nypost.com/2018/12/15/why-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-drives-conservatives-crazy/
  19. Yeah, um, you don't understand the details of how Medicare works.
  20. I'm not nitpicking, but I assume (maybe incorrectly) that when people use the term "single-payer" they mean a single-payer, centrally administered, taxpayer-funded health care system like in Canada or European countries. That is not how Medicare works. And it as actually not single payer as 50% of Americans pay for it. That is nit-picking. Many snowflakes forget that.
  21. Many services are for many veterans or at worst highly discounted. But you're right, it is not free as taxpayers pay for it.
  22. While technically correct that taxpayers pay for it, it is not a single-administered system, which most "single-payer" systems tend to be.
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