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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by texifornia

  1. https://www.on3.com/db/jesse-ford-179503/recruiting/
  2. If you want to meet New York's most dipshit, insecure finance bros, go hang out with the Michigan alumni. They make upper middle money and spend it all to try to show the real money that they're something.
  3. Death metal: the Diablo wings of music - unendurable shit people just pretend to like to try to impress other people that don't actually care. Now this is a good music joke/opinion
  4. With its unique combination of excellent geosciences and excellent liberal arts, rock puns should be a UT specialty.
  5. And the (almost) UT motto with a UGA bulldog - Hitchcock High is creatively uncreative
  6. https://www.on3.com/db/drew-evers-174538/ https://www.on3.com/db/john-turntine-180479/
  7. https://www.on3.com/db/lamar-brown-155377/ Goes to U-Lab, but we can always hope LSU accidentally burns itself down
  8. He and Kendrick Blackshire are here to be good culture guys, eat some good situational/rotational snaps, and fill holes in the roster.
  9. Basically, best case he's their Mark Dantonio. That dude turned little brotherdom into an art form.
  10. If your Texas pride is based around having better weather than Southern California, you might need to pack it in.
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