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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. I don't get the feeling that she's trying to push "jews control congress", and the way she's criticizing this is appropriate. It does seem to be taboo to say anything negative about Israel. Especially is the one doing the criticizing is a muslim. Bottom line: she can't say anything negative about Israel without being labeled an anti-semite.
  2. More than likely, those people are hypocritical dipshits. Wonder what they thought about Bill Clinton?
  3. I can't help but think I'll come across as elitist if I tell the commoners that newspapers have been on this thing called the internet for quite a while now....
  4. A lot of churches do,in an indirect way.
  5. You have to do the puzzle to get it. And it's Thursday so it's not all that easy.
  6. This explains so, so much of human behavior. The clever person will find a way to make a buck off those suckers.
  7. Good discussion, really. But it just kills me that some think that "formal logic" can be used to prove/disprove whatever it is we're talking about.
  8. It might be too late, but the dead guy really, really wanted me to have his car, about 20,000 in cash, and his favorite pokeman card.
  9. No, we shouldn't allow it. This is just some bat-shite parents at work.
  10. Asithappens


    Lol. Just what the catholic priests give out to the altar boys, eh?
  11. At the NYT website, for those of you who have the subscription(s).
  12. Asithappens


    "Friday has never ceased to be a day of penance and self-denial...." Uh, yeah it has.
  13. Asithappens


    How about ribeye? Is that also not meat for this?
  14. 1. Casting wary eyes is not always a bad thing. 2. It doesn't necessarily isolate you. If you think it does necessarily isolate a person, that's on you. **edit to add** Regarding the claim that being wary causes isolation, I just don't get that. I mean, being outright racist and/or discriminating against others because of their religion etc., THAT is what causes isolation. And all groups are guilty of it. But in our current times, to say that just being wary causes isolation? Really? Being wary is kind of justified. You watch me, I watch you. You see I'm ok. I see that you're ok. How does that cause isolation? Maybe your definition of "wary" differs from mine.
  15. Thank god that the Benghazi probe wasn't a waste of time and wasn't done to hurt HRC's poll numbers, otherwise the Repubs might be just a bit hypocritical.
  16. History tells us to be wary of people, imo.
  17. On 1, I hope you're correct. Some European countries have had some issues with muslim assimilation, though. But that's there and not here. Part of the negging of my posts, imo at least, is that there are a lot of idiotic, red-neck, knee-jerk anti-muslim dipshits out there, you know, those who hold pig races next to a mosque. If you want to throw me into that group then you do you (not you, specifcally).
  18. Oh, and we also should be wary, to some extent, of Lutherans and Catholics.
  19. 1. A cultural modification of religion doesn't mean it's not religion. Look at all the modifications due to the many denominations. They are all religion. And there are religions other than Christianity, not all of which are anathema to western liberal ideals. 2. What about muslims in America? Are you wary? I'm not. I even said, to some extent. I haven't seen that here. Have you?
  20. Protestant work ethic says hi. I figured I'd get negged for the comment. History tells us (western European etc etc) to be wary of muslims, to some extent. Also, Judaism doesn't have an edict to kill infidels.
  21. The thing with Omar is that she belongs to a religion (you know what I mean) that basically is anathema to western liberal ideals. Judaism isn't that. The Jews aren't perfect by any means, but they aren't that.
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