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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Matt Bonner says hello, you overrated dingleberry. Also, Dirk sends his regards you playoff neophyte. I’m sorry, I’m being told he has won exactly one playoff game in his career. I wish Jimmy would’ve kicked this clowns ass in public.
  2. HOF candidates dropped. Cue the brittle fan bases he destroyed complaining about Manu’s inclusion at the top. Fuck all you bitches, he’s first ballot.
  3. I’m pretty sure the tank is off with Landale getting actual playing time. With that dude on the floor, the second unit is fucking shit up.
  4. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Trade him to San Antonio.
  5. That will come. He’s easily the best offensive bug we have. Can’t believe it’s taken this long to get him on the floor.
  6. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I, for one, enjoy the minutes he’s getting in LA.
  8. Fuck the Utah Jazz. Fuck the entire state of Utah. And fuck Joseph Smith.
  9. Charlotte shot 13-21 from three for the half. I mean, that’s fucking insane.
  10. Charlotte can’t miss. Doesn’t help that the Spurs have forgotten how to play defense and are letting Mason Plumlee look like Jokic. Tank is back on! Aw fuck. Tony Brothers is refereeing. He’s already made two horrid calls and missed a goal-tend.
  11. I don’t know who this is, but in my dreams her farts smell like gingerbread pancakes.
  12. Young trade rumors starting to warm up a little, with Jalen Smith of Phoenix being mentioned as a piece.
  13. I know I tend to be hyperbolic, and most times it’s knee jerk, but goddamn Drew Eubanks sucks. Does anyone cringe when that dude is on the floor? Can someone explain to be (like I’m an idiot, which shouldn’t be too hard because I am) why you think he continues to get playing time over Landale? I understand why Young isn’t playing, but Landale? What am I missing?
  14. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    He want on to add that Zion’s blood type is gravy and that his belly button gets home 15 minutes before he does.
  15. I know the object is to lose. That being said, Drew Eubanks is going to seriously injure someone in the court. He can’t rebound, can’t defend, can’t shoot, and has no coordination. How fucking bad does Landale have to be? Is Drew a fucking pity play? Even Forbes looks all-world on defense by comparison.
  16. Just bring up Primo. Goddamn this kid is better than most of the team already. And get rid of Eubanks.
  17. If someone was to run and punch Crowder in the face as hard as they could, I would instantly understand. It could literally be anyone; his teammate, opposing teammate, fan, coach, transient. I would ask who got punched, and start nodding my head in agreement when informed that it was Crowder.
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